I am the only person I can recall seeing say they have enjoyed this season. That's pretty bad. I find some of these kids hilarous though, Peter is nuts and has me dying whenever he blows up over some BS. So sensitive.
UGH I now realized why I don't like this season... It's too focused on petty one note crap... There are other house guests, and let me see the good times. Not just fake sentimental crap, club dancing, and other generic stuff. I want drama and genuine fun. I hate when shows have so many people but only focus on the few, I wanna see Orlana and Anika get goofy.
After watching the episode I lost a little respect for Robbie. If anyone was coming at my ex like that I would have stepped in a long time ago. Also glad Peter's true colors are showing and hes getting dragged on socials.
After watching the episode I lost a little respect for Robbie. If anyone was coming at my ex like that I would have stepped in a long time ago. Also glad Peter's true colors are showing and hes getting dragged on socials.
After watching the episode I lost a little respect for Robbie. If anyone was coming at my ex like that I would have stepped in a long time ago. Also glad Peter's true colors are showing and hes getting dragged on socials.
After watching the episode I lost a little respect for Robbie. If anyone was coming at my ex like that I would have stepped in a long time ago. Also glad Peter's true colors are showing and hes getting dragged on socials.
Why should he step in? It's not his problem.
its someone he still cares about and his friend at the end of the day. i could see both sides on this one if someone was treating a friend of mine that was a girl like that i wouldve punched the guy in the face personally
After watching the episode I lost a little respect for Robbie. If anyone was coming at my ex like that I would have stepped in a long time ago. Also glad Peter's true colors are showing and hes getting dragged on socials.
Why should he step in? It's not his problem.
Being an ex he obviously cared about her a lot at some point. I just don't see how someone can watch someone they cared about getting abused like that. At least I wouldn't be able to. Not saying he should have started swinging but at least stop him but the edit made it seem like he was moreso on his side.
he gets mad about the littlest dumbest shit. she obviously was trying to take an overly drunken person home to a better environment (their house) and he still just sees it as her leaving him. delusional and selfish. ******* peter i swear.
That's not being a psycho. That's just overreacting and miscommunication. He said he was going to close his tab.
Yea she said "Fine close your tab, you can stay" which doesn't make sense because if he's closing his tab then that means he's leaving. But of course when he gets home he's gonna blow it up.
KChallenge10 wrote:After watching the episode I lost a little respect for Robbie. If anyone was coming at my ex like that I would have stepped in a long time ago. Also glad Peter's true colors are showing and hes getting dragged on socials.
Why should he step in? It's not his problem.
Being an ex he obviously cared about her a lot at some point. I just don't see how someone can watch someone they cared about getting abused like that. At least I wouldn't be able to. Not saying he should have started swinging but at least stop him but the edit made it seem like he was moreso on his side.
Sure. He did care about her at one point but that's dead and gone now. Besides Jenn is an adult. She needs to fight her own battles instead of just shutting down and being like "k".
He's such a selfish *****... Seriously, that moment was not about you. So, you were going to close your tab, but there is no telling how long that may take. This little QUEEN is just so frustrating, I hope he is never on a challenge. I don't know if I can handle both ***** and Tony on a challenge together, makes my eyes want to barf.
Jennifer protecting the girls and Peter wanting her all to himself. These are literal signs of mental/verbal abuse.
Like remember at the beginning of the year when Cara and Abram broke up and people were pointing out signs of verbal abuse? I see so many red flags and I want Jenn to leave him
I am the only person I can recall seeing say they have enjoyed this season. That's pretty bad. I find some of these kids hilarous though, Peter is nuts and has me dying whenever he blows up over some BS. So sensitive.
UGH I now realized why I don't like this season... It's too focused on petty one note crap... There are other house guests, and let me see the good times. Not just fake sentimental crap, club dancing, and other generic stuff. I want drama and genuine fun. I hate when shows have so many people but only focus on the few, I wanna see Orlana and Anika get goofy.
i mean she does have a thing for pieces of shit (mike)
lmaoooo. i can't with you.
After watching the episode I lost a little respect for Robbie. If anyone was coming at my ex like that I would have stepped in a long time ago. Also glad Peter's true colors are showing and hes getting dragged on socials.
I just saw the ep and Anna FLEW, but I'm glad she went awf for two seconds before flying.
Im also glad I stayed spoiler free this season minus knowing the twists because I'm shocked at all of the originals leaving.
This season is so good, it's been picking up.
Why should he step in? It's not his problem.
its someone he still cares about and his friend at the end of the day. i could see both sides on this one if someone was treating a friend of mine that was a girl like that i wouldve punched the guy in the face personally
Such a psycho
'Jenn Leaves Peter' Official Sneak Peek | Real World Seattle: Bad Blood (Episode 12) | MTV
That's not being a psycho. That's just overreacting and miscommunication. He said he was going to close his tab.
How many more episodes left of this trash?
.....FR he's crazy. I can't with him
What was that even about? Did he get mad bc she left even though he clearly saw she was about to leave?
I will say she seemed like the aggressive one in that particular moment but we'll see.
Being an ex he obviously cared about her a lot at some point. I just don't see how someone can watch someone they cared about getting abused like that. At least I wouldn't be able to. Not saying he should have started swinging but at least stop him but the edit made it seem like he was moreso on his side.
he gets mad about the littlest dumbest shit. she obviously was trying to take an overly drunken person home to a better environment (their house) and he still just sees it as her leaving him. delusional and selfish. ******* peter i swear.
Say what you want about Jenn, but she's ******* adorable <3.
I question some of you who are Jennifer fans...... #Tragic
Yea she said "Fine close your tab, you can stay" which doesn't make sense because if he's closing his tab then that means he's leaving. But of course when he gets home he's gonna blow it up.
Sure. He did care about her at one point but that's dead and gone now. Besides Jenn is an adult. She needs to fight her own battles instead of just shutting down and being like "k".
you're a Marie fan
It don't get more tragic than that
Coming from the guy who stans Trey ZzzZzz
Yup, what's good?
He's such a selfish *****... Seriously, that moment was not about you. So, you were going to close your tab, but there is no telling how long that may take. This little QUEEN is just so frustrating, I hope he is never on a challenge. I don't know if I can handle both ***** and Tony on a challenge together, makes my eyes want to barf.
Jennifer protecting the girls and Peter wanting her all to himself. These are literal signs of mental/verbal abuse.
Like remember at the beginning of the year when Cara and Abram broke up and people were pointing out signs of verbal abuse? I see so many red flags and I want Jenn to leave him
Still loads better than.. That.