Real World Seattle: Bad Blood - Fourteen's a Crowd

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I agree with Kass I think they both smoked regularly but Theo thought it would be easier to put the blame on Kass since the family knew he smoked. "birds of a feather flock together" is the perfect way to put it. 

that's what someone on twitter put, they felt Theo probably did have it but thought Kass would take the fall for him since he had alot more to lose... Sad

kass is lying like theo said why would he agree to a search with knowing there's weed in the room

robbie sounding gangster

If I knew I had weed in the room I would say no to police searching tbh...

I don't smoke, but if I had a roommate who smoked weed, I wouldn't let the cops in, either. Just in case they tried to pin it on me. 

kass is lying like theo said why would he agree to a search with knowing there's weed in the room

that's what someone on twitter put, they felt Theo probably did have it but thought Kass would take the fall for him since he had alot more to lose... Sad

He should have. I would for my close cousin if he had a shot at making it to the NFL. Charges wouldn't be that bad and I'm already going down for it. 

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

wow what the **** was the point of that

wow what the **** was the point of that

right she swear I guess we'll never know.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

like all the OGs side with theo the bad blood side with kassius zzzzzzzzzzzz ******* waste of time

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

like all the OGs side with theo the bad blood side with kassius zzzzzzzzzzzz ******* waste of time

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

wow what the **** was the point of that

right she swear I guess we'll never know.

such a predictable ending quote too lol

The Challenge needs a Rivals 4 somehow.  After watching this ep + the aftershow I think Theo/Kass as a team would be amazing.

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

the challenge does NOT need a rivals 4 or an exes 3 for that matter

Theo and Anika on the Challenge? 

the challenge does NOT need a rivals 4 or an exes 3 for that matter

yeah they're clearly failing at casting those themes so that's canceled

why does he keep acting like he had a shot at the NFL? just because he played with guys who made it? He was a marginal HS prospect based off everything I could find, and if he was really so talented he could have played at a junior college for a year or transfered to another school with a strong football program. Plenty of NFL players had checkered pasts (in fact many have done much worse), but if you're talented enough you'll keep getting chances. I hate the excuse that if it weren't for the arrest that he'd be in the NFL right now when all signs indicate that's not the case

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

i never thought about it like that like maybe theo is embarrassed he didnt make it in the NFL while he had friends that did so he uses this incident as his excuse ?

RealCynic wrote:

This is already leagues better than Skeletons. 

No, this has been boring so far compared to skeletons.

that's your opinion. don't state it like a fact pinkey :) 

Q's picture

I'm Team Theo tbh I don't think he'd mess his career up like that on purpose knowing his true potential, Kass entire existence on this show is one huge contradiction. 

Q's picture

This hasn't got Skeltons level good yet but it's very close, I'm so invested in this Theo/Kass storyline since from the looks of it Tya & Kim make amends. I also really like Robbie, his friendship with Theo is beautiful, it's rare to see such positive brotherhood relationships on this show. 

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

This hasn't got Skeltons level good yet but it's very close, I'm so invested in this Theo/Kass storyline since from the looks of it Tya & Kim make amends. I also really like Robbie, his friendship with Theo is beautiful, it's rare to see such positive brotherhood relationships on this show. 

eh so far all robbie is doing is quoting some inspirational shit from a book he probably read at barnes and noble for 5 mins lol

Q's picture

Mike is literally everything that's wrong with TRW nowadays, he's such a fraud.

Q's picture

Q wrote:

This hasn't got Skeltons level good yet but it's very close, I'm so invested in this Theo/Kass storyline since from the looks of it Tya & Kim make amends. I also really like Robbie, his friendship with Theo is beautiful, it's rare to see such positive brotherhood relationships on this show. 

eh so far all robbie is doing is quoting some inspirational shit from a book he probably read at barnes and noble for 5 mins lol

I'd take that over Mike The Instigator's antics any day. Robbie has literally done nothing but try to uplift people even if he is a but annoying. 

Next episode seems like it's going to be a little bit more low-key and relaxed. I'm not sure how I feel about the train and now that her sister is in the picture. I kind of believe Anna when she said that her sister get possessive when a guy comes into the picture.

Diamonds are Forever wrote:

Q wrote:This hasn't got Skeltons level good yet but it's very close, I'm so invested in this Theo/Kass storyline since from the looks of it Tya & Kim make amends. I also really like Robbie, his friendship with Theo is beautiful, it's rare to see such positive brotherhood relationships on this show. 

eh so far all robbie is doing is quoting some inspirational shit from a book he probably read at barnes and noble for 5 mins lol

I'd take that over Mike The Instigator's antics any day. Robbie has literally done nothing but try to uplift people even if he is a but annoying. 

I like Robbie too. Aside from the 1st episode he's been nothing but positive and a bit fun. You need that sometimes on these shows.

Considering Anna herself is saying  to Peter her sister gets jealous and controlling when a guy comes into the picture means Katrina is a liar or doesnt back up her words.  In my opinion Peter didnt do anything to be called a *****.

Considering Anna herself is saying  to Peter her sister gets jealous and controlling when a guy comes into the picture means Katrina is a liar or doesnt back up her words.  In my opinion Peter didnt do anything to be called a *****.

Agreed. I actually think Katrina is just butting in for Camera time.

areyoutheonefan wrote:

Considering Anna herself is saying  to Peter her sister gets jealous and controlling when a guy comes into the picture means Katrina is a liar or doesnt back up her words.  In my opinion Peter didnt do anything to be called a *****.

Agreed. I actually think Katrina is just butting in for Camera time.

Yeah something isnt adding up, Katrina is defensive on social media.

Debut Album wrote:

areyoutheonefan wrote:Considering Anna herself is saying  to Peter her sister gets jealous and controlling when a guy comes into the picture means Katrina is a liar or doesnt back up her words.  In my opinion Peter didnt do anything to be called a *****.

Agreed. I actually think Katrina is just butting in for Camera time.

Yeah something isnt adding up, Katrina is defensive on social media.

I know it's her sister, but until she sees Peter doing something foul, leave the situation be and stay out of their business. Because as of now, she's just being nosy and annoying. 
