Real World Seattle: Bad Blood - Drop the mike

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We need Kim on Vevmo to expose people


The Black guy on Rediculousness(Forgot his name) is Sexy as hell. 

Whats next you gonna think Morgan from AYTO4 is hot?

kim can come to vevmo when she on a search for a personality 

Nah. She'll come in and expose Q. Then continue her Catfish life on Insta

Q's picture

The Black guy on Rediculousness(Forgot his name) is Sexy as hell. 

Stello, he's best friends with Michael B Jordan

loooool Kim on Vevmo is a no no for me and the following people who quote this

loooool Kim on Vevmo is a no no for me and the following people who quote this

Tbone123 wrote:

loooool Kim on Vevmo is a no no for me and the following people who quote this

Tbone123 wrote:

Tbone123 wrote:loooool Kim on Vevmo is a no no for me and the following people who quote this

Like really coral you can expose*******. Let's leave the wallpaper at home unfinished

But how is Kim considered a social media personality if the personality doesn't exist 

Reported for spamming 

Q's picture

The only thing Kimmy needs to expose, is how she managed to blend in with the furniture for so long

Like really coral you can expose*******. Let's leave the wallpaper at home unfinished

? There's one person who can set the scammer straight. 

If y'all didn't know today is Kim's birthday wish her well pettiness aside. 

Q's picture

Tbone123 wrote:

Tbone123 wrote:loooool Kim on Vevmo is a no no for me and the following people who quote this

If y'all didn't know today is Kim's birthday wish her well pettiness aside. 



The only thing Kimmy needs to expose, is how she managed to blend in with the furniture for so long

Okay, Hunchback.

Q's picture

Tbone123 wrote:

Like really coral you can expose*******. Let's leave the wallpaper at home unfinished

? There's one person who can set the scammer straight. 

Well it sure as hell wouldn't be Kim, she sprinted to the door as soon as she saw Tya

HonestTea101 wrote:

If y'all didn't know today is Kim's birthday wish her well pettiness aside. 


Id knew I'd get some giggles 

Damn I go to wish Kim a happy birthday and get this 


If y'all didn't know today is Kim's birthday wish her well pettiness aside. 

Happy Birthday Kim! 

HonestTea101 wrote:

If y'all didn't know today is Kim's birthday wish her well pettiness aside. 

Happy Birthday Kim! 

Damn I go to wish Kim a happy birthday and get this 

I heard Kanye is in the psych ward the other day 

Q's picture

How old is Kim? 

Debut Album wrote:

The Black guy on Rediculousness(Forgot his name) is Sexy as hell. 

Whats next you gonna think Morgan from AYTO4 is hot?

Morgan is hot from the neck down


Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

is the wall paper as old as the house it lives in?

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Hanna stanning Kim is the equivalent of  Cole stanning Danny brown 

Okay..So Now my thoughts..

This episode made me hate Mike even more. While I don't think that he's racist and I do feel that he's sorry for what he said I don't like that he tried to make excuses for it. He talked about how he "didn't know any better"..Bullshit. You knew what you were doing and you knew what your were saying. I think he just took it too far and he was scared that he was gonna look really bad like Jenna did last season so he got very dramatic about it and left to make him look good and garner some sympathy out of it. And why did he expect everyone else to talk to him about it. YOU ****** up and once again. You knew what you were doing/saying and if you felt that bad about it then YOU should adress the people that you're living with. Don't expect people to come to you..especially when hardly anyone had an issue with it(Except Kaissus but that was after the fact). I also didn't like that he took Peter's shoes. Guy's a ******* theif.

Kaissus..I loved his speech. But I'm kinda gettng tired of him talking about his son. If you miss him that much maybe you should go home. 

I loved how Katrina/Anna/Peter were in the background because their shit is boring.

Oh and Will got some focus! I like him.
