The Real World Homecoming: New Orleans - Julie Stoffer

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when she told coral she just needs her to **** before her inferno. yooo

We need her on all stars 4

We need her on all stars 4

Now that AS4 is confirmed, I have a strong feeling we'll see Julie. She's great tv and not a bad competitor

Now that AS4 is confirmed, I have a strong feeling we'll see Julie. She's great tv and not a bad competitor

wait is was officially confirmed!?!?! 

Let's all go super old school and send letters to B&M now for Julie on AS4!  lol who is the head of casting there....Julie Pizzi???

I never found Julie to be fake at all. In fact I always found her to be a really real person. Her personality is just wayyy over the top... but I think that's just how she really is.


also, can we talk about ******* random it is that she's into shrooms?


We need her on all stars 4


Josh Martinez is more genuine than this old *****

This hoe is just something else. CRAZY


Calling someone a Karen is the most Karen move. Clearly you don't know Julie to compare her to Josh lol. Sounds like you are just upset that she doesn't have an Only Fans that you can leak her nudes from.



Calling someone a Karen is the most Karen move. Clearly you don't know Julie to compare her to Josh lol. Sounds like you are just upset that she doesn't have an Only Fans that you can leak her nudes from.

Getting offended by the term Karen is the most Karen move. Dont talk to me stay reporting me like you always do Karen & go pretend being black again.

Lol I've never reported you as mods have verified. Never once said being called Karen is offensive. It's just ridiculous and hypocritically used these days lol. It's a messageboard no need to take things so seriously lol.

I don't think "Karen" is accurate but Julie's definitely there to "make a TV show" and not rebuild relationships.   I'm not sure what she was expecting with Kelley, Danny, Melissa and Matt in terems of hanging out all night.  Jamie was her only option after she flipped out on David.  

Don't get me wrong--Julie's good TV but it's contrived.

Julie wanted to make friends. She's not as contrived as you think. Julie was 100% right on how boring and disengaged this cast is so she just amped up who she is. 

Julie wanted to make friends. She's not as contrived as you think. Julie was 100% right on how boring and disengaged this cast is so she just amped up who she is. 

It all seems contrived to me other than the fight with David--I think that happened naturally and Melissa/Julie/David all made it into more than it was.   

Also, Kelley may be (is) boring but she's definitely the smartest person there.  Sit in bed, work on your book and just wait to go home

Josh Martinez is more genuine than this old *****

julie made several points on that phone call

She is my inspiration to live life to the fullest. 


Julie wanted to make friends. She's not as contrived as you think. Julie was 100% right on how boring and disengaged this cast is so she just amped up who she is. 

It all seems contrived to me other than the fight with David--I think that happened naturally and Melissa/Julie/David all made it into more than it was.   

Also, Kelley may be (is) boring but she's definitely the smartest person there.  Sit in bed, work on your book and just wait to go home

If anyone thought Kelley would do anything besides be a wallflower, they must be delusional. The only reason she's there is to help Danny get a check lol

This episode was not a good look for her at all...



Julie wanted to make friends. She's not as contrived as you think. Julie was 100% right on how boring and disengaged this cast is so she just amped up who she is. 

It all seems contrived to me other than the fight with David--I think that happened naturally and Melissa/Julie/David all made it into more than it was.   

Also, Kelley may be (is) boring but she's definitely the smartest person there.  Sit in bed, work on your book and just wait to go home

If anyone thought Kelley would do anything besides be a wallflower, they must be delusional. The only reason she's there is to help Danny get a check lol

Agreed. She has an image to protect and doesn't want to be there. 

julie made several points on that phone call

Agreed! This is why an Austin homecoming will not work. They all like each other

confirmed best cast member of all 3 seasons of homecoming 

She brought it. Regardless of what anyone might think of her


confirmed best cast member of all 3 seasons of homecoming 

I don't know about that. Tami and Julie G both have her topped, maybe even David. She would thrive on All-Stars though and outshine everyone.

Julie understood the assignment. The others are just jealous

Julie came for the experience and to have fun. The others are literally only there for a paycheck. This is why she needs to be on All-Stars with other people who want to be there. Throw her in with Tina, Veronica, Arissa, Katie, Jisela, and Ayanna and you are getting a show! Just imagine how she would act with an engaged cast who actually has personality. I mean this New Orleans cast is beyond tragic but it's still amazing tv because of her alone.  

How many episodes are out? I want to start but I'm not about to watch just one episode and be thirsty for more. 
