The Real World Homecoming (General)

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The annoying part is some episodes are taken down on youtube due to copyright. I think it was semester at sea that the first episode is unavailable

Ironically it's probably not even Paramount flagging them to be taken down,it's probably the Vulture Capitalist Music Right's Holder because of them using  5 seconds of a song as they play out into a commercial spot.


I always wanted to see a reunion season of Hawaii, Back To New York, San Diego, Philly, & Austin.

If they don't make these anymore at least fuse it with Home Turf and make shorter youtube episodes to catch up on individual real worlders instead of the entire cast.

If they don't make these anymore at least fuse it with Home Turf and make shorter youtube episodes to catch up on individual real worlders instead of the entire cast.

If they don't make these anymore at least fuse it with Home Turf and make shorter youtube episodes to catch up on individual real worlders instead of the entire cast.

been saying that! This would be a good "where are they now" thing

Bravo actually did a series on youtube called "life after bravo" woth former bravo stars and i was thinking itd be cool to see a similar concept with real worders

I never actually got to watch most of these - is there a reason they were taken down? 

Because paramount hates us Sad

RIP Sarah Becker from RW Miami

This is terrible. I hate hearing she was so low with no one to go to.

RIP. I've watched her Real World season and she seemed so sweet. My heart breaks for her. That's just so sad, she was such a bright light. She deserved so much better. May she rest in peace. <3 

Rest in peace Sarah. It is so sad when people die by suicide. I wish more people would get the love and caring they need.

Oh noooo. This actually breaks my heart. Omg Sad so tragic Cray 2 rest in peace sweetheart </3

Rest in peace Sarah. It is so sad when people die by suicide. I wish more people would get the love and caring they need.

This is the saddest news I've heard in quite a while. Wasn't Sarah a psychologist?  You just never know who is struggling with mental health. I was going to come on here and make one last post after AS4 aired proclaiming I'm never watching the Challenge again and saying goodbye to you all but it's not ever that serious after you hear something like this. My heart is broken Sarah was a huge part of my teenage years. I looked up to her so much. Used a lot of her vocabulary and just loved her free spirited aura. I wanted that same aura for myself. She just "rocked" as she would say. I literally feel like crying reading the TMz article. I feel like the Miami cast was my family I always had MTV on when their season was airing and after in reruns 24/7. Miami marathons on the weekends spending it with my favorite 7 people. I'm so shook. Sad to say I'm taking this worse than if an actual family member had passed. I hope Sarah has finally found peace. May she RIP I love you Sarah!

Wasn't it rumored all 7 were on board for a Miami Homecoming? I hate it never happened if so. Maybe she could have talked about her issues and been connected with resources to help her. Suicide always really bothers me. I just can't fathom being so low that you see no other way out. She was such a cool and unique person. I loved when she brought the random kids to the house to play and swim so they could experience a mansion. It showed what a big heart she had. I hope her family finds peace <3

As someone who's worked in the psych field it breaks my heart to see this </3

She had such a good heart Sad rest in peace boo. I didn't even watch Miami and I was hoping for their homecoming. I'm so sad this is how things turned out.

Being a therapist most be a difficult job. They spend so much of their lives listening to other people's sad stories. It has to be emotionally draining.

Something about this statement from Dan R peeves me.

It also shocks me when I hear castmembers don't keep in touch at all. Maybe it's because I am a big connections person, but I just don't see how you could do such an intimate and unique experience with a small group of people and not occasionally keep in touch. I think if I ever did something like that I would try and get everyone together every couple years and catch up.

I was looking up the Miami cast on ig and none of them follow each other lol. Neither Flora or Cynthia or Dan. Didn't look for the other three tbh but still

I was looking up the Miami cast on ig and none of them follow each other lol. Neither Flora or Cynthia or Dan. Didn't look for the other three tbh but still

I noticed that too. I think I remember Chavo saying they all genuinely hated each other. I could be wrong on that. Flora had a very sweet message about her though.

Suicide always really bothers me. I just can't fathom being so low that you see no other way out. 

I always think of that and it's a very difficult thing to even try to comprehend in the first place, I truly hope Sarah's soul finds peace. Truly devastating.


I was looking up the Miami cast on ig and none of them follow each other lol. Neither Flora or Cynthia or Dan. Didn't look for the other three tbh but still

I noticed that too. I think I remember Chavo saying they all genuinely hated each other. I could be wrong on that. Flora had a very sweet message about her though.

Miami wasn't a close cast at all. Dan and Sarah ended on bad terms and he confirmed today that they never spoke after the show. Flora and Melissa were a clique & still talked. Mike and Joe have said they kept in touch with Sarah. Don't believe Cynthia talked to anyone should be interesting to hear what she has to say about this since at the end of the season they were super close. Came here to post this pic that Joe just tweeted and I'm crying all over again. 

Thank you so much for sharing a part of yourself with us Sarah, you were one of a kind <3

This breaks my heart.  She was a truly unique & caring person.  So sad that she couldn't find the help she needed.  Rest well, Sarah.

Something about this statement from Dan R peeves me.

Yeah, it's odd. I guess he just posted it because people were asking him about her, so his post was more to just let people know he didn't know anything? But yeah, it then comes across as stilted because it's not really about her (but if they haven't stayed in touch, he wouldn't have much to say about her).

It also shocks me when I hear castmembers don't keep in touch at all. Maybe it's because I am a big connections person, but I just don't see how you could do such an intimate and unique experience with a small group of people and not occasionally keep in touch. I think if I ever did something like that I would try and get everyone together every couple years and catch up.

Oh, you're one of those? Lol. To each his own! But yeah, if we didn't vibe, then I move on even if we lived together. Also, we're talking about people who lived together for, what, 6 months? I had roommates in college I lived with longer and don't keep in touch with. I know the Real World experience is more intense, I'm just saying a common experience doesn't mean people want to talk.

It is interesting to hear that on the whole none of them really kept in touch, though. You'd think at least a few did since that seems common across the seasons. To that end this would have been a perfect cast for a reunion season, especially if all of them were willing.

Cynthia and Dan each did Road Rules/Challenge 3 times, but interestingly they were never on a season together.

Wasn't it rumored all 7 were on board for a Miami Homecoming? I hate it never happened if so. Maybe she could have talked about her issues and been connected with resources to help her. Suicide always really bothers me. I just can't fathom being so low that you see no other way out. She was such a cool and unique person. I loved when she brought the random kids to the house to play and swim so they could experience a mansion. It showed what a big heart she had. I hope her family finds peace <3

I thought of that two when I read the article - I wonder if the Miami reunion happened if having an outlet to talk about her struggles would have helped. super sad to hear she felt this was the only option :( 

Did they have cellphones on the real world?
