I think she's learned to build thick skin now but when you have no access to anything except your email and your mom has to call and tell you all the stuff strangers are saying about you over comments a trusted roommate made about you, I can see why she's so upset
bluehatchet2 wrote:Aw I feel so bad for Jenna. She doesn't deserve the hate honestly.
People are currently dragging her on social network, she need to build a thicker skin.
It's hard for some people though. Not everyone can just build a thick skin like that. When I watch her cry I feel so bad lol
I dont! She knew that she was going to get hate over her comments. Even though I dont think she is racist/homophobic, I do think she is extremely ignorant and close mind it. Hopefully this is a wake up call to her and she realized that sometimes she just need to stay quiet.
i felt like she didn't think she was going to get hate over her comments or had any clue had her edit was going to be. she's ignorant so back home those comments are ok
i felt like she didn't think she was going to get hate over her comments or had any clue had her edit was going to be. she's ignorant so back home those comments are ok
By what I have heard so far editing has been good to her, I would have realized there is something wrong with my comments if 6 other people and visitors think they are out of place lol
Ha mama told her she gonna get her *** beat. #OOP.
Jenna aint stupid even though she might come off as this dumb country bumpkin, she knew once that conversation that happened in the bathroom happened that it was a possibility the she'll get hate for it definitely on a cast were everyone is semi likable.
I don't feel bad for her... Her roommates all told her, her comments were offensive and people watching would be offended and she acted like a little brat saying nothing she said was offensive.... If a whole house is saying your offensive them maybe it should click in your brain to just shutup and stop saying shit and keep it to yourself. She is going to play victim.
Does anyone have the page where the leak was posted on vevmo and everyone was saying shit about her? Lol I wasn't really reading about the cast while it was airing and I wanna see the comments her mom is referring too..
I don't feel bad for her... Her roommates all told her, her comments were offensive and people watching would be offended and she acted like a little brat saying nothing she said was offensive.... If a whole house is saying your offensive them maybe it should click in your brain to just shutup and stop saying shit and keep it to yourself. She is going to play victim.Does anyone have the page where the leak was posted on vevmo and everyone was saying shit about her? Lol I wasn't really reading about the cast while it was airing and I wanna see the comments her mom is referring too..
The page with "The Leak" got removed the same week it was posted. As for the comments about Jenna getting her *** beat or being voted off they are in the spoiler thread and I think her thread.
I also noticed in the sneak peek she blamed her roommates and the show instead of considering that she is the problem. That's why I don't believe her whole act on social media and the aftershow about learning from the experience.
I don't feel bad for Jenna at all. That's how she feels and instead if punking out and not owning up to it, she wants to cry and blame the roomates, and the show. I'd have more respect for her if she just shrugged her shoulders and been like oh well and kept that shit movin. Baby girl needs to toughen up.
Totally reminds me of Aaryn Gries from BB15. Can't believe she said the same lame excuse of being from the South and being small and blonde. It was irksome.
The moment Jenna mom said "they want you to get you *** beat" I knew she had been reading Vevmo. #OneOfTheGuilty :)
That's just too bad, she shouldn't have been talking crazy.
And if there's any chance that they're still reading it, I also want her to get ****** up on a Challenge by some other girls (if she even does one)...she clearly never really learned her lesson.
i felt like she didn't think she was going to get hate over her comments or had any clue had her edit was going to be. she's ignorant so back home those comments are ok
By what I have heard so far editing has been good to her, I would have realized there is something wrong with my comments if 6 other people and visitors think they are out of place lol
It is clear from Episode 4 (if it wasn't already) that Jenna is the only conservative in a house with 6 liberals (she said that to her Mom in the phone call). This is hardly the first time MTV has cast a reality show where the one religious conservative gets attacked by the others for their views on race / gays / politics. I'm proud of her for sticking to her guns on her beliefs, especially considering she has never expressed any outright hate of blacks or gays on the show (and if being disgusted by the thought of 2 men having sex makes us "homophobic", then so is a large portion of the American population).
Also from what I've seen of this "leak" post on other websites (as it is no longer here) it goes way over the top, calling her a "white supremacist", saying her reference to being burned to a cross had to do with the Ku Klux Klan (there is clearly no proof she was making such a connection), misstates that Mormons spent $83 million supporting Prop 8 in California (in reality $43 million was spent by opponents of Prop 8 while $40 million was spent in total by its supporters), calls Jenna "homophobic" for expressing her disgust with gay sex, and attacks Jenna for hating the Obamas while supporting Trump (as if that is another reason she is a horrible person).
Pink, do you really have no regrets for posting such a one sided rant, which you said at the time was from a "reliable source"? Without any sort of response from the other side? I hardly see how this benefits anyone to "leak" a hit piece like this from one cast member against another one during filming.
I agree that some of her race comments shouldve been kept to herself and most of them were ignorant. but I still feel bad for her because Chris literally took her comments and ran a mile with them and painted her as this racist pos that everyone was thinking she was when from what I've seen is not the case. I want to hear her say something over the top offensive and then maybe I'll understand
Production leaked it out to make people tune in this season.
Real World: Go Big or Go Home | Official Sneak Peek 2 (Episode 5) | MTV
Your comments made Jenna cry guys lol
No, I can 100% confirm it was Chris friend and I even got the chance to talk to him when he leak it.
Production was actually really mad about the leak and after that they became way more strict on what they can shared qith the outside world.
I feel bad for Jenna fr fr. but jennas mom is so funny
Aw I feel so bad for Jenna. She doesn't deserve the hate honestly.
The moment Jenna mom said "they want you to get you *** beat" I knew she had been reading Vevmo. #OneOfTheGuilty :)
People are currently dragging her on social network, she need to build a thicker skin.
It's hard for some people though. Not everyone can just build a thick skin like that. When I watch her cry I feel so bad
omg low key I probably asked for that too but after watching I take it back! LOL
I don't. She signed up for this show. Anyone signing up for reality television knows there is a 50% chance you won't be liked.
It's too late for that.
I think she's learned to build thick skin now but when you have no access to anything except your email and your mom has to call and tell you all the stuff strangers are saying about you over comments a trusted roommate made about you, I can see why she's so upset
I dont! She knew that she was going to get hate over her comments. Even though I dont think she is racist/homophobic, I do think she is extremely ignorant and close mind it. Hopefully this is a wake up call to her and she realized that sometimes she just need to stay quiet.
i felt like she didn't think she was going to get hate over her comments or had any clue had her edit was going to be. she's ignorant so back home those comments are ok
By what I have heard so far editing has been good to her, I would have realized there is something wrong with my comments if 6 other people and visitors think they are out of place lol
Ha mama told her she gonna get her *** beat. #OOP.
Jenna aint stupid even though she might come off as this dumb country bumpkin, she knew once that conversation that happened in the bathroom happened that it was a possibility the she'll get hate for it definitely on a cast were everyone is semi likable.
No sympathy for Jenna like if everyone is telling you that you sound dumb then you just might.
She can cry all she wants. She wasnt crying when she was being ignorant AF and blaming it on being southern. ShaBYE
I don't feel bad for her... Her roommates all told her, her comments were offensive and people watching would be offended and she acted like a little brat saying nothing she said was offensive.... If a whole house is saying your offensive them maybe it should click in your brain to just shutup and stop saying shit and keep it to yourself. She is going to play victim.
Does anyone have the page where the leak was posted on vevmo and everyone was saying shit about her? Lol I wasn't really reading about the cast while it was airing and I wanna see the comments her mom is referring too..
I have no pity for her. I live in the south and I'm so baffled as to how she's so sheltered. Nobody down here or around me acts like her.
The page with "The Leak" got removed the same week it was posted. As for the comments about Jenna getting her *** beat or being voted off they are in the spoiler thread and I think her thread.
that was sad lol
I also noticed in the sneak peek she blamed her roommates and the show instead of considering that she is the problem. That's why I don't believe her whole act on social media and the aftershow about learning from the experience.
I don't feel bad for Jenna at all. That's how she feels and instead if punking out and not owning up to it, she wants to cry and blame the roomates, and the show. I'd have more respect for her if she just shrugged her shoulders and been like oh well and kept that shit movin. Baby girl needs to toughen up.
Totally reminds me of Aaryn Gries from BB15. Can't believe she said the same lame excuse of being from the South and being small and blonde. It was irksome.
That's just too bad, she shouldn't have been talking crazy.
And if there's any chance that they're still reading it, I also want her to get ****** up on a Challenge by some other girls (if she even does one)...she clearly never really learned her lesson.
It is clear from Episode 4 (if it wasn't already) that Jenna is the only conservative in a house with 6 liberals (she said that to her Mom in the phone call). This is hardly the first time MTV has cast a reality show where the one religious conservative gets attacked by the others for their views on race / gays / politics. I'm proud of her for sticking to her guns on her beliefs, especially considering she has never expressed any outright hate of blacks or gays on the show (and if being disgusted by the thought of 2 men having sex makes us "homophobic", then so is a large portion of the American population).
Also from what I've seen of this "leak" post on other websites (as it is no longer here) it goes way over the top, calling her a "white supremacist", saying her reference to being burned to a cross had to do with the Ku Klux Klan (there is clearly no proof she was making such a connection), misstates that Mormons spent $83 million supporting Prop 8 in California (in reality $43 million was spent by opponents of Prop 8 while $40 million was spent in total by its supporters), calls Jenna "homophobic" for expressing her disgust with gay sex, and attacks Jenna for hating the Obamas while supporting Trump (as if that is another reason she is a horrible person).
Pink, do you really have no regrets for posting such a one sided rant, which you said at the time was from a "reliable source"? Without any sort of response from the other side? I hardly see how this benefits anyone to "leak" a hit piece like this from one cast member against another one during filming.
. actually delete because I felt like that didn't make sense of what I was trying to say
I agree that some of her race comments shouldve been kept to herself and most of them were ignorant. but I still feel bad for her because Chris literally took her comments and ran a mile with them and painted her as this racist pos that everyone was thinking she was when from what I've seen is not the case. I want to hear her say something over the top offensive and then maybe I'll understand