Debut Album wrote:Dean is suddenly hot to me for some reason.
He's always been fine to me and I don't even really like black men but he's cute.
But arent you black?
I am. Is there a problem?
Not at all. But I love my race
And I do too. Majority of my friends are black. I'm just not that sexually attracted to black men. Doesn't make me any less black or whatever you are trying to imply.
Debut Album wrote:Dean is suddenly hot to me for some reason.
He's always been fine to me and I don't even really like black men but he's cute.
But arent you black?
I am. Is there a problem?
Not at all. But I love my race
And I do too. Majority of my friends are black. I'm just not that sexually attracted to black men. Doesn't make me any less black or whatever you are trying to imply.
Lol Dean
I'm sooooooo dead at Dean LMAOOOOOOOO
dean is thirsty as ****
LOL @ Dean.
this shit would truly drive me insane lmao they are so obnoxious
Is the "carny lifestyle" a popular thing nowadays?
And I do too. Majority of my friends are black. I'm just not that sexually attracted to black men. Doesn't make me any less black or whatever you are trying to imply.
Kailah can die now
i've never heard of it before. sounds like a hipster way of trying to make it cool to have no money and not shower
Before season 31 I never even knew it was a word.
This Carny thing seems kinda fun. Nothing I would do but I would spend a night with them. They seem lit af.
You're black? Cool.
LOL, LOve you. And this Pandora commercial irks me.
When i think Carny i think creeps lol.
This whole carny thing is bascially just parting and having fun. Nothing wrong with that.
I could care less for these "Carnies". Bring on CJ, she's more fun to watch.
Really you guys never heard of carnys, those weird creepy people who work at carnivals.
lmao i know that's what they're called, i've just never heard of this version before
When put it like that....Now I have to go and lock my doors.
these people are obnoxious as ****, i would never even want to be in the same club as them, let alone party with them. they're such try hards
Amanda is THE WORST and she's not even pretty
Amanda is so annoying. I don't really like Kailah but her >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>x10000000 Amanda.
Amanda is too fine to be shacked up with Dione. Hopefully post show she moved on.
Well I've never heard of THESE carnies before.
Preach Amanda
Cries to himself.