The Real World: Atlanta

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and look where that got one needs to coddle grown *** people period 

No one is talking about coddling them. Teaching 101 is knowing that everyone learns differently. You can’t compare CeeJai’s situation to this one when she was in the house with someone who clearly didn’t want to learn. In this situation you have people who do want to learn but can’t handle Justin’s personality and deliverance along with Yasmin. I believe having a Justin and CeeJai would absolutely be a great way to help people learn. Also what got CeeJai out the house was Jenna’s friend boosting her up not her patience in their conversations.

he literally explained several different examples of what he was talking about and all he got in return was “It’s chill”. Like I’m sorry y’all like giving people the benefit of the doubt but he’s not dealing with people who want to learn. He’s dealing with people who indeed want to be coddled and spoon fed stuff that is common sense.

also about Ceejai I’m saying where did that patience get her with her castmate. It got her nothing but an uncomfortable living situation and no results with said person.

Yeah i have zero qualms about how Justin and Yas went about that conversation. Clint needs to take a step back and LISTEN and acknowledge his white privilege. Dead at Meagan actually being the one who not only sat back and heard what Justin and Yas had to say but also in the preview she challenges her beliefs (which we know is simply carried on from her parents and the church)



and look where that got one needs to coddle grown *** people period 

No one is talking about coddling them. Teaching 101 is knowing that everyone learns differently. You can’t compare CeeJai’s situation to this one when she was in the house with someone who clearly didn’t want to learn. In this situation you have people who do want to learn but can’t handle Justin’s personality and deliverance along with Yasmin. I believe having a Justin and CeeJai would absolutely be a great way to help people learn. Also what got CeeJai out the house was Jenna’s friend boosting her up not her patience in their conversations.


he literally explained several different examples of what he was talking about and all he got in return was “It’s chill”. Like I’m sorry y’all like giving people the benefit of the doubt but he’s not dealing with people who want to learn. He’s dealing with people who indeed want to be coddled and spoon fed stuff that is common sense.

also about Ceejai I’m saying where did that patience get her with her castmate. It got her nothing but an uncomfortable living situation and no results with said person.

still mad that they had the chance to send Jenna home and they didn’t. Or that they didn’t clock her earlier. But hasn’t she “changed?” Justin would have verbally annihilated her day 1 

can Clinton and Tovah be any more dense

he literally explained several different examples of what he was talking about and all he got in return was “It’s chill”. Like I’m sorry y’all like giving people the benefit of the doubt but he’s not dealing with people who want to learn. He’s dealing with people who indeed want to be coddled and spoon fed stuff that is common sense.

also about Ceejai I’m saying where did that patience get her with her castmate. It got her nothing but an uncomfortable living situation and no results with said person.

The point I’m making with CeeJai’s situation though is that Jenna did not come into that experience looking to learn and grow she just said ignorant things from the start that got addressed. CeeJai went about the situation with patience and then when that didn’t work she literally beat some sense into her. I say you can’t compare the situations when I believe the experiences are completely different and I don’t think there is anyone in this cast that would make CeeJai uncomfortable like Jenna did.

I also do believe Tovah and Megan want to learn and grow but they’re scared of saying the wrong or looking ignorant like Jenna. Clint is a completely different situation because he has walked off anytime race was brought up and he only came to Justin this time to cape for Tovah who he has a crush on her.

Yeah i have zero qualms about how Justin and Yas went about that conversation. Clint needs to take a step back and LISTEN and acknowledge his white privilege. Dead at Meagan actually being the one who not only sat back and heard what Justin and Yas had to say but also in the preview she challenges her beliefs (which we know is simply carried on from her parents and the church)

Yeah i have zero qualms about how Justin and Yas went about that conversation. Clint needs to take a step back and LISTEN and acknowledge his white privilege. Dead at Meagan actually being the one who not only sat back and heard what Justin and Yas had to say but also in the preview she challenges her beliefs (which we know is simply carried on from her parents and the church)

prior to the premiere, I was ready to clock meagan and her ignorance. However it seems like she might be one of the few who actually learn from the real world experience and dealing with those from different backgrounds. If she can learn to step away from the ignorance that was pushed on her and have an open mind, I can totally respect that. I’d rather have her silent on the sidelines, taking in everyone’s opinion instead of loudly and ignorantly defending racist/homophobic opinions. 


Yeah i have zero qualms about how Justin and Yas went about that conversation. Clint needs to take a step back and LISTEN and acknowledge his white privilege. Dead at Meagan actually being the one who not only sat back and heard what Justin and Yas had to say but also in the preview she challenges her beliefs (which we know is simply carried on from her parents and the church)

prior to the premiere, I was ready to clock meagan and her ignorance. However it seems like she might be one of the few who actually learn from the real world experience and dealing with those from different backgrounds. If she can learn to step away from the ignorance that was pushed on her and have an open mind, I can totally respect that. I’d rather have her silent on the sidelines, taking in everyone’s opinion instead of loudly and ignorantly defending racist/homophobic opinions. 

There was nothing ignorant about how Meagan grew up. She grew up in a Religous, Conservative Republican Pro Life home. I grew up in very similar ways and share alot of similarities with her. While I grew up in the church and in a Republican household as a child; I still carrry those same values with me well into my adulthood.

It is non sense to say that only those who are religous, conservative, Republican etc. are the closed minded ones who need to open their minds. Those who are liberal Democrats also need to open their minds in some ways. It is a two-way street. Just becuase someone may have different political, religous, cultural beliefs etc. from her or anyonelse dosen't necessarily make them ignorant or closed minded. It makes them different from you and anyonelse who may have different views than them.

BOTH Democrats and Republicans can learn things from each other. Just like those from different races, cultures, religions etc. could learn from each other. What makes any person ignorant/close minded is not what their political party is, or what their culture is, or what their religous views are. What makes a closed minded person is a person who is not willing to consider different ideas or opinions. That works for the Justin's of the world and it also works for the Clint's of the world.

The commrnts being team justin shocks me, everything I knew about Facebook comments sections made me think it would be otherwise 

I hope they show them having fun on tomorrow episode and different footage from this 3 scenes we saw it hold be like almost the entire episode

I still feel like Tovah was open to hearing their argument. On the other hand, Clint was definitely in the wrong.

Yeah...Clint handled this all wrong. He got really defensive and was wasn't really willing to listen. Tovah was like that too but she at least she kinda sorta redeemed herself.

I probably have a very different opinion about the whole race topic here. I haven't watched anything beyond the first episode and have watched a few clips on twitter about the discussion but if I recall correctly, there were comments made during the first episode about the "white people". It's almost as if pushing for a separation between the house just because of skin color and/or background which I didn't really understand.

While I do understand SOME of the struggles of the African American community because I am Hispanic and I wasn't raised in the US, I also don't think it's right to box every white person in the same wavelength. Another thing that stood out to me is that when Tovah spoke up, she was basically upset because Justin just kept talking about "white people" in a condescending or demeaning way. If your point is to educate, then perhaps a better attitude and choice of words would be a more resourcesful skillset. Clint's attitude was bad though.

I think there's room for growth between both parties involved here.

Meagan is probably my favorite though. I like that she listens and understands that she has a lot to learn about different people, but she doesn't sit there and judge.

I probably have a very different opinion about the whole race topic here. I haven't watched anything beyond the first episode and have watched a few clips on twitter about the discussion but if I recall correctly, there were comments made during the first episode about the "white people". It's almost as if pushing for a separation between the house just because of skin color and/or background which I didn't really understand.

While I do understand SOME of the struggles of the African American community because I am Hispanic and I wasn't raised in the US, I also don't think it's right to box every white person in the same wavelength. Another thing that stood out to me is that when Tovah spoke up, she was basically upset because Justin just kept talking about "white people" in a condescending or demeaning way. If your point is to educate, then perhaps a better attitude and choice of words would be a more resourcesful skillset. Clint's attitude was bad though.

I think there's room for growth between both parties involved here.

Meagan is probably my favorite though. I like that she listens and understands that she has a lot to learn about different people, but she doesn't sit there and judge.

you really jumped out of the window. So not a DOCS and you wrote that whole sentence out? Aww 

I mean looking at the whole clip, Justin's attitude was perfect for this particular topic b/c it couldn't be me.....that shit wouldve went left very quickly. I refuse to educate grown ************* on what should be common sense shit.

As far as his choice of words, its clear that he runs circles around the whole house in the intellectual department with only Yasmin keeping up. He's just very assertive & straight-forward with his words; most people not used to that on an MTV show coming out of an AA man's mouth.

Im whiter than a dentist's teeth but I fully agree justin and yasmine, ignoring problems doesn't make them go away. One of the biggest privileges we have is not having to even think about it, little things we take for granted every day. It's super important to listen and be willing to learn. I'm dead that we thought Meghan was going to be problematic but she's out there actually paying attention and listening instead of getting defensive. 

I probably have a very different opinion about the whole race topic here. I haven't watched anything beyond the first episode and have watched a few clips on twitter about the discussion but if I recall correctly, there were comments made during the first episode about the "white people". It's almost as if pushing for a separation between the house just because of skin color and/or background which I didn't really understand.

While I do understand SOME of the struggles of the African American community because I am Hispanic and I wasn't raised in the US, I also don't think it's right to box every white person in the same wavelength. Another thing that stood out to me is that when Tovah spoke up, she was basically upset because Justin just kept talking about "white people" in a condescending or demeaning way. If your point is to educate, then perhaps a better attitude and choice of words would be a more resourcesful skillset. Clint's attitude was bad though.

I think there's room for growth between both parties involved here.

Meagan is probably my favorite though. I like that she listens and understands that she has a lot to learn about different people, but she doesn't sit there and judge.

I’m so confused. You just admitted that you aren’t black OR an American, so how can you relate to our struggle in the slightest? There is LITERALLY no way that you can understand because it doesn’t apply to you at all.

Is there a certain time this episode gets released? It says there are two episodes as of 28 mins ago but everytime I click the newest one, it tells me I don’t have service but I do and can watch the other one. The FB page is not very informative about when it gets released.


EDIT—nvm. I found a spot on the page where it says they drop at 9pm.

Love Dondre he reminds me of one of my favorite people Candace Owens. Anyways here is Dondre’s video that he uploaded to his channel where he gives his review of the RW ATL episode 1.

So the DESCRIPTION for episode 2 is... alll 3 of the "daily drops" combined... so did they just leak 1 scene from the episode a day, and then thursday is the episode day and all the clips put together -_-. This is a bit disappointing

So the DESCRIPTION for episode 2 is... alll 3 of the "daily drops" combined... so did they just leak 1 scene from the episode a day, and then thursday is the episode day and all the clips put together -_-. This is a bit disappointing

Right lmaooooooooo

I hate the editing of this, that it's only 24 mins and how they are handling all the bonus clips that they sold to be completely different than the ones on the episode

Yikes! Hopefully if this gets renewed they'll extend the episodes to atleast 45 mins.

Wasnt every clip like 6 mins long lol 

Wouldnt that be almost the entire episode 

So the DESCRIPTION for episode 2 is... alll 3 of the "daily drops" combined... so did they just leak 1 scene from the episode a day, and then thursday is the episode day and all the clips put together -_-. This is a bit disappointing

Omg!!! So tragic and disappointing!! They either need to: post different 6 min clips that aren’t in episode, make episodes longer, or get rid of the clips. We’ve basically seen the episode *eye roll*

I mean looking at the whole clip, Justin's attitude was perfect for this particular topic b/c it couldn't be me.....that **** wouldve went left very quickly. I refuse to educate grown ************* on what should be common sense ****.

As far as his choice of words, its clear that he runs circles around the whole house in the intellectual department with only Yasmin keeping up. He's just very assertive & straight-forward with his words; most people not used to that on an MTV show coming out of an AA man's mouth.

I think we should be able to educate people, whether they're grown or not. We know what kind of life Clint comes from, which is obviously one where he's had little to no struggle because of his skin color. For people like us, it should be common sense but perhaps his point of view is completely different from ours and I think putting things into perspective to someone who is completely different from you is a good thing.

As for Justin, I think he's an intelligent man too but I don't think his approach was the correct one.


I probably have a very different opinion about the whole race topic here. I haven't watched anything beyond the first episode and have watched a few clips on twitter about the discussion but if I recall correctly, there were comments made during the first episode about the "white people". It's almost as if pushing for a separation between the house just because of skin color and/or background which I didn't really understand.

While I do understand SOME of the struggles of the African American community because I am Hispanic and I wasn't raised in the US, I also don't think it's right to box every white person in the same wavelength. Another thing that stood out to me is that when Tovah spoke up, she was basically upset because Justin just kept talking about "white people" in a condescending or demeaning way. If your point is to educate, then perhaps a better attitude and choice of words would be a more resourcesful skillset. Clint's attitude was bad though.

I think there's room for growth between both parties involved here.

Meagan is probably my favorite though. I like that she listens and understands that she has a lot to learn about different people, but she doesn't sit there and judge.


I’m so confused. You just admitted that you aren’t black OR an American, so how can you relate to our struggle in the slightest? There is LITERALLY no way that you can understand because it doesn’t apply to you at all.

I live in the US now, I know what it is to be stereotyped or categorized. How could I not understand that part?



I probably have a very different opinion about the whole race topic here. I haven't watched anything beyond the first episode and have watched a few clips on twitter about the discussion but if I recall correctly, there were comments made during the first episode about the "white people". It's almost as if pushing for a separation between the house just because of skin color and/or background which I didn't really understand.

While I do understand SOME of the struggles of the African American community because I am Hispanic and I wasn't raised in the US, I also don't think it's right to box every white person in the same wavelength. Another thing that stood out to me is that when Tovah spoke up, she was basically upset because Justin just kept talking about "white people" in a condescending or demeaning way. If your point is to educate, then perhaps a better attitude and choice of words would be a more resourcesful skillset. Clint's attitude was bad though.

I think there's room for growth between both parties involved here.

Meagan is probably my favorite though. I like that she listens and understands that she has a lot to learn about different people, but she doesn't sit there and judge.


I’m so confused. You just admitted that you aren’t black OR an American, so how can you relate to our struggle in the slightest? There is LITERALLY no way that you can understand because it doesn’t apply to you at all.

I live in the US now, I know what it is to be stereotyped or categorized. How could I not understand that part?

much like whatever experience you have American Black People (Decendants Of American Chatel Slavery) have a much different and more specific experience which has ramifications to this day. This is why you LISTEN. 

So the DESCRIPTION for episode 2 is... alll 3 of the "daily drops" combined... so did they just leak 1 scene from the episode a day, and then thursday is the episode day and all the clips put together -_-. This is a bit disappointing


They do this for skam as well, air short clips throughout the week then combine them and expand on them by the end of thr week 

So the DESCRIPTION for episode 2 is... alll 3 of the "daily drops" combined... so did they just leak 1 scene from the episode a day, and then thursday is the episode day and all the clips put together -_-. This is a bit disappointing

They do this for skam as well, air short clips throughout the week then combine them and expand on them by the end of thr week 

Tragic *** ****! Lol

They really were selling the footage for Monday, tuesday and wednesday to be completely different than the episodes. 
