The Real World: Atlanta - Arely Avitua

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The Real World: Atlanta - Arely Avitua

Name: Arely Avitua

Age: 21 years old

From: Joplin, Missouri


On set filming:

She is a Teen Mom and a Dreamer protected by DACA

she's a mom!

the girls cast is good, imo

she's a mom!the girls cast is good, imo

And she is a dreamer protected by DACA. Which in my opinion would be interesting to watch her with any Republican in the house.

TwoStrikes wrote:

she's a mom!the girls cast is good, imo

And she is a dreamer protected by DACA. Which in my opinion would be interesting to watch her with any Republican in the house.

yep, i agree. i'm intrigued by her the most i think and for her to tell her story. I posted my comment before you included the IG posts Smile

i think she JUST turned 21

I like her!

What are Dreamers tho? I pay zero attention to anything politics in the U.S.

I like her!What are Dreamers tho? I pay zero attention to anything politics in the U.S.

Bye *******!

I like her!What are Dreamers tho? I pay zero attention to anything politics in the U.S.

Basically an illegal immigrant that came here as a child with her parents hence she is being protected by DACA.

Graphik wrote:

I like her!What are Dreamers tho? I pay zero attention to anything politics in the U.S.

Bye *******!

I'm just asking lmaoooo its always some new shit that people from either side is whining about once every new quarter. Lol

Graphik wrote:

I like her!What are Dreamers tho? I pay zero attention to anything politics in the U.S.

Basically an illegal immigrant that came here as a child with her parents hence she is being protected by DACA.

Ohhhhhh I knew about DACA but never this lmao 

PinkRose wrote:

Basically an illegal immigrant that came here as a child with her parents hence she is being protected by DACA.

Ohhhhhh I knew about DACA but never this lmao 

Better description that I found:

"Who's been protected by DACA?

These are undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children, a group often described as Dreamers.

About 690,000 young adults are currently protected under the DACA program and officials are processing more than 34,000 additional first-time applications, according to the latest government figures.

To be eligible, applicants had to have arrived in the US before age 16 and have lived there since June 15, 2007. They could not have been older than 30 when the Department of Homeland Security enacted the policy in 2012.

DACA recipients have been able to come out of the shadows and obtain valid driver's licenses, enroll in college and legally secure jobs. They also pay income taxes.

The program didn't give them a path to become US citizens or even legal permanent residents -- something immigrant rights advocates have criticized, saying it left people in limbo."  


I like her. She’s cute and she has a great story to tell. I think i’m gonna watch this season, hopefully the trailer is great 

Oop yeah sorry for commenting in the wrong thread but about her. She has a very good story and I’m pleased with her casting

Love the story. 

Love ❤️

Do we know where she’s originally from? A whole Queen. I might just watch this

Do we know where she’s originally from? A whole Queen. I might just watch this


She reminds me of a baby verison of Sylvia ❤

All the girls are real people with actual lives not models or Instagram personalities, and 4 of 7 cast members aren't white. I'm shook I expected so much worse.  

KlounV3 wrote:

Do we know where she’s originally from? A whole Queen. I might just watch this

Just Queen shit 

She's so cuute. I like her ❤️

oh uhm 

she looks tiny

Looks kinda like Sylvia in the pedicure pic.

This is random but is she the first ever parent on the show? As in, had a kid prior to being cast. I can't think of another but I may be having a brain ****


Her story was fairly good. I can’t help but think how much better it would’ve been if it wasn’t on FB Watch and that goofy text didn’t say every word that comes out of these peoples mouths

Her story was fairly good. I can’t help but think how much better it would’ve been if it wasn’t on FB Watch and that goofy text didn’t say every word that comes out of these peoples mouths

Background story could have been good.

The person telling the story is horrible for reality tv.


Her story was fairly good. I can’t help but think how much better it would’ve been if it wasn’t on FB Watch and that goofy text didn’t say every word that comes out of these peoples mouths

Background story could have been good.

The person telling the story is horrible for reality tv.

Yeah, she had a great story but her personality was lacking so she wasn’t that interesting to watch

This is random but is she the first ever parent on the show? As in, had a kid prior to being cast. I can't think of another but I may be having a brain ****


King Lafayette


This is random but is she the first ever parent on the show? As in, had a kid prior to being cast. I can't think of another but I may be having a brain ****


King Lafayette

Is that Tony? He didn’t have any kids before the show, did he?
