The Hills, the hit MTV reality series that ran on the network for six seasons in the late 2000s, is making a comeback. Members of the original series — Heidi Montag, Spencer Pratt, Audrina Patridge, Jason Wahler, Stephanie Pratt, Justin Bobby and Frankie Delgado — were in attendance at the VMAs
Nonetheless, MTV announced The Hills: New Beginnings which will reunite original cast members, alongside their children and friends, and follow their personal and professional lives while living in Los Angeles. With new faces in the picture and returning favorites, The Hills will be back for a new beginning with a 2019 premiere.
Mtv *****
They literally revealed that they were completely fake on their finale how are they gonna play this
also I’m gonna pass since neither Kristen/LC will be on
Heidi and Spencer went on a media tour years ago and said it was all fake, but you can't change it if it comes back or it'll be a turn off.
Whitney , a “celebrity” and 2 bloggers are also apart of the cast
This is going to be dumb.
I don't mind a celebrity if she is going to step in the LC/Kristin role because none of the other girls can honestly do it. Let's also get a black girl on the show too.
I wonder is the celebrity Nicky Hilton because she hyping up Speidi on her Instagram and was hanging with Stephanie last week.
Who remembers how much effort they put into Kristin's debut on The Hills. I remember they made sure Lauren and Kristin never seen each other until she walked into the chapel.
Don't do it *****!
Bring back Making The Band ( >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>) then we can talk.
Zzzzzzz! Find Dawn old nose and Aubrey old everything first. #OOPS
I never really liked Kristen since LB, but you can’t have the Hills without Lauren. Also, where’s Brody
Pointless as hell to do this but K.
All this cap! You know watching a Danity Kane meltdown yet again (they just got back together for the 3rd time); this time with Dawn dragging Aubrey for the world to see + new Day26 drama >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Hillzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Lo acting like she's too good for the show. Ain't nobody gonna miss your lame ***
This will flop hardcore. They think they can do what Jersey Shore is doing but how they gonna bring it back without LC? Give us Next and Room Raiders please
The ppl saying this will flop... did you even watch it the first time?
This will not flop these ppl desperate for TV. Spencer and Hedi are beyond broke they will make the show great
If won’t do as good as last time but even mediocre ratings will get this renewed.
If one of the bloggers is Perez Hilton. Set the show on fire and cancel it.
Am I the only one who thinks this will be terrible? I liked the first 2 seasons of the hills and the rest was so fake and honestly hard to watch.. it was cringeworthy and it will be even worse without LC and Kristin