Game of Thrones: Fantasy Dead Pool
Instructions:1.) Predict if each character will be alive or dead at the end of season 8. (Worth 1 point each)2.) Mark an X in between the brackets next to the status of each character on the list. (Also Bonus Questions)3.) Submit to me your predictions via Private Message or Discord before the next episode airs. (JAMiEFiRE#0393)4.) Entry with the most points wins the Vevmo Iron Throne. (aka bragging rights of course!)5.) Have fun, wait for results to update each week, and post GOT related memes in the meantime. (<3)
Characters:1.) Jon Snow DEAD [] ALIVE []2.) Sansa Stark DEAD [] ALIVE [] 3.) Bran Stark DEAD [] ALIVE [] 4.) Cersei Lannister DEAD [] ALIVE []5.) Tyrion Lannister DEAD [] ALIVE []6.) Jaime Lannister DEAD [] ALIVE []7.) Daenerys Targaryen DEAD [] ALIVE []8.) Yara Greyjoy DEAD [] ALIVE []9.) Theon Greyjoy DEAD [] ALIVE []10.) Melisandre DEAD [] ALIVE []11.) Jorah Mormont DEAD [] ALIVE []12.) Lyanna Mormont DEAD [] ALIVE []13.) The Hound DEAD [] ALIVE [] 14.) The Mountain DEAD [] ALIVE []15.) Samwell Tarly DEAD [] ALIVE []16.) Gilly DEAD [] ALIVE []17.) Little Sam DEAD [] ALIVE []18.) Lord Varys DEAD [] ALIVE []19.) Brienne of Tarth DEAD [] ALIVE []20.) Davos Seaworth DEAD [] ALIVE []21.) Bronn DEAD [] ALIVE []22.) Podrick Payne DEAD [] ALIVE []23.) Tormund Giantsbane DEAD [] ALIVE []24.) GreyWorm DEAD [] ALIVE []25.) Missandei DEAD [] ALIVE []26.) Gendry DEAD [] ALIVE []27.) Beric Dondarrion DEAD [] ALIVE []28.) Euron Greyjoy DEAD [] ALIVE []29.) Drogon DEAD [] ALIVE []30.) Rhaegal DEAD [] ALIVE []
Bonus Questions:1.) Is Daenerys pregnant? (1 Point) YES [] NO [] 2.) Who sits on the Throne in the end. Specifically: ____________OR is the throne: VACANT [] DESTROYED [] (3 points)3.) If Cersei is killed, who kills her? (No points if she survives. Points awarded to RIDER if killed by a dragon*) (3 Points)TYRION [] JAIME [] ARYA [] SANSA [] The HOUND [] DAENERYS []4.) If the Night King is killed, who kills him? (Who becomes the legendary hero that must kill the love of their life in order to defeat the Night King?)Specifically : ____________ (No points if he survives. Points awarded to RIDER if killed by a dragon*) (3 Points)
That’s a lot to read and I don’t know how to read bro
Its fine I have a few submissions so far.... Interesting theories! I'll post them after the first episode airs so you all can see
Nailed it.
I hope everyone knows that this ends with Sansa on the iron throne
My personal favorite so far!!!!!
Send your predictions
when's the deadline?
deadline is the moment episode 3 airs. As long as your submission is into me by then it's all good
alright i got this folks
Can't wait for the end of the season, my throne is waiting for me
I love all the submissions please keep them coming <3
4.) If the Night King is killed, who kills him? (Who becomes the legendary hero that must kill the love of their life in order to defeat the Night King?)Specifically : ____________ (No points if he survives. Points awarded to RIDER if killed by a dragon*) (3 Points)
SOrry guys im adding this question in as I feel it is super important.. maybe the night king doesnt win...
No more changes from me after this! My bad... i didnt really think it all through with the possible endings
There was a leak of the episode 3, I got a death right <3
!!!!!!!!!!!! Also update for everyone! You have a little over 30 hours left to submit! If you haven't updated me on your status of newly added question 4 pertaining to the AA please do so asap thank you everyone and sorry for the inconvenience!