Favorite and Least Favorite One Season Wonders

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carley from fresh meat 2 shoulda been given another chance especially as a winner. I mean they gave cara another shot and she was eliminated first. Dont get me started how she was on an episode of another mtv show and they named her as "local girl" smh the disrespect. 

carley from fresh meat 2 shoulda been given another chance especially as a winner. I mean they gave cara another shot and she was eliminated first. Dont get me started how she was on an episode of another mtv show and they named her as "local girl" smh the disrespect. 

that was on real world Vegas 2. I think she was hopping into a hot tub with Leroy and they called her "local girl." Lol

Anonymous's picture

Favorite: Candice Fowler, legendary blue weave having queen.

"don't doubt me *****!"

The way she went off on Twitter about Camila during XXX

Jill Tuttle was robbed af Sad

I remember I was so hyped for her during the Bloodlines cast speculation 

Jill Tuttle was robbed af

I remember I was so hyped for her during the Bloodlines cast speculation 

Same here she was ripped and a country girl. I see her being well rounded in a majority of the challenges. 

Given what happened on Wednesday's episode, I can now post this here

Least favorite - Joseph Allen
