Ex on the Beach Couples (Season 1) - MTV

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At home.

bit the bullet and watched the premire. it was cute aesthetically but MAD boring. i just know the ratings are going to be trash

Lmaooo interesting way to try to get fans to watch but Idk why they think people would tune in for unknown people and not reality stars. 

bit the bullet and watched the premire. it was cute aesthetically but MAD boring. i just know the ratings are going to be trash

I would be surprised if more than 50k watched 

This show PEAKED at season two it's been a disaster ever since 


#73 for the night, 145k views. just pathetic 

145? I'm not buying it. Mtv show us the real numbers!

also i didn't watch but is kamie just as boring and monotone on this as she is on ayto?

also i didn't watch but is kamie just as boring and monotone on this as she is on ayto?

yes lol

doing a couple ex on the beach is the worst idea ever i am so excited to see the ratings

doing a couple ex on the beach is the worst idea ever i am so excited to see the ratings

i dont think it's a bad idea I just don't think it was executed correctly at all 

This wasn't as bad as y'all said it was. 

This wasn't as bad as y'all said it was. 

give it time...


This wasn't as bad as y'all said it was. 

give it time...

right lol. Those first three episodes will get you!

Probably the only one watching but this episode was good. 

Probably the only one watching but this episode was good. 

Agreed, episode 2 ate! Hopefully it keeps that pace. The arguing and drama was actually there! 

For those of you wondering, this is good. Episode 4 was slow but got fun towards the end, with things kicking up even more next week. This is honestly 3rd place for me so far, and could definitely beat season 1 for 2nd place. EOTB2 is still supreme tho. 

wait, this is on actual MTV?

For those of you wondering, this is good. Episode 4 was slow but got fun towards the end, with things kicking up even more next week. This is honestly 3rd place for me so far, and could definitely beat season 1 for 2nd place. EOTB2 is still supreme tho. 

I'm intrigued. Sad this is flopping but look at what its on

I may give this a try when all the episodes air 

For those of you wondering, this is good. Episode 4 was slow but got fun towards the end, with things kicking up even more next week. This is honestly 3rd place for me so far, and could definitely beat season 1 for 2nd place. EOTB2 is still supreme tho. 

YES. 100% agree. I'm loving this season, it's such a different vibe but it works well. The arguments these couples have are so out there but hysterical -- Lola and Sorin kill me haha. I really like the cast ... didn't think I would not knowing who they are, but it's actually a breath of fresh air!  

Season 2 & 1 will always reign supreme, but this is definitely better than 3, 4 & 5 so far just based off the 4 episode that have aired. Rotten Tomatoes has 15 episodes listed for this season (the longest season to date if true), so hopefully the next 11 keep the same momentum. 

My one complaint is the damn accents! They speak so fast sometimes with them I need subtitles hahaha

hearing this is super good...i'm tempted to watch sucks the promo was so bad i bet no ones really watching lord

This would've been better off on paramount+. Mtv just ain't the move no more. 

Is this worth watching?

Is this worth watching?

If you're expecting EOTB S1/S2-esque TV, no.

It started stronger than it finished, but it wasn't terribly awful throughout. The concept and vibe is very different than the original EOTB format the first 5 seasons had, so keep that in mind. It's almost like watching a whole new show tbh. I'd give it a 5/10. If you have nothing else to watch I'd say give it a shot. I enjoyed it more than S3-S5 at some points. 

Are we gonna get another season of EOTB??

Are we gonna get another season of EOTB??

I heard just EotbUk this year 
