Claim To Fame - ABC

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Claim To Fame - ABC

Celebrity relatives step outside their famous family member's shadow and live together under one roof, concealing their identity and lineage in the quest for their own fame and fortune.

Everyone should be watching this! Season 1 was really good, and the season 2 premiere was on Monday and there was a complete BREAKDOWN after the elimination that's going viral on social media lol

Season 1 of this was great. I need to make time to stsrt season 2

I'm mad I spoiled myself on season 1 when I saw promo for season 2. Didn't even know it existed. Baby that's keke Palmer. I saw the clip from the first eliminated player of season 2 but she seemed camera hungry and fake so idk

is this show good>??

this show is amazing. i binged s1 in ab 1.5 days

Just finished season 1 and loved it. It had a great cast, was fun, had lots of strategy, and a good bit of drama.

I didn't like that they took away immunity for the last few challenges but in this case it didn't screw anyone over. 

I'm sure nobody else here still watches it but I love this show and season 3 has been so good. 

My boycotted show because I was led to believe that Kevin Jonas is a Trump supporter and maybe he was at one point but he has since unfollowed him but still follows Clinton and Bernie Sanders as well as Beyoncé so maybe I should watch now

Enjoying it as well, looks like this season is going to be a lot harder to guess and a lot of them will be going home for guessing wrong. Forget her name but good on Molly Ringwalds relative for getting out Gracie Lou who had her clue 

I do appreciate this season has much more conflict, the problem is I don't really find any of the cast that likeable lol. I'm indifferent to almost all of them.

I think the shrunk episode count hurt this season, plus doing the double boot too early. We've had so many people leave with wrong guesses that we didn't have the slightest idea who they were

I think the shrunk episode count hurt this season, plus doing the double boot too early. We've had so many people leave with wrong guesses that we didn't have the slightest idea who they were

Imo there's also way too many nieces and nephews this time. The other seasons had a few but this time the majority of the cast is this time and that just bores me. Yeah they are still related to celebrities but it just feels more lame.

Well this was easily the worst season. 

Adam... lmao HEY KING, you dod that

Jud and Makensy lost that lmao how can they be sooo stupid...

Adam... lmao HEY KING, you dod that

Jud and Makensy lost that lmao how can they be sooo stupid...

King? He was probably the most annoying person in all three seasons

He was annoying but the fact that he knew no one, had very limited pop culture knowleadge and a terrible social game and still find a way to manouver through the game and won... that's king behaviour to me

He was annoying but the fact that he knew no one, had very limited pop culture knowleadge and a terrible social game and still find a way to manouver through the game and won... that's king behaviour to me

I agree I wanted him gone weeks ago but once we got to the final 3 and nobody was helping him I was happy to see the bumbling idiot get it done. The other two were idiots going after eachother when the first 2 seasons proved that you're pretty much guaranteed to win if you win that final challenge

Adam winning despite being hated by the entire cast, getting sabotaged in the finale, and almost getting medevaced...pretty iconic ngl.

this show has gotten worse every season. s1 >>>>>> s2 >>>>>>>> s3

I'll never give that obnoxious man credit. 

Adam winning despite being hated by the entire cast, getting sabotaged in the finale, and almost getting medevaced...pretty iconic ngl.