The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30 - Kailah Casillas

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The new Tonya

She's bad asf in this pic 

Queen Kailah <3

The new Tonya

That's Ashley M

That thigh tatt is so trashy but I hope she comes and gets everyone bothered again.

Does she need anymore tattoos by the crotch?

I hope she's no longer cocky this time. She was pretty pathetic on the reunion as well. I dont understand the hype but i hope she turns out to be great this season. 

King-lmh wrote:

The new Tonya

That's Ashley M

She's a refreshing rookie.  I just wish she wasn't saddled with that walking cardboard cutout Jenna.   

I tired of that ponytail tbh... She would of look hotter with her hair down on her photo!

She's a refreshing rookie.  I just wish she wasn't saddled with that walking cardboard cutout Jenna.   

Im hoping Kailah makes Jenna grow a backbone.

King-lmh wrote:

The new Tonya

That's Ashley M


This box body ***** #DUST

This box body ***** #DUST


This box body ***** #DUST

im in love with you

I hung out with her, can't I go back to that moment lol 

Inferno 3/Island/Duel 2 Jenn maybe. Not the FM2-Rivals 1 that followed the mob.

Inferno 3/Island/Duel 2 Jenn maybe. Not the FM2-Rivals 1 that followed the mob.

I dunno. I'd say the former is a bit of a stretch.


Nvm that Twitter is fake lol It was pretending to be Brianna Taylor last year



she bad

pretty bathing suit...

Queen Kailah is rank as number 1 hottest girl this season ❤

Love her, hope she does well this season.

Kailah's most recent tweet reconfirms why I can't stand her. Never trust a girl who doesn't get along with other girls. They are always the issue and the epitome of everything that claim to hate. She's a thot *****. 

Kailah's most recent tweet reconfirms why I can't stand her. Never trust a girl who doesn't get along with other girls. They are always the issue and the epitome of everything that claim to hate. She's a thot *****. 


Kailah's most recent tweet reconfirms why I can't stand her. Never trust a girl who doesn't get along with other girls. They are always the issue and the epitome of everything that claim to hate. She's a thot *****. 

Oops nvm lmao

Kailah is Queen

Kailah is Queen

we bout to fight
