The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30 - Dirty Deeds

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richjoe92 wrote:

TwoStrikes wrote:Idk why they wouldn't put bananas in first chance they get. 

cause they'll throw Ammo in. With voting the scapegoat first, they expose where alliances lay. Smart move, or smart excuse CT used to protect Johnny. Either case, smart.

its a dirty game. If you want someone strong out, there's 3 strong dudes you can vote in against bananas if you pull the double cross. 

yeah, exposing/destroying alliances is just a dirty move as throwing strong players in. Anyways, that roster looks weak AF to go against John. 

Jemmye is really acting like a ****** when she's just a sheep lol


Lmao at Marie!!!! Savage!!!!

Shut up Kailah. 

Lmao at Marie!!!! Savage!!!!

Yesssss Nelson!!

I'm so sick of hearing the word "dirty" lmao

**** i forgot jenna saved jemmye *****

Shut up Jemmeye. 

Oh so we only seeing the elimination tonight

They giving camila this tough girl manipulator edit wheres the real edit

Okay I like jemmye now. Fake as **** but ****** for sure. 

mariochristopher__ wrote:

Im starting to like Leroy tbh

I don't get how people don't? Lol people acting like this is a new side of Leroy...This is Leroy. He is a real dude and funny. People soley don't like him because he is friends with Bananas which is dumb because they are real life friends.. Team Leroy.

Indeed, but the editing of Leroy could be considerably better.  Just reminds me of Nehemiah said about MTV awhile back...

omg Tony is tonight's punching bag wow

lol @ Nelson saying Tony

Why Jenna acting like Jemmye owes her? Jemmye don't owe her anything. She didn't choose Jemmye to stay because she liked her, she chose her as a lesser of four evils.

shook @ nelson


THE MUD ********************

New guys proving they're useless 

Yes Nellyyyy!

hahahha ammo @ saying he never said that... 

I love Ammo... Nelson is a scared *****!

Jemmye, you messy *****. I've never been so shook. I like Jenna and even I have to admit that shit was phenomenal television 

Tony you suck papa

Nelson *****ed out LMAOOOO Ammo putting him on blast.

Cory can't honestly think Ammo was gonna beat Backpack. 

ugh this better not be a TBC 

ugh!! nelson!!!

ugh this better not be a TBC 
