cant beleive they actually casted two fem gay males in a season, but they really need more masculine males like King shane Landrum to show the world their isnt just one type of gay
cant beleive they actually casted two fem gay males in a season, but they really need more masculine males like King shane Landrum to show the world their isnt just one type of gay
Shane L. is the last person I think of when I think of masculine. He's feminine like Chris and Shane R. Someone like Marlon would moreso fit the bill for a masculine queer man (he's ******** and is therefore part of our LGBTQ community and counts).
Did him and Kailah hate each other coming into this season? I can't remember if they made up or not? I remember like the whole BOGH cast hating her cause she befriended Jenna.
Yeah, he's gonna mesh soooo well in the challenge house. I hope he takes out devin or shane though & completely humiliates them in the process. THEN, I would be a fan.
cant beleive they actually casted two fem gay males in a season, but they really need more masculine males like King shane Landrum to show the world their isnt just one type of gay
Shane L. is the last person I think of when I think of masculine. He's feminine like Chris and Shane R. Someone like Marlon would moreso fit the bill for a masculine queer man (he's ******** and is therefore part of our LGBTQ community and counts).
Yeah all three are pretty fem. I know a lot of gays that you are so masc they are "straight-acting". Shane isn't that. lol
On another note it's surprising to see him on these shows as I didn't think he'd do a challenge. I hope he does well.
Is Mitsy trolling us lol
Misty is a legend!!!
Wonder if he'll charge some people for some cuddles on the show lmao yessss I'm excited to see him #queenmisty
Misty I know you're reading this and I'm rooting for you ***** ❤️.
I didn't like him on his season of RW, but I'm rooting for him solely based on his cast picture.
The house better pray Ammo isn't going to unleash Goddess Misty out or else she will have the whole house SHOOK.
We are the reason Misty got cast! Without vevmo he wouldn't have leaked the Jenna T stuff
Cara looks cute for once.
i hope he flops
IM SHOOK @ the fact that king Chris is blessing us with his presence on the challenge!.
**** yea
cant beleive they actually casted two fem gay males in a season, but they really need more masculine males like King shane Landrum to show the world their isnt just one type of gay
Shane L. is the last person I think of when I think of masculine. He's feminine like Chris and Shane R. Someone like Marlon would moreso fit the bill for a masculine queer man (he's ******** and is therefore part of our LGBTQ community and counts).
How does Cara have two bios?
just kidding. I'm actually excited to see him for some reason
He's not all there mentally, he's like a Gio. Doesn't need to be on tv. Hope he leaves early.
Call me Misty❤️❤️❤️
Did him and Kailah hate each other coming into this season? I can't remember if they made up or not? I remember like the whole BOGH cast hating her cause she befriended Jenna.
He stole one of Christina's outfit lol
Yeah, he's gonna mesh soooo well in the challenge house. I hope he takes out devin or shane though & completely humiliates them in the process. THEN, I would be a fan.
Yassssss! Iconic ************ Queen MISTYYY! **** all his haterzzzzz!
Yeah all three are pretty fem. I know a lot of gays that you are so masc they are "straight-acting". Shane isn't that. lol
baddest ***** in the building!
SCREAMING this does look like something she's wear xjdjskdksk
who wore it better? Nate or Misty.