The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30- Cara Maria Sorbello

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kollanekoer wrote:

Imagine hating on someone with passion only bc u find them annoyingYall have issues

this is so accurate it's disgusting. I can't imagine putting time and energy into hating someone that I don't know. Like if a reality tv star bothers you this much you should seek medical help or counseling because there is something mentally unstable. It's a distorted reality show. Everyone calm down with the hating of individuals we don't personally know. It's absurd.

You think everyone is supposed to watch reality tv and love everyone? No, that's the point of casting different characters and personalities. This is a forum where we discuss our opinions of them. It's not like I walk around all day seething hate for Cara. What's creepy is spending all day with a twitter fan account obsessing. So get the hell out of here with your ******* logic. Not surprising people with such stupid thoughts support Cara.

Because of 2 twitter fan accounts, somehow all Cara fans obsess over twitter. Ok.

Spooky hours

sarahNOTrice wrote:

kollanekoer wrote:Imagine hating on someone with passion only bc u find them annoyingYall have issues

this is so accurate it's disgusting. I can't imagine putting time and energy into hating someone that I don't know. Like if a reality tv star bothers you this much you should seek medical help or counseling because there is something mentally unstable. It's a distorted reality show. Everyone calm down with the hating of individuals we don't personally know. It's absurd.

You think everyone is supposed to watch reality tv and love everyone? No, that's the point of casting different characters and personalities. This is a forum where we discuss our opinions of them. It's not like I walk around all day seething hate for Cara. What's creepy is spending all day with a twitter fan account obsessing. So get the hell out of here with your ******* logic. Not surprising people with such stupid thoughts support Cara.

I think I'll stay, thanks. What's dumb is not being open to other people's opinions. It's fine if you don't agree with me, but it's not ******* logic to think that writing novel after novel bashing someone you literally don't know other than a distorted reality show is normal. Not everyone is supposed to be liked obviously, how boring would that show be if everyone was liked. I actually think Cara can be annoying as shit sometimes, I'm not blind to how annoying she can be. But to take the time out of your day to write longass posts about someone you don't know it's just pathetic.

I don't get why you're so butt hurt over the fan accounts. Like they are annoying but they are brought up constantly and they aren't even the topic of conversation. IDK what you except anyone to do about them. Every single person has fan accounts that are annoying, they are always going to be there. 

*****, don't write a hypocritical novel criticizing my novel. My opinion of Cara is based on the 11 challenges I have seen her on and the twitter fingers she displays. There is a slim chance she could be great in real life, all my opinions here are based on what I see on TV and social media. I'm not saying all Cara fans are obsessive psycho's but the ones who have twitter accounts dedicated to defending her are. 

*****, don't write a hypocritical novel criticizing my novel. My opinion of Cara is based on the 11 challenges I have seen her on and the twitter fingers she displays. There is a slim chance she could be great in real life, all my opinions here are based on what I see on TV and social media. I'm not saying all Cara fans are obsessive psycho's but the ones who have twitter accounts dedicated to defending her are. 

lol you've been on a forum talking shit about people for the past 5 years.... I think you're just as psycho if anything. Kind of pathetic. 

*****, don't write a hypocritical novel criticizing my novel. My opinion of Cara is based on the 11 challenges I have seen her on and the twitter fingers she displays. There is a slim chance she could be great in real life, all my opinions here are based on what I see on TV and social media. I'm not saying all Cara fans are obsessive psycho's but the ones who have twitter accounts dedicated to defending her are. 

the original post wasn't even directed at you so I think it's funny you thought it was. There are like maybe 5 twitter accounts that are like "CaraMariasArmy" and "CaraDefenders" or whatever but it's not like she asked for them to be that way so idk why they matter at all. I actually agree that her social media presence is annoying (it's what I find most annoying about her) but I honestly think she's misunderstood and doesn't know how to act in social situations. Which, on a reality tv show, is 24/7. The difference between my novels and yours is that I don't write novels all the time. Like I go weeks without writing anything. But yes, I will agree I'm kind of a ***** 75% of the time. *shrugs*

Why am I not surprised Cara's weird *** fans have the same twitter fingers and mental unstability as the ***** they worship?

This thread is wild, why dont we just stop the fighting and let this thread chill for a few days. If Cara goes crazy on social media again hit this thread up.


Goddess. Beautiful. Boston strong!

Why am I not surprised Cara's weird *** fans have the same twitter fingers and mental unstability as the ***** they worship?

so what r u doing then? Lmaooo

Kajun wrote:

Why am I not surprised Cara's weird *** fans have the same twitter fingers and mental unstability as the ***** they worship?

so what r u doing then? Lmaooo

That makes no sense.

Why am I not surprised Cara's weird *** fans have the same twitter fingers and mental unstability as the ***** they worship?


Can you get more pathetic? Like, do you seriously dont see that you take the time to come to caras thread to attack her?

Kajun wrote:

Why am I not surprised Cara's weird *** fans have the same twitter fingers and mental unstability as the ***** they worship?

 Can you get more pathetic? Like, do you seriously dont see that you take the time to come to caras thread to attack her?

Yeah, that's a forum works *******. You come here to share your opinions, good and bad. Go create a Cara stan forum if that's what you are looking for. Can't stand you whiney *** losers who cry anytime there's an opinion opposing your favorites. Cara taught you how to play that victim card real well.

Cara fans need to accept that non-fans can contribute to the discussion about her too.  We all talk about people we like and dislike from the shows.

Cara maria looks so damn hot on the challenge ig story. 

Did anyone listen to Cara's interview with the Brain Dead Podcast? I would, but I'm not crazy enough to pay $15 for that. Anyway, anyone care to summarize what was said?

Did anyone listen to Cara's interview with the Brain Dead Podcast? I would, but I'm not crazy enough to pay $15 for that. Anyway, anyone care to summarize what was said?

Venmo me and I'll summarize it for you.

Did anyone listen to Cara's interview with the Brain Dead Podcast? I would, but I'm not crazy enough to pay $15 for that. Anyway, anyone care to summarize what was said?

 - She thinks the challengers are elite athletes

- She wishes Laurel the best but doesn't want to be friends with her and is relieved their relationship is over

- Cara talked about one of her pinned tweets, something about how no matter what the situation is, everyone in the world is going to see it differently

- Cara's many Twitter beefs were addressed, but the main discussion was about Kailah. Cara stated that she didn't get a fuzzy feeling, from Kailah, on Invasion. However she only spent one day with her, and after seeing everyone attack Kailah online, she gave her the benefit of the doubt. She couldn't say much about XXX, but she suggested that Kailah made a dirty move and now Cara no longer likes her. She also suggested that Kailah was treated very well by the vets, something that Cara said she never received when she was a rookie.

- The "Panty Gate" was discussed. Cara said that she brought the panties to the reunion to be funny, but that production wouldn't allow her to bring them on stage. They told her that it was no longer funny, that it would just be mean.

-Cara also mentioned that it baffles her how invested fans are, in the show, especially those who dislike her. She said that she would never, and has never, been hateful to someone that she has seen on TV (This isn't my opinion but someone said : even though the WWE tweets disprove that-and the fact that she loves her hateful defense accounts).

-More randomness: She said there's no beef with Coral, that she has had her blocked for over a year now and that she doesn't know what Coral says about her. Cara is currently single (episode recorded 6/30). She absolutely loves the Challenge and enjoys doing them. And she talked a lot about how competitors only have themselves to blame, for whether they lose or win a challenge




I think she was suggesting that Kailah was treated well by HER the vet not really all the vets. I think it's like some people guessed, which was that Cara might have taken her under her wing, and then she felt betrayed by her student. lol. I still say that Cara needs to get over it and realize that it's a game. She has lied in the game too to win. She lied to her own boyfriend on the show to win. That's even worse than to someone you just met.

I laughed when she said Laurel ending their friendship was like a load off her back because I had been saying that Cara would probably be better off without crazy Laurel and her drama and need for control. Cara's not perfect, but I really didn't like the way Laurel treated their friendship. She said she would be out with her group of friends and Laurel and they would ask her how she could be friends with Laurel when she talks down to her and puts her down so much. I believe that. Laurel puts her down when they are around other people, but then acts like her sister when they are just one-on-one. I can't stand "friends" like that. Camilla's probably a better friend to Cara than Laurel was.


She basically replaced Laurel with Camila, and once she's done with Camila she's going to replace her with someone else. She always plays the victim, i'm surprised people think Laurel was so horrible to her, yet she was always around her. Something doesn't make sense there...

She basically replaced Laurel with Camila, and once she's done with Camila she's going to replace her with someone else. She always plays the victim, i'm surprised people think Laurel was so horrible to her, yet she was always around her. Something doesn't make sense there...

Cara has very low self esteem, so it makes sense that she would maintain friendship with someone like Laurel, who would make her feel that she should be grateful that she even associates with her. I used to be like Cara in this regard. I used to have this friend who was always condescending to me, only really nice when we were alone and made me feel like I she was doing me a favor by even gracing me with her presence. And we were friends formany, many years, since early childhood until I had enough. I understand Cara very well.

Cara fans need to accept that non-fans can contribute to the discussion about her too.  We all talk about people we like and dislike from the shows.

You're absolutely right. I'm a Cara fan but I have no problem when people disagree. What I have an issue with are the people that can't be respectful and disagree. It's completely unnecessary to call people ********* and losers simply becausethey have a different opinion than you. These are reality tv stars. It's  ridiculous to insult people because they have a different opinion. There are more important things in the world.

MarianaRO wrote:

She basically replaced Laurel with Camila, and once she's done with Camila she's going to replace her with someone else. She always plays the victim, i'm surprised people think Laurel was so horrible to her, yet she was always around her. Something doesn't make sense there...

Cara has very low self esteem, so it makes sense that she would maintain friendship with someone like Laurel, who would make her feel that she should be grateful that she even associates with her. I used to be like Cara in this regard. I used to have this friend who was always condescending to me, only really nice when we were alone and made me feel like I she was doing me a favor by even gracing me with her presence. And we were friends formany, many years, since early childhood until I had enough. I understand Cara very well.

I agree. It seems that way. Plus, laurel made it obvious what a terrible friend she  is multiple times in the challenge. It's hard to say she isn't a bad friend with the way she's acted on tv towards Cara. Even others called her out on it.

MarianaRO wrote:

She basically replaced Laurel with Camila, and once she's done with Camila she's going to replace her with someone else. She always plays the victim, i'm surprised people think Laurel was so horrible to her, yet she was always around her. Something doesn't make sense there...

Cara has very low self esteem, so it makes sense that she would maintain friendship with someone like Laurel, who would make her feel that she should be grateful that she even associates with her. I used to be like Cara in this regard. I used to have this friend who was always condescending to me, only really nice when we were alone and made me feel like I she was doing me a favor by even gracing me with her presence. And we were friends formany, many years, since early childhood until I had enough. I understand Cara very well.

What happened in the past it's in the past. Idk why people always bring the same thing when it's been years. We don't know how their friendship was outside of the show, so you're assuming that you know how Cara feels or how Cara is around Laurel. And the person who had enough, was Laurel, not Cara. They both confirmed it. So again, what Cara says makes no sense.

MarianaRO wrote:

She basically replaced Laurel with Camila, and once she's done with Camila she's going to replace her with someone else. She always plays the victim, i'm surprised people think Laurel was so horrible to her, yet she was always around her. Something doesn't make sense there...

Cara has very low self esteem, so it makes sense that she would maintain friendship with someone like Laurel, who would make her feel that she should be grateful that she even associates with her. I used to be like Cara in this regard. I used to have this friend who was always condescending to me, only really nice when we were alone and made me feel like I she was doing me a favor by even gracing me with her presence. And we were friends formany, many years, since early childhood until I had enough. I understand Cara very well.

Total agree with you about Cara, but I think she has improved. I would love to see her find a true friend though. Not really feeling Camilla remaining this friendly with her.

People actually pay to hear Susie and Sarah talk? I would pay to end that shit.

People actually pay to hear Susie and Sarah talk? I would pay to end that shit.

How much?

Kajun wrote:

People actually pay to hear Susie and Sarah talk? I would pay to end that shit.

How much?

