Remember when was hyping up about returning during spies, lies and Allies...Two seasons in a row and he is doing exactly what he was criticizing others on his podcast.
PD- He needs to chill on the Botox on his megamind forehead ! It looks atrocious
I think he tough that he was gonna return and people would act around him with the same fear they act around CT. And he's completelly wrong and has his ego hurting. I can see him "retiring" from the main show and trying to do All Stars, the same route Wes took when no one was scared of him anymore.
He still has power on the main show just not these spin-offs
Def not he's on the Wes boat where people know he's a multi champ and untrustworthy. Nany protected him on ROD and Tori/Justine protected him this time. No one else really looks out for him.
Love how no one gives af about him anymore and will call him out. I just know that hurt his feelings lol
Gross, stop bumping this sexual offenders thread.
Blaming production and "misogyny" for a GOAT being a GOAT. What's next, are you going to claim it on privilege next?
I love when he gets disrespected.
if bananas was the GOAT he wouldn't have been a backpack
Glad this Grandpa got dragged by Queen Sarah Lacina
Who named him John Amadeus?
is he finally losing his power on these shows?
bye bye hag lol
Cost Nany her win. Retire.
this to me was his worst season since duel 1
he had no power, everyone wanted him out, he cried about no one helping him in the challenge leaving.. all his antics are old now
"You guys knew that. You guys ******* knew that"
I think he tough that he was gonna return and people would act around him with the same fear they act around CT. And he's completelly wrong and has his ego hurting. I can see him "retiring" from the main show and trying to do All Stars, the same route Wes took when no one was scared of him anymore.
Didn't think he could be more of a spoiled brat lol he was sooo mad
He still has power on the main show just not these spin-offs
Ehhh Idk. He might but last season he had nanys social game. Next season will tell us
Def not he's on the Wes boat where people know he's a multi champ and untrustworthy. Nany protected him on ROD and Tori/Justine protected him this time. No one else really looks out for him.
I'd be so embarrassed if after an elimination loss I out loud complained about not getting help
His time is up B)