The Challenge: World Championship- Episode 8

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The Challenge: World Championship- Episode 8

Episode: 8

Ben: send his lame *** home asap.

Tristan: saying prayers for him & his partner to continue healthfully in the game.

yes bye bye Kaycee!! 


(but that's great she's pregnant) 

how did all these people get sick? this season was going so well only for all the power to move off random things wtf 

Ok and now I'm ready for All stars 4

Tori is not a Legend! Putting a vote on yourself because you don't want to vote for another team is what dumb rookies do.

Tori is not a Legend! Putting a vote on yourself because you don't want to vote for another team is what dumb rookies do.

Shes so bad

Kaycee better not talk shit about Amber being fake in the future

"Its a shit situation but this is the game you continue to sign up to play" sarah ate her up 

The confessional with Amber telling Troy she was pregnant was so cute

The confessional with Amber telling Troy she was pregnant was so cute

Darrell targeting Kaycee he's so real for that

i get the vibe Kaycee doesn't like Tori as much as Tori likes Kaycee

i get the vibe Kaycee doesn't like Tori as much as Tori likes Kaycee

Tori stole the win from nany 

This episode was not a good look for Tori lmaooo

This episode was not a good look for Tori lmaooo

No episode ever is.

This entire season hasnt been a good look for Tori so far lmao.

This entire series hasnt been a good look for Tory so far lmao.

Amber switching with Kayzzz inadvertantly created the second most boring pair of all time. I don't think Kayzzz and Troy surpass Kayzzz and Kevin though

Amber switching for K*ycee but not for Jonna doesn't sit rigth with me.


Except it kinda screwed her because then her group doesn't have control of the votes anymore Sad

We love to see it

Aneesa must've made so many fake tori Stan accounts on Twitter, because the people commenting about how Danny is the problem really need to check themselves.

Love Danny saying Tori isn't the first choice so the people in the back can hear him. Danny don't **** with his own partner and I can't blame him.

We love to see it

Danny should have just chose Jodi and he would have had a better shot.

Danny should have just chose Jodi and he would have had a better shot.

I think they wouldve been amazing together 

Not a fan of how this trivia played out. Jodi and Benja were robbed. I dont like the ripchord thing, just set of number of strikes and drop them when they reach that point. 
