The Challenge: World Championship- Brave New World

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The Challenge: World Championship- Brave New World

Episode: 6

This season got old quick

honestly didn't really care who lost the elim with zara/wes and kaycee/ben because both of those ****** annoy me lmao

Tori is a HATER. You see the look she made when Amber started the nomination?! 

I think we can all agree in hindsight that last week was a perfect opportunity to throw in jordan given how this episode turned out for danny/grant/team australia alliance

I’m watching now but lol at Danny and Sarah running John away

Kaycee finally got significant screentime and I hated every second of it. The vacation alliance is slowly consuming the edit.

Darrell has my stan card the rest of this ssn for throwing in that useless furniture

This elim was so rigged against Zara omg?

I know Ms Borzotra wanted that lesbian gone!

sarah ATE bananas UP

I understand not liking Ben personally plus his survivor rigged win sucked, however the man always plays a messy game and he is CONTENT.  People saying they don't want him cast are crazy. He's a paranoid mess and he doesn't make the show boring. 

Casey has one scene with Darrell after her elimination and has zero personality in it and people are now trying to act like a star lol? Production really has some of yall brainwashed.

Sarah and Emily are carrying this season.

Kaycee finally got significant screentime and I hated every second of it. The vacation alliance is slowly consuming the edit.

No she didn't though. She's just so useless and irrelevant yall think cause she finally got one boring scene that she's "getting so much airtime".


Kaycee finally got significant screentime and I hated every second of it. The vacation alliance is slowly consuming the edit.

No she didn't though. She's just so useless and irrelevant yall think cause she finally got one boring scene that she's "getting so much airtime".

but it is significant airtime for her. Not saying its quality airtime, but its a vast difference from the past.  the only other time we usually see her is explaining the rules or talking about nany.

Hasnt she always been in the bottom half of the confessional counts despite lasting long in these seasons? I dont think she has ever had as much airtime in a single episode, which says alot when comparing 90 minute and 45 minute episodes.

She literally had a 60 second scene where she had zero emotion after being sent into elimination. In 4 seasons she has delivered nothing and the expectations for entertainment are so low that y'all want to hype this up as a "storyline" and "personality" smh.

Idk who said kaycee had a personality, but it certainly wasnt me

OS you ok? You said this like three times I’m two different threads?

I hate that we lost Jonna like that. I was interested to see where her story went from here and if she would have been a 4x straight finalist. Grant was also a great addition who would have targeted the freaks. Their DQ is a huge loss.

I hate eliminations like that. It was zero skill and Zara had zero shot no matter what. Could the girls not have done the math? 

OS you ok? You said this like three times I’m two different threads?

lol, imma not let that waste or production get any credit for her being entertaining

Kaycee always gets physical eliminations 

I feel like we are seeing the downfall of John and I love it. He did well on RoD because he was attached to Nany and the Vacation Freaks but he's struggling to find his place here and it's beautiful to watch. He's not respected and no one cares he's done 80 of these and his ego can't take it. Now that he can't be a villain and mean he really adds nothing but an overly botoxed forehead.

I feel like we are seeing the downfall of John and I love it. He did well on RoD because he was attached to Nany and the Vacation Freaks but he's struggling to find his place here and it's beautiful to watch. He's not respected and no one cares he's done 80 of these and his ego can't take it. Now that he can't be a villain and mean he really adds nothing but an overly botoxed forehead.

I feel like we are seeing the downfall of John and I love it. He did well on RoD because he was attached to Nany and the Vacation Freaks but he's struggling to find his place here and it's beautiful to watch. He's not respected and no one cares he's done 80 of these and his ego can't take it. Now that he can't be a villain and mean he really adds nothing but an overly botoxed forehead.

I sense his presence fading away too. Take an old vet like CT. Even at his age, he's still found a place on the show that works for him. He didn't seem washed up. Bananas doesn't seem like he belongs on the show anymore. He's a shell now. 

I wasn't ready for a Jonna DQ... I remember all of y'all calling her a flop when it was spoiled she was out, you all look very dumb!!

Shouldnt we have gotten a midseason trailer this week? 

In a sense it's better to have Johnny doing these shows since nobody respects him. Ct is respected and has people at their knees

Why does TJ get so butt hurt over stalemates. 

In a sense it's better to have Johnny doing these shows since nobody respects him. Ct is respected and has people at their knees

CT is respected and feared and that's why people don't want to go against him. John should be lauded at for losing a final to Devin.
