The Challenge: War of the Worlds - Paulie Calafiore

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Ban him pls. went from messy and crazy and welcome addition to worst castmember ever

I saw clips of IG lives he did last night and it's obvious he tries so hard to be a villian, it's sad. Amanda & Ashley don't even have to do anything and people will be running to get their pitchforks and torches.

Paulie is just embarrassing.

I saw clips of IG lives he did last night and it's obvious he tries so hard to be a villian, it's sad. Amanda & Ashley don't even have to do anything and people will be running to get their pitchforks and torches.Paulie is just embarrassing.


Paulie is just embarrassing.

100%. And honestly, props to Kyle in that preview. Kyle stepped up to this boy after all the smack he talks about "breaking him in half" etc and Paulie did NOTHING. Nothing worse than this ****** telling everyone he's "about that life" and then continuously being a huge ***** when confronted.

King finished the first challenge first. My faves are ******* it up already.


His head looks bigger with this hair cut. Yikes

The haircut doesnt look good

Between thst pic & the aftershow last night, Paulie is looking gayer every day.  I guess that's what dating CM does to a man.

Am I the only one who doesn’t hate Paulie? I mean yeah he’s cringe but at least he’s good tv. When was the last time we had a messy male who wasn’t afraid of arguing with other males? I’d rather have Paulie than Bananas, CT and all the other tired vets.

Paulie got a fresh aryan race haircut huh

Paulie's grown on me since coming over to MTV.

I actually think him and Wes are the most entertaining male "vets". You just have to not take anything he says seriously Smile

Anonymous's picture

Just logged into Skype for the first time since the summer and discovered that I have Paulie as my profile picture

Theo is a way better villain than this dude, because it’s natural and genuine!!! ❤️

Paulie is a super fan, so anything is calculated and forced hence why it’s cringy and he needs to stop !!! It’s irritating !

Paulie is hot & I'm still a fan, however, he tarnishes himself a little more every day the longer he stays attached to that awful ******* sea hag.


I actually think him and Wes are the most entertaining male "vets". You just have to not take anything he says seriously Smile

This is what I do lmaoooo I still don't mind Paulie.

He is using tf out of CM's ******* & everybody sees it but her. ROFL

He is using tf out of CM's ******* & everybody sees it but her. ROFL

She sees it. She cried on an instagram live about it lmao "am i not pretty? am i not worthy of love?" 

gtfo with your tragic pathetic *** lmaooo

Graphik wrote:

He is using tf out of CM's ******* & everybody sees it but her. ROFL

She sees it. She cried on an instagram live about it lmao "am i not pretty? am i not worthy of love?" gtfo with your tragic pathetic *** lmaooo

How about TAKING A BREAK FROM TV, fool? Lol Needs some therapy & soul-searching but can't help but play victim all the time.

deeper wrote:

Graphik wrote:He is using tf out of CM's ******* & everybody sees it but her. ROFL

She sees it. She cried on an instagram live about it lmao "am i not pretty? am i not worthy of love?" gtfo with your tragic pathetic *** lmaooo

How about TAKING A BREAK FROM TV, fool? Lol Needs some therapy & soul-searching but can't help but play victim all the time.

All her fault and not an ounce of sympathy from me. She'll continue to embarrass herself so that's punishment enough lmaooo

Graphik wrote:

He is using tf out of CM's ******* & everybody sees it but her. ROFL

She sees it. She cried on an instagram live about it lmao "am i not pretty? am i not worthy of love?" gtfo with your tragic pathetic *** lmaooo

oh man that girl seriously needs help

he's SO obsessed with Kyle. he's gonna try milking this "rivalry" dry

he's SO obsessed with Kyle. he's gonna try milking this "rivalry" dry

Kyle looks so confused everytime Cara and Paulie mention his name lmao.

nevidcm wrote:

he's SO obsessed with Kyle. he's gonna try milking this "rivalry" dry

Kyle looks so confused everytime Cara and Paulie mention his name lmao.

deadass lmaooo

Killed it again in that challenge against some beasts. Obviously I knew he was an athlete but he's borderline elite already

Killed it again in that challenge against some beasts. Obviously I knew he was an athlete but he's borderline elite already

lol no. he's athletic and he kills dailies and would likely kill finals, but any one of these big guys is gonna toss him in anything strength/weight related. He's like a male Amanda.

All Cara bs aside that boy knows how to sprint his *** off lmao in that last challenge. 

Killed it again in that challenge against some beasts. Obviously I knew he was an athlete but he's borderline elite already

Killed it again in that challenge against some beasts. Obviously I knew he was an athlete but he's borderline elite already

I will say I appreciate his presence competition-wise. All the guys on these seasons focus so much on getting big for strength and size which only really benefits in a physical elimination. Paulie is deadly when it comes to actual athletic prowess (running, agility, body strength for his size).


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