The Challenge: War of the Worlds - Mattie Lynn Breaux

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Kajun wrote:

I much rather would have seen Martha vs Theo rather than anything involving C***, Paulie, and Kyle. Y'all complained about the pacing of FR and now we are missing all the good moments.

That was moreso the garbage *** casuals than people here but I agree.

Casuals don't even like the love triangle lol

Graphik wrote:

Kajun wrote:I much rather would have seen Martha vs Theo rather than anything involving C***, Paulie, and Kyle. Y'all complained about the pacing of FR and now we are missing all the good moments.

That was moreso the garbage *** casuals than people here but I agree.

Casuals don't even like the love triangle lol

literally nobody wants to see more Cara/Paulie/Kyle that's the worst part

The way she's been edited is a damn mess & I wouldn't even be surprised if production overlooked all her moments & decided to not have her back. :/

I thought I was the only one who didn’t noticed her in the episodes. She’s barely showed unlike Georgia or Dee.

Smh MTV did my queen dirty! #JusticeForMattieLynnBreaux

I'm all in for ignoring large marge.  Let's keep it that way.

She deserves better.....

I keep forgetting she's on the show lol

I’m gonna be honest and people will probably drag me for it, but I expected her to be, one of the forefront rookies, yet it seems like she’s just there. Like even Zahida has more visibility than her, and that’s quite telling.

There’s nothing about her, as of now, which makes her an interesting character.

I expected her to be a big character i don't see her coming back too many times if this was any indication of how production feels about her 

It’s funny how when we want spaced out episodes and more character development they chose not to do it and cut half the show out. This would’ve been the perfect season to showcase these new characters on the show. 

I can’t believe no one’s posted home girls new mug shot yet. Wow! I kept trying last night but it’s not letting me post links on my mobile.

So is she on floribama shore or not?

Big Bertha is giving me annoying try hard wanna be the baddest ***** vibes don't care for her at all

I had her tea DAY ONE
