The Challenge: War of the Worlds - Jenna Compono

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“I’m actually moving to michigan with zach. I’m not shoveling snow, I’m not mowing grass... or milking cows, that’s not happening”

This woman is a goldmine

“I’m actually moving to michigan with zach. I’m not shoveling snow, I’m not mowing grass... or milking cows, that’s not happening”This woman is a goldmine

she’ll just cleaning dishes, doing laundry, practicing for child birth instead 

Barbie who has Vevmo mad 

CherryPie wrote:
“I’m actually moving to michigan with zach. I’m not shoveling snow, I’m not mowing grass... or milking cows, that’s not happening”This woman is a goldmine

she’ll just cleaning dishes, doing laundry, practicing for child birth instead 

and what’s wrong w that?

TuesDaze wrote:
CherryPie wrote:“I’m actually moving to michigan with zach. I’m not shoveling snow, I’m not mowing grass... or milking cows, that’s not happening”This woman is a goldmine

she’ll just cleaning dishes, doing laundry, practicing for child birth instead 

and what’s wrong w that?

nothing innately obviously but when you don’t choose to by choice and it’s all your good at lmao 

Coming for her 4th final. Amanda wishes.

Coming for her 4th final. Amanda wishes.

Jenna has made finals before? Didn't notice.

Coming for her 4th final. Amanda wishes.

maybe she’ll earn it this time Smile

Jenna’s true colors are showing in the first impression videos. She really isn’t kind and her lowkey racism really comes out.

Yeah, but this dumb *** is supposedly "America's sweetheart."  

Jenna’s true colors are showing in the first impression videos. She really isn’t kind and her lowkey racism really comes out.

If her and Zach are going to live in Brighton when she moves to MI, then she’ll fit in great Smile

Jenna's true colors are showing in the first impression videos. She really isn't kind and her lowkey racism really comes out.

It even came out on Bloodlines when she told her cousin "You can go back to your Spanish *** ******* boyfriend" 

But I don't think she's racist, I think she's just ignorant lol

Jenna’s true colors are showing in the first impression videos. She really isn’t kind and her lowkey racism really comes out.

which video 

Poor Jenna, wouldn’t want to inconvenience her with my rusty english! 

I don’t think she’s a bad person by any means, and at one point I thought maybe she was smarter than she let on, but nah now I believe she’s actually dumb af and clearly doesn’t think before she speak. But because she’s a pushover people seem to think that she can’t do no wrong. 

Jenna found sometimhing negative to say about every person of color in the videos, she dates a racist, she’s never had black friends on the show, and she was complaining about her cousins boyfriend and threw his race in as part of the complaint. Jenna gets a good edit because they are hell bent on selling her as the k-mart version of Jessica Simpson but she is pure trash. Not Britni level but still pretty bad.

I love that so many fans on social media were so excited to watch Jenna drag Amanda but Jenna was the one who ended up looking stupid lmao

7 seasons later and she still has yet to grow a backbone. She's literally been a doormat since her Real World season and it's honestly sad because you can tell that she doesn't love herself. I CAN'T with her apologizing to Zach after the way he spoke to her and he was the one who was being shady lol yikes...

Her apologizing to Zach sksnfksmdjdk Amanda isn’t the one embarrassing you hunny, you’re doing it to yourself 

she really is a spineless doormat. We do not stan women who enable misogyny in 2019. So beyond cancelled

A total disgrace to women everywhere. Amazing that people defend her.

of course her clap back to Amanda was gonna be weak. People that find her argument with her cousin on Bloodlines clever clearly have no brain cells like her. 

Wait people actually think her fight with her cousin was good? I thought it was hilarious because of how ridiculous it was lol

Her apologizing to Zach sksnfksmdjdk Amanda isn’t the one embarrassing you hunny, you’re doing it to yourself she really is a spineless doormat. We do not stan women who enable misogyny in 2019. So beyond cancelled

She is so pathetic when it comes to Zach

Honestly Jenna did a lot more than I expected her to do lol She actually confronted him about it and I kinda felt bad when she said "the person I hate keeps embarrassing me" She looked like a fool after but I expected her to just cry and let Zach get away with it without saying anything. 

She is so pathetic when it comes to Zach

Jemmye said on twitter that Zach and Jenna have a great relationship and to not let editing fool you.

PinkRose wrote:

She is so pathetic when it comes to Zach

Jemmye said on twitter that Zach and Jenna have a great relationship and to not let editing fool you.

yeah when she shuts up and does the dishes probably....imagine blaming editing for the behavior we just saw. 

I would usually feel bad for her but the girl is bringing this on herself.

Grow a backbone queen 

misplaced validity wrote:

PinkRose wrote:She is so pathetic when it comes to Zach

Jemmye said on twitter that Zach and Jenna have a great relationship and to not let editing fool you.

yeah when she shuts up and does the dishes probably....imagine blaming editing for the behavior we just saw. 

LOL MTE. there's no other way to interpret that shit. it's clear as day. i have to cackle

I honestly hope she gets out of that toxic relationship. I just have a feeling before to long Zach will start physically abuse her.

PinkRose wrote:

She is so pathetic when it comes to Zach

Jemmye said on twitter that Zach and Jenna have a great relationship and to not let editing fool you.

Sure, take the word from one of the fakest cast members on the show when she's probably in a group chat shit talking them right now.

Rewatching the scene when they are first talking about it in the bedroom Zach was listening and nodding along with what she was saying knowing agreeing that what he did was wrong.  Which did take me by surprise with how he's acted with women in the past. It wasn't until she kept following him and continuing to bring up the subject that he went into LEAVE ME ALONE mode which I could understand after talking about it as much as they probably already had at that point. (it was light out)That all being said, they can both leave sooner than later.
