2nd season: 0 finals
Faith returns to the game looking to build off a solid rookie season in which she overcame long odds to put up an impressive showing. This military veteran could prove to be a major asset to the American side, as she definitely knows a thing or two about working alongside her fellow countrymen. On the other hand, Faith has been known to let her aggressive personality get the better of her at times and is no stranger to making enemies. She will have to try to put the drama behind her and focus on her ultimate goal: securing enough money to reunite her family under one roof.
Icon. Legend. Queen. Empress. THAT *****. Champion.
I had to look back and see who she was. Why wasn’t Angela brought back but she was? Pass!
bruh... she provides nothing special.
Legend who ended her whole couch at the reunion >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Y'all should be thankful we got her instead of Angela. Queen of saving us from evil
I’ll say it again! QUEEN Faith coming to steal a Cheque and your man!
I’m here for her!
Nothing but respect for the troops!
Her and Kam the frontline runners>>>>>>>>>>
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Screenshot_2019-09-05 (8) faithstowers ( faithstowers) Twitter(8).jpg
Queen of Pots and Pans and leaving on her own terms!
Love that her page isn’t even two pages long
I liked her
don’t like quitters tho. Respect for serving, but she can stay home.
Faith was one of my favorite recent rookies and it's sad that she'll probably never be back. I feel like if she stuck around things could have been interesting with her being an outcast on her team.
wym, she'd be out any minute
I actually could have seen her making it far based on the rules and how toxic the US team is becoming with their past history. I feel like she could have been under the radar.
But you think the person being voted in go for an easy beat with Faith? This is assuming the girls in US think Faith is weak.
Do I think so yeah but at the same time I feel like their past history and egos will soon be that team cancer. Faith didnt have major beef with anyone for the exception of Cara and they seem over it. I feel like it would have been easier for her to avoid eliminations if her team continue the winning strike but she would be the easy target for UK side if they ever won a challenge.
she came back on the wrong season, she should've been on wotw1 instead of ashley. and should've also been on total madness ugh
and why did people even dislike her? i don't remember her doing anything wrong, she gave cute commentary and had snappy comebacks