Calling this season racist is laughable since they went out of their way to make it so diverse. They didn't need to call someone from survivor ******* Turkey or one episode of the Canadian bachelor, and they could have chosen any white girl from ninja warrior but they choose an Asian one.
This final 5 would be perfect if Paulie and Hunter were out and Kam and Amanda were in. And maybe Day in one of their places, because even though y'all **** me the **** off talking about the ***** nonstop, she at least brings content and delivers.
Calling this season racist is laughable since they went out of their way to make it so diverse. They didn't need to call someone from survivor ******* Turkey or one episode of the Canadian bachelor, and they could have chosen any white girl from ninja warrior but they choose an Asian one.
This is by far the must diverse cast in challenge history.
You stay asking to get dragged huh?
Casuals better drag Theo like they did Queen Marie #oop
Drag me if it makes you feel better. Doesn’t change reality though. ❤️
Kyle being the last UK guy standing.....
Mattie’s IMPACT >>>>>>>>>>>>>
Calling this season racist is laughable since they went out of their way to make it so diverse. They didn't need to call someone from survivor ******* Turkey or one episode of the Canadian bachelor, and they could have chosen any white girl from ninja warrior but they choose an Asian one.
This final 5 would be perfect if Paulie and Hunter were out and Kam and Amanda were in. And maybe Day in one of their places, because even though y'all **** me the **** off talking about the ***** nonstop, she at least brings content and delivers.
This is by far the must diverse cast in challenge history.
Marie got Cara to a final and Theo's giant athletic *** couldn't.
Marie's impact >>>
Nany and Turbo gonna win <3
Paulie and Ninja gonna win <3
Which reality is that?
Gucci being mine & Lurker’s #1 fan <3
Lmao I was JUST saying "watch Gamer gonna try to get my attention"
yes please.
Saving all the receipts for when Kyle/Mattie win.
ever think if kyle/mattie win, they actually deserve it and its not caus of racism? lets calm down.
YASSSS *****! All that Cara talk was the perfect voodoo. Wes/Dee are one step closer to getting the W!
I dont think anyone is seriously claiming racism lol.
kyle and mattie would be so disappointing, but im sure it'll make for a good laurel 2.0 storyline for mattie