The Challenge: Vendettas (Season 31) - Spoilers Discussion

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JohnPhoenix wrote:

So what are we talking about Cara today? Smile

There is big tea coming that we have this site and social media shook. But it will come down to the cast member or those revealing it or not.

Whatever it is, I don't think its coming out today lol I would think they would've done it earlier but we'll see.

Idk, I’m hearing Rumors that Kailah is the one that wrote the notes. Now, whether it’s true or not, I guess we have to wait to see if it ever gets revealed.

Fake news...I am pretty sure Kailah can careless about Veronica/Jemmye friendship

Idk, I’m hearing Rumors that Kailah is the one that wrote the notes. Now, whether it’s true or not, I guess we have to wait to see if it ever gets revealed.

Deflecting the heat onto someone else...


If Warrior Britni wrote those notes she can go rummage in dirt with Hannah.

It seemed like Kailah tried this time to make friends and be more social, so why would she do something to ruin that? lol

Cheetara86 wrote:

Idk, I’m hearing Rumors that Kailah is the one that wrote the notes. Now, whether it’s true or not, I guess we have to wait to see if it ever gets revealed.

Fake news...I am pretty sure Kailah can careless about Veronica/Jemmye friendship

Kailah never cared about them that deep to do all that

If it’s Cara or Britni I will lauuuuuuuuuuuugh so hard. Jemmye is CLEARLY not cool with Cara right now, neither is V - Jen was being petty af about Kyle during the live. Its kinda obvious they think she did it.

JohnPhoenix wrote:

So what are we talking about Cara today? Smile

There is big tea coming that we have this site and social media shook. But it will come down to the cast member or those involved revealing it or not.

Sounds fun

What notes are you guys talking about?? Where can I read about this novela??

Cara is innocent though.

The tea is out! Cory is Cheyenne babby daddy




I just hope this tea is not about who wrote the damn letters, cause that would be anticlimactic.

Edit:  lol

Oh god now we have another 'I'm here for my kid' in the challenge.

But omg that's such a beautiful baby!

The tea is out! Cory is Cheyenne babby daddy

this tea was so good 

Cory has a kid but still throwing his dick around like that?

The tea is out! Cory is Cheyenne babby daddy

when i found this out i was SHOOKETH

BTW who is Cheyenne?  LOL

BTW who is Cheyenne?  LOL

bish whut

If Warrior Britni wrote those notes she can go rummage in dirt with Hannah.

I would officialy drop her

Cory has a kid but still throwing his dick around like that?


Im not even shocked by Cory lmao

OMG. I THOUGHT THE BABY DADDY WAS DEVIN. I’m literally shook. Where has he been this whole time though? Isn’t Ryder like one?

good for Cory. Now he's gotta actually step up his game so he can help be a provider. 

Loooool I just remember everyone asking who the dad was but I completely forgot she even had a kid 

Congratulations on becoming a stepmommy Taylor Selfridge <3

OMG. I THOUGHT THE BABY DADDY WAS DEVIN. I’m literally shook. Where has he been this whole time though? Isn’t Ryder like one?


That post just crushed Taylor little ole heart ...
