She's not a bad competitor. It's the fact that she trains so hard and is only slightly above average. If the other girls start training hard she's easily beatable.
Let's be real, not all challenges test athletic ability. A lot of these challenges are under weird and abnormal circumstances (jump from lubed car to lubed car?) and getting better at them comes from experience (see Cara Maria, Bananas, etc). She has backed up her talk more in eliminations.
PinkRose wrote:*Kailah Breaths*Haters: She is so cocky why she is breathing like that...
Really? She literally said the reason her team was going to win was because of her.. lol. There’s a way t be confident in your abilities, but she comes off as arrogant every time.
Not to mention she was the worst one for her team too.
She was the only girl in a team with only guys and guys that actually did well lolShe was top 5 from thegirls and even did better than some of this guys....
Maybe, but the point is that she's so insanely cocky and entitled that she claimed her team would win because of her...and then she did the worst for her team. She knew who her teammates were when she said it and then she does the worst for her team and ends up looking like an idiot.
Think she was assuming that all of the guys were going to do really well this challenge ( which they didn't but she didn't know that), and it was going to be decided by the girls. Every other team had a girl that was a weak swimmer that couldn't even grab the ring to move it. If she could at least move it, which she did (3rd farthest I believe for girls), she could win it for their team. People love to make mountains out of mole hills.
And some people just keep making excuses for their faves. Despite the fact that I no longer like her, I'm not saying she's a bad competitor because even I can see that she's not (although I'm not super impressed with her this season so far). Her comment was dumb though and she looked like an idiot.
underrated part of her team selection move was putting Natalie and Kyle on the team. If they lose, she can send them in, but if they win then she can just say she wanted them on her team because they're strong competitors.
underrated part of her team selection move was putting Natalie and Kyle on the team. If they lose, she can send them in, but if they win then she can just say she wanted them on her team because they're strong competitors.
Exactly. She immediately admitted online that she had a fall guy for each gender that her alliance agreed to vote in prior to the comp.
Theres no defending what she said for the swimming challenge. She already knew that her team won because of the 2 guys. She had no reason to say what she said. Its not cockiness because she already knows she made no difference. Its just plain stupid.
Yeah def the star of E9. Winning the elimination, choosing the right grenade and teams and then winning the challenge. And looks like she'll be getting a lot of airtime in the next episode too.
Yeah def the star of E9. Winning the elimination, choosing the right grenade and teams and then winning the challenge. And looks like she'll be getting a lot of airtime in the next episode too.
Next episode is the Kailah redemption story, trust.
PinkRose wrote:*Kailah Breaths*Haters: She is so cocky why she is breathing like that...
Really? She literally said the reason her team was going to win was because of her.. lol. There’s a way t be confident in your abilities, but she comes off as arrogant every time.
Not to mention she was the worst one for her team too.
She was the only girl in a team with only guys and guys that actually did well lolShe was top 5 from thegirls and even did better than some of this guys....
Maybe, but the point is that she's so insanely cocky and entitled that she claimed her team would win because of her...and then she did the worst for her team. She knew who her teammates were when she said it and then she does the worst for her team and ends up looking like an idiot.
Think she was assuming that all of the guys were going to do really well this challenge ( which they didn't but she didn't know that), and it was going to be decided by the girls. Every other team had a girl that was a weak swimmer that couldn't even grab the ring to move it. If she could at least move it, which she did (3rd farthest I believe for girls), she could win it for their team. People love to make mountains out of mole hills.
And some people just keep making excuses for their faves. Despite the fact that I no longer like her, I'm not saying she's a bad competitor because even I can see that she's not (although I'm not super impressed with her this season so far). Her comment was dumb though and she looked like an idiot.
I think it was taken out of context but sure, the way it was presented looked dumb.
Kailah haters are quick to call her dumb, but queen has improved her political game by miles compared to the last two seasons. She kept a low profile for as long as she could, made a dumb mistake by being honest with Bananas, and now that she's a target is taking control of the entire game <3
In no way am I saying she sucks--the complete opposite--but I've gone from finding her cockiness endearing, to unjustified. I wouldn't care if she was boasting if she performed at the level she says she's capable of.
I hate Cara Maria to my core, but she knows she sucks at swimming and would never say something she knows she's not good at. Normally, anything she brags about is actually something she's good at.
I don't hate Kailah, I want to like her because she's tight with Jenna, but I find Jenna extremely likable and Kailah....not so much. Kailah just seems really cocky and has only begun to back it up. I remember when she told Veronica that she needed to prove herself and I was like "Bish....Veronica's won more challenges than you've been on, ho sit down". Kailah immediately thought that she could step to Cara Maria and has yet to reach a final. She's what, 3-1 in eliminations and two of those wins are vs. Marie. She's definitely an above average female competitor, but her cockiness is of that of a top 5 competitor, which she is not and has a long way to go before she can even think about becoming one. She has a bit to go before she can consider herself a smart player as well.
I don't hate Kailah, I want to like her because she's tight with Jenna, but I find Jenna extremely likable and Kailah....not so much. Kailah just seems really cocky and has only begun to back it up. I remember when she told Veronica that she needed to prove herself and I was like "Bish....Veronica's won more challenges than you've been on, ho sit down". Kailah immediately thought that she could step to Cara Maria and has yet to reach a final. She's what, 3-1 in eliminations and two of those wins are vs. Marie. She's definitely an above average female competitor, but her cockiness is of that of a top 5 competitor, which she is not and has a long way to go before she can even think about becoming one. She has a bit to go before she can consider herself a smart player as well.
I agree actually, I think Kailah has a while to go in terms of earning her stripes herself. She's proven to be average-slightly above average in missions, but a great elimination player. We've yet to see her in a final so hopefully she's trained her endurance. In her seasons I think she's been a top 5 female each season (maybe not Invasion), but yeah she's def got a while to go to reach Laurel/CM/Emily/Ev/Camila etc status.
Does Kailah have an actual job? Or is she like some of the cast and just goes from challenge to challenge earning money and promoting stuff on her IG? Her and Mikey seem to eat, drink, sleep, gym and take videos and pics of each other on Snapchat. I guess she has her Golden clothing line...
Does Kailah have an actual job? Or is she like some of the cast and just goes from challenge to challenge earning money and promoting stuff on her IG? Her and Mikey seem to eat, drink, sleep, gym and take videos and pics of each other on Snapchat. I guess she has her Golden clothing line...
Some of the cast? Try ALL of the regular cast. Do you think a regular job would allow someone to film for 8 weeks, home for a month or 2, then film for 4 weeks, off for maybe 1 week and then film for another 8? People like Wes startup their own businesses but not everyone is capable of that off the bat.
Thats why she does interim things like promote products and still probably makes more than both of us combined.
Also, I find it hilarious that her haters know her boyfriend’s name. That’s dedication.
I like Kailah, she's growing on me after seeing her on every single season for how many now. It was a simple question. Vegas seems Hella expensive to live there with no real job. And yes, I follow her and her bf on social media. Yea, Cara, Bananas, Brit and countless others would be at a loss if they stopped getting cast and would need A job.
kw713 wrote:
Does Kailah have an actual job? Or is she like some of the cast and just goes from challenge to challenge earning money and promoting stuff on her IG? Her and Mikey seem to eat, drink, sleep, gym and take videos and pics of each other on Snapchat. I guess she has her Golden clothing line...
Some of the cast? Try ALL of the regular cast. Do you think a regular job would allow someone to film for 8 weeks, home for a month or 2, then film for 4 weeks, off for maybe 1 week and then film for another 8? People like Wes startup their own businesses but not everyone is capable of that off the bat.Thats why she does interim things like promote products and still probably makes more than both of us combined.Also, I find it hilarious that her haters know her boyfriend’s name. That’s dedication.
I like Kailah, she's growing on me after seeing her on every single season for how many now. It was a simple question. Vegas seems Hella expensive to live there with no real job. And yes, I follow her and her bf on social media. Yea, Cara, Bananas, Brit and countless others would be at a loss if they stopped getting cast and would need A job.
shboogies wrote:
kw713 wrote:Does Kailah have an actual job? Or is she like some of the cast and just goes from challenge to challenge earning money and promoting stuff on her IG? Her and Mikey seem to eat, drink, sleep, gym and take videos and pics of each other on Snapchat. I guess she has her Golden clothing line...
Some of the cast? Try ALL of the regular cast. Do you think a regular job would allow someone to film for 8 weeks, home for a month or 2, then film for 4 weeks, off for maybe 1 week and then film for another 8? People like Wes startup their own businesses but not everyone is capable of that off the bat.Thats why she does interim things like promote products and still probably makes more than both of us combined.Also, I find it hilarious that her haters know her boyfriend’s name. That’s dedication.
Vegas is expensive to visit, it's cheap to actually live there. It's kinda a shithole in the middle of the desert once you get past the strip lol
I like Kailah, she's growing on me after seeing her on every single season for how many now. It was a simple question. Vegas seems Hella expensive to live there with no real job. And yes, I follow her and her bf on social media. Yea, Cara, Bananas, Brit and countless others would be at a loss if they stopped getting cast and would need A job.
shboogies wrote:
kw713 wrote:Does Kailah have an actual job? Or is she like some of the cast and just goes from challenge to challenge earning money and promoting stuff on her IG? Her and Mikey seem to eat, drink, sleep, gym and take videos and pics of each other on Snapchat. I guess she has her Golden clothing line...
Some of the cast? Try ALL of the regular cast. Do you think a regular job would allow someone to film for 8 weeks, home for a month or 2, then film for 4 weeks, off for maybe 1 week and then film for another 8? People like Wes startup their own businesses but not everyone is capable of that off the bat.Thats why she does interim things like promote products and still probably makes more than both of us combined.Also, I find it hilarious that her haters know her boyfriend’s name. That’s dedication.
Sorry I’m working overtime on her defense these last few days. Time to log off Lmaooooo
Kailah haters are quick to call her dumb, but queen has improved her political game by miles compared to the last two seasons. She kept a low profile for as long as she could, made a dumb mistake by being honest with Bananas, and now that she's a target is taking control of the entire game <3
I agree with all of this except her making a dumb mistake. She didn't make a dumb mistake by telling Bananas her allies. They were the same allies as him. They could have made a deal and worked together. Bananas just needed an excuse to throw her in. No matter what Kailah would have said, Bananas would have found a way to throw her in because his little gf Natalie wanted her in there.
Does Kailah have an actual job? Or is she like some of the cast and just goes from challenge to challenge earning money and promoting stuff on her IG? Her and Mikey seem to eat, drink, sleep, gym and take videos and pics of each other on Snapchat. I guess she has her Golden clothing line...
How many of these current regulars do you think have actual serious jobs? When production has done 3 spinoffs and like 4 regular seasons (counting 32) in like a year and half.
Even if certain ppl like to sell that they do, do you really believed them? When for example in Veronica case she has been on an spinoff and very like 3 straight seasons (Counting 32). Do you really think a serious job is going to allow her and others to take that much time off? They would be doing what Wes has been doing since Rivals 3 which is declining regular seasons or Nicole z that has to take force breaks between seasons.
I like Kailah, she's growing on me after seeing her on every single season for how many now. It was a simple question. Vegas seems Hella expensive to live there with no real job. And yes, I follow her and her bf on social media. Yea, Cara, Bananas, Brit and countless others would be at a loss if they stopped getting cast and would need A job.
shboogies wrote:
kw713 wrote:Does Kailah have an actual job? Or is she like some of the cast and just goes from challenge to challenge earning money and promoting stuff on her IG? Her and Mikey seem to eat, drink, sleep, gym and take videos and pics of each other on Snapchat. I guess she has her Golden clothing line...
Some of the cast? Try ALL of the regular cast. Do you think a regular job would allow someone to film for 8 weeks, home for a month or 2, then film for 4 weeks, off for maybe 1 week and then film for another 8? People like Wes startup their own businesses but not everyone is capable of that off the bat.Thats why she does interim things like promote products and still probably makes more than both of us combined.Also, I find it hilarious that her haters know her boyfriend’s name. That’s dedication.
- She has only being on 3 regular seasons since october 2016 (1 year & half) and currently filming an spinoff. So it hasn't been for that long.
- Vegas is actually cheap for those that live there based on what I have heard.
- She was a bartender for Rehab after invasion and before Vendettas. A flexible Job that allows her to do this shows often.
- A lot of these people make a descent amount of money based on their ig following (She has like 205k there) since it helps with promotional stuff, apperance checks and other stuff.
I can see why ppl like her, Veronica, Cara, Bananas,Nelson, Cory , Britni, Ashley M , Marie, Shane L, Jemmye, etc would this shows as often as they do. Especially since they dont really have major responsibilities at home.
Don't know why people are so obsessed with reality tv people getting "regular" jobs. Most people spend their whole life trying to avoid a 9-5 dead-end job lol. Why the hell wouldn't you want to spend your time traveling the world, meeting people, having fun, etc and getting paid for it?
I like Kailah, she's growing on me after seeing her on every single season for how many now. It was a simple question. Vegas seems Hella expensive to live there with no real job. And yes, I follow her and her bf on social media. Yea, Cara, Bananas, Brit and countless others would be at a loss if they stopped getting cast and would need A ************ wrote:kw713 wrote:Does Kailah have an actual job? Or is she like some of the cast and just goes from challenge to challenge earning money and promoting stuff on her IG? Her and Mikey seem to eat, drink, sleep, gym and take videos and pics of each other on Snapchat. I guess she has her Golden clothing line...Some of the cast? Try ALL of the regular cast. Do you think a regular job would allow someone to film for 8 weeks, home for a month or 2, then film for 4 weeks, off for maybe 1 week and then film for another 8? People like Wes startup their own businesses but not everyone is capable of that off the bat.Thats why she does interim things like promote products and still probably makes more than both of us combined.Also, I find it hilarious that her haters know her boyfriend's name. That's dedication.
- She has only being on 3 regular seasons since october 2016 (1 year & half) and currently filming an spinoff. So it hasn't been for that long.- Vegas is actually cheap for those that live there based on what I have heard.- She was a bartender for Rehab after invasion and before Vendettas. A flexible Job that allows her to do this shows often.- A lot of these people make a descent amount of money based on their ig fallowing (She has like 205k there) since it helps with promotional stuff, apperance checks and other stuff.I can see why ppl like her, Veronica, Cara, Bananas,Nelson, Cory , Britni, Ashley M , Marie, Shane L, Jemmye, etc would this shows as often as they do. Especially since they dont really have major responsibilities at home.
does anyone know how much ppl make off of doing Insta ads? I've always wondered, and is there like a pay scale determined by how many followers you have?
Let's be real, not all challenges test athletic ability. A lot of these challenges are under weird and abnormal circumstances (jump from lubed car to lubed car?) and getting better at them comes from experience (see Cara Maria, Bananas, etc). She has backed up her talk more in eliminations.
And some people just keep making excuses for their faves. Despite the fact that I no longer like her, I'm not saying she's a bad competitor because even I can see that she's not (although I'm not super impressed with her this season so far). Her comment was dumb though and she looked like an idiot.
Kailah saidnif her team was going to win it'd be because of her, and she got dead last on her team.
So quick to call her a flop, but some of y'alls faves are worse.
She's been alright this season. Still 50/50 on her though.
Finally people coming to the good side
All we need is Hardbitten and Pinkrose now.
Definitely the rise of Kailah this last episode.
all i hear are excuses
underrated part of her team selection move was putting Natalie and Kyle on the team. If they lose, she can send them in, but if they win then she can just say she wanted them on her team because they're strong competitors.
Exactly. She immediately admitted online that she had a fall guy for each gender that her alliance agreed to vote in prior to the comp.
Theres no defending what she said for the swimming challenge. She already knew that her team won because of the 2 guys. She had no reason to say what she said. Its not cockiness because she already knows she made no difference. Its just plain stupid.
Yeah def the star of E9. Winning the elimination, choosing the right grenade and teams and then winning the challenge. And looks like she'll be getting a lot of airtime in the next episode too.
Next episode is the Kailah redemption story, trust.
I think it was taken out of context but sure, the way it was presented looked dumb.
Kailah haters are quick to call her dumb, but queen has improved her political game by miles compared to the last two seasons. She kept a low profile for as long as she could, made a dumb mistake by being honest with Bananas, and now that she's a target is taking control of the entire game <3
In no way am I saying she sucks--the complete opposite--but I've gone from finding her cockiness endearing, to unjustified. I wouldn't care if she was boasting if she performed at the level she says she's capable of.
I hate Cara Maria to my core, but she knows she sucks at swimming and would never say something she knows she's not good at. Normally, anything she brags about is actually something she's good at.
I don't hate Kailah, I want to like her because she's tight with Jenna, but I find Jenna extremely likable and Kailah....not so much. Kailah just seems really cocky and has only begun to back it up. I remember when she told Veronica that she needed to prove herself and I was like "Bish....Veronica's won more challenges than you've been on, ho sit down". Kailah immediately thought that she could step to Cara Maria and has yet to reach a final. She's what, 3-1 in eliminations and two of those wins are vs. Marie. She's definitely an above average female competitor, but her cockiness is of that of a top 5 competitor, which she is not and has a long way to go before she can even think about becoming one. She has a bit to go before she can consider herself a smart player as well.
I agree actually, I think Kailah has a while to go in terms of earning her stripes herself. She's proven to be average-slightly above average in missions, but a great elimination player. We've yet to see her in a final so hopefully she's trained her endurance. In her seasons I think she's been a top 5 female each season (maybe not Invasion), but yeah she's def got a while to go to reach Laurel/CM/Emily/Ev/Camila etc status.
She's 4-1 in eliminations btw
Does Kailah have an actual job? Or is she like some of the cast and just goes from challenge to challenge earning money and promoting stuff on her IG? Her and Mikey seem to eat, drink, sleep, gym and take videos and pics of each other on Snapchat. I guess she has her Golden clothing line...
Some of the cast? Try ALL of the regular cast. Do you think a regular job would allow someone to film for 8 weeks, home for a month or 2, then film for 4 weeks, off for maybe 1 week and then film for another 8? People like Wes startup their own businesses but not everyone is capable of that off the bat.
Thats why she does interim things like promote products and still probably makes more than both of us combined.
Also, I find it hilarious that her haters know her boyfriend’s name. That’s dedication.
I like Kailah, she's growing on me after seeing her on every single season for how many now. It was a simple question. Vegas seems Hella expensive to live there with no real job. And yes, I follow her and her bf on social media. Yea, Cara, Bananas, Brit and countless others would be at a loss if they stopped getting cast and would need A job.
Vegas is expensive to visit, it's cheap to actually live there. It's kinda a shithole in the middle of the desert once you get past the strip lol
Sorry I’m working overtime on her defense these last few days. Time to log off Lmaooooo
I agree with all of this except her making a dumb mistake. She didn't make a dumb mistake by telling Bananas her allies. They were the same allies as him. They could have made a deal and worked together. Bananas just needed an excuse to throw her in. No matter what Kailah would have said, Bananas would have found a way to throw her in because his little gf Natalie wanted her in there.
nah she was dumb
How many of these current regulars do you think have actual serious jobs? When production has done 3 spinoffs and like 4 regular seasons (counting 32) in like a year and half.
Even if certain ppl like to sell that they do, do you really believed them? When for example in Veronica case she has been on an spinoff and very like 3 straight seasons (Counting 32). Do you really think a serious job is going to allow her and others to take that much time off? They would be doing what Wes has been doing since Rivals 3 which is declining regular seasons or Nicole z that has to take force breaks between seasons.
- She has only being on 3 regular seasons since october 2016 (1 year & half) and currently filming an spinoff. So it hasn't been for that long.
- Vegas is actually cheap for those that live there based on what I have heard.
- She was a bartender for Rehab after invasion and before Vendettas. A flexible Job that allows her to do this shows often.
- A lot of these people make a descent amount of money based on their ig following (She has like 205k there) since it helps with promotional stuff, apperance checks and other stuff.
I can see why ppl like her, Veronica, Cara, Bananas,Nelson, Cory , Britni, Ashley M , Marie, Shane L, Jemmye, etc would this shows as often as they do. Especially since they dont really have major responsibilities at home.
Don't know why people are so obsessed with reality tv people getting "regular" jobs. Most people spend their whole life trying to avoid a 9-5 dead-end job lol. Why the hell wouldn't you want to spend your time traveling the world, meeting people, having fun, etc and getting paid for it?
Kailahs regular job is having people bothered wym
does anyone know how much ppl make off of doing Insta ads? I've always wondered, and is there like a pay scale determined by how many followers you have?