The Challenge: Vendettas- Joss Mooney

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Really wish King Joss stayed around to take out Bananas.

Really wish King Joss stayed around to take out Bananas.


He was on Challenge Live Insta Tuesday and is the ultimate tool. Kinda shocked so many people like him. 

Joss vs Derrick joins Landon vs Brad and CT vs Brad in eliminations where the guy that got beasted won by a technicality. He was tossing Derrick around like a ragdoll.

Honestly don't see anyone beating him in anything physical and he would've killed the final. Also that body... lol hope he returns.

(also, hi vevmo im back <3)

He was on Challenge Live Insta Tuesday and is the ultimate tool. Kinda shocked so many people like him. 

What he do that was tool like?

Wow, the Derrick vs. Joss elimination was ******* awesome! Joss will definitely be back. His elimination loss was so shocking, especially since it was still very early in the game. I wonder how the game would've turned out if he stayed. 

Imagine getting outsmarted by Derrick the tool of all people.  That was bullshit Joss lost on a technicality like that.   He was turning D's  little *** into a rag doll & he would have prevailed eventually, I'm sure of it.  

Imagine getting outsmarted by Derrick the tool of all people.  That was bullshit Joss lost on a technicality like that.   He was turning D's  little *** into a rag doll & he would have prevailed eventually, I'm sure of it.  

The haters are funny.....

Derrick was the better mental competitor, that's why he won. Derrick stayed focus throughout the elimination round (while Joss obviously didn't) and made a smart and stratgeic move. Both were on par with eachother physically but Derrick was superior mentally (which is most important).  Joss also stated in an interview that the editing didn't do Derrick justice, and they were both beating eachother up.


no one cares


no one cares
No one cares...


Joss was amazing in the elimination. I really wish he would’ve won. For him to go home like that sucks. Idc what anyone says Joss  was a great competitor.


dylan76 wrote:

Imagine getting outsmarted by Derrick the tool of all people.  That was bullshit Joss lost on a technicality like that.   He was turning D's  little *** into a rag doll & he would have prevailed eventually, I'm sure of it.  

The haters are funny.....Derrick was the better mental competitor, that's why he won. Derrick stayed focus throughout the elimination round (while Joss obviously didn't) and made a smart and stratgeic move. Both were on par with eachother physically but Derrick was superior mentally (which is most important).  Joss also stated in an interview that the editing didn't do Derrick justice, and they were both beating eachother up. 

No he didn't. It was a slip up from Joss and Derrick lucked out.

Imagine getting outsmarted by Derrick the tool of all people.  That was bullshit Joss lost on a technicality like that.   He was turning D's  little *** into a rag doll & he would have prevailed eventually, I'm sure of it.  

He didn't, Derrick got lucky tbh. The rules were arbitrary and after about 12 or so rounds of resetting when someone steps out, it's not crazy to think that's what's going to happen. 

Lol @people discredting Derrick's win against Joss. Joss and Derrick both killed it in that elimination but at the day Derrick's a vet and knew how to win. He never gave up.

Lol @people discredting Derrick's win against Joss. Joss and Derrick both killed it in that elimination but at the day Derrick's a vet and knew how to win. He never gave up.

No one is discreting his win. People are simply saying he didn't outsmart Joss.


Lol @people discredting Derrick's win against Joss. Joss and Derrick both killed it in that elimination but at the day Derrick's a vet and knew how to win. He never gave up.

No one is discreting his win. People are simply saying he didn't outsmart Joss.

I've seen multiple posts not all in this thread but on this site of people discrediting his win.

Lol @people discredting Derrick's win against Joss. Joss and Derrick both killed it in that elimination but at the day Derrick's a vet and knew how to win. He never gave up.

Imo it was luck. What Wes said was right, Derrick put up a hell of a fight but he was fighting to survive. He would've never scored a point on Joss without that fluke. They also changed the rules halfway to sudden death, which is understandable, but kinda BS imo. They had Sylvia and Melissa go for hours apparently, why change the rules for Joss vs Derrick?

Let's be honest, Derrick was being a try-hard for pride and bragging rights because he knew he's not likely to be back after his lackluster Dirty 30 return. He's not really an interesting character because his only storyline is his son, and there are more interesting dads than him (CT, Tony, Cory). He got lucky and now is trying to defend his performance, but we all saw the same thing: Joss was dominating and would've won eventually.


Lol @people discredting Derrick's win against Joss. Joss and Derrick both killed it in that elimination but at the day Derrick's a vet and knew how to win. He never gave up.

No one is discreting his win. People are simply saying he didn't outsmart Joss.



Lol @people discredting Derrick's win against Joss. Joss and Derrick both killed it in that elimination but at the day Derrick's a vet and knew how to win. He never gave up.

Imo it was luck. What Wes said was right, Derrick put up a hell of a fight but he was fighting to survive. He would've never scored a point on Joss without that fluke. They also changed the rules halfway to sudden death, which is understandable, but kinda BS imo. They had Sylvia and Melissa go for hours apparently, why change the rules for Joss vs Derrick?Let's be honest, Derrick was being a try-hard for pride and bragging rights because he knew he's not likely to be back after his lackluster Dirty 30 return. He's not really an interesting character because his only storyline is his son, and there are more interesting dads than him (CT, Tony, Cory). He got lucky and now is trying to defend his performance, but we all saw the same thing: Joss was dominating and would've won eventually.

This is where you're wrong. He'll be back. To say CT has had interesting storylines since coming back is a stretch. I like CT, but he's no more ineteresting than Derrick. They are just both great competitors and why they'll both be back. Tony really isn't that interesting either, especially when he doesn't drink - which I give him props for actually trying to be a better person. Tony is a Banana's lapdog. Cory is the only dad you mentioned that's even remotely ineteresting and for me, I only think that because he's so vocal about going after Banana's. Other than that he has nothing either. I do agree that Joss probably would have won eventually if he hadn't screwed up and I do think Derrick got lucky, but Joss wasn't dominating that. Derrick held his own against someone way bigger than him. Joss will certainly be back as well I hope. He could easily make a final. 

Igby wrote:

dylan76 wrote:Imagine getting outsmarted by Derrick the tool of all people.  That was bullshit Joss lost on a technicality like that.   He was turning D's  little *** into a rag doll & he would have prevailed eventually, I'm sure of it.  

The haters are funny.....Derrick was the better mental competitor, that's why he won. Derrick stayed focus throughout the elimination round (while Joss obviously didn't) and made a smart and stratgeic move. Both were on par with eachother physically but Derrick was superior mentally (which is most important).  Joss also stated in an interview that the editing didn't do Derrick justice, and they were both beating eachother up. 

No he didn't. It was a slip up from Joss and Derrick lucked out.

Wrong! Derrick stated in an interview that he discovered a way of tricking Joss at some point during their battle. He waited for the right time and got him. Its clear as day, you can also see TJ smile as soon as Joss went out of the ring and Derrick stayed, because he knew Derrick made a smart move which allowed him to win. Derrick is a top 10 male competitor all time, Joss is a promsing new comer but you're delusional if you think Derrick just simply "lucked out".

dylan76 wrote:

Imagine getting outsmarted by Derrick the tool of all people.  That was bullshit Joss lost on a technicality like that.   He was turning D's  little *** into a rag doll & he would have prevailed eventually, I'm sure of it.  

He didn't, Derrick got lucky tbh. The rules were arbitrary and after about 12 or so rounds of resetting when someone steps out, it's not crazy to think that's what's going to happen. 

Derrick PLANNED it! He made a veteran move, TJ noticed it right away. Man, some people have poor analysis.




Imagine thinking that Derrick outsmarted Joss.

Like Wes said...He fought to survive and if you watch the elimination that was clear as day. Derrick itched out a win. Period. 

Imagine thinking that Derrick outsmarted Joss.Like Wes said...He fought to survive and if you watch the elimination that was clear as day. Derrick itched out a win. Period. 

Brush up on your knowledge.

Derrick beat Joss up just as much, and planned his move in advance. Also, Derrick is a better competitor than Wes all time, so Wes's viewpoint is irrelevant.



I too would say I planned something if it makes me look better , when the truth is I didnt .

I too would say I planned something if it makes me look better , when the truth is I didnt .

lmao people really bickering over it...this was the best elimination in the shows history. just take it in and appreciate it.the challenge in 2018 provided us the best elimination of all time...cant believe it.
