The Challenge: Vendettas - Brad Fiorenza

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The Challenge: Vendettas - Brad Fiorenza

Brad has his eyes set on another Challenge title after winning Cutthroat 11(!) seasons ago. Target #1: Tony, who he promised on Twitter to send home. But will Brad's inability to bite his tongue cost him his shot at half a million dollars? Or will his physical stature and experience instill fear in the eyes of his competitors?

Brad >>>>>>>

Hopefully he stays gone another 11 seasons

Time has not been good to Brad lmao

He looks a lot like Derrick K honestly, they have the same hairline. Brad sporting grey hairs on that beard too. Makes me feel old because I still remember San Diego 1 like it aired yesterday. 

Wow his school was really nice for letting him take time off to go on tv... wait

King back like he never left. Unfortunately he will be getting slaughtered by Mariesus as shown in the trailer. 

who is this 50 year old man

I can't believe Cutthroat was 11 seasons go!!!

dis man is gutter trash

This ****** smmfh

Always good to see an Old School face but of course it's him this time. Tori's going to make his life hell this season lmaooooooooo

Wow his school was really nice for letting him take time off to go on tv... wait

Cutthroat was 11 seasons ago but brad was cancelled 15 seasons ago

I don't mind Brad. And *******, those arms.



When Darnell was actually the kang


The Kang!!


The Kang >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

People age--I don't understand why posters consider that to be a negative.

That said, **** Brad...he's an *******.  Disappointed that out of all the old schoolers this is who they added.


petty lmao 

"Darrell you look weak right now."

schaboszczak wrote:

When Darnell was actually the kang

only thing I will be thanful to him


Brad >>>>>>>





LOVE HIM!  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

So pumped to see him without that horrid ***** Tori at his side!

That beard is not his friend.


Yes! I remember when King showed his beautiful abs on instagram. #ABSTOREMEMBER


Brad doesn't look good....That beard needs to go asap


I dont know why but I just busted out laughing
