The Challenge: USA - In Tyson We Trust

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I need to see Laurel vs Sarah. I just know that feud would EAT. 

who had the better elimination celebration? sarah this episode or laurel on WOTW2

I need to rewatch cause I was watching Cinco's reaction on twitch but Laurel had the crazy eyes, Sarah had the crazy mannerisms and genuinely looked scary. Laurel just looked goofy and kinda Karenish. I'd give it to Sarah especially if she got a slowmo edit 

Shannon really flopped after the first episode and has given nothing.

im kind of surprised as she was the star on love island even though that's a different kind of show... but then you have to remember her boyfriend josh was going to be on this but was dropped last minute so ever since then she didn't want to be there

Naw Cash was the star. Shannon was the costar. She only got catty cause they brought in a girl she had beef with. Cash carried the overall storyline and confessional 

amandagarciaisaqueen wrote:
WHAT. Was that even hinted to us? Why did he backstab Sarah? He hasn't even partnered with her. Maybe he's mad she didn't tell him about Ben but he wouldn't waste his time taking out Ben who he can beat
I'm expecting a flashback, but this edit making Cayla look like a mastermind is iconic omg!
Cayla successfully walked that tight rope this episode.


Sarah does roids right?

Why would they have them do this challenge in that dirty *** water?

Not everyone losing to Tyson and Cashay after they sabotaged themselves lol

Justine is really good at these dailies

Shannon with that dive>>>>>>>

Azah is pretty

Enzo is whack

This elimination is so lame

Sarah is

Thats about it I guess

everyone but ben on this show is great casting 

and danny. has danny said anything on the show besides mention his wife? 


everyone but ben on this show is great casting 


This season has been really good lol. I'm shocked, I didn't expect some of these people to have the personalities that they have

Also the podcast with Day and Devyn is great. You could never in life pay me to listen to one with Aneesa and Tori lol

This season has been really good lol. I'm shocked, I didn't expect some of these people to have the personalities that they have

For anyone that cares Cinco wants to do the MTV version it seems more physical than this one. I don't think that's true? 

he just wants a hall brawl I bet. 

Cash said that there was yelling and screaming after the elimination while they were waiting for their bus ride back

Doubt it was on camera though, we will see Sad

Cash said that there was yelling and screaming after the elimination while they were waiting for their bus ride back

Doubt it was on camera though, we will see

This is America's 5th Sport Different Ways to Do Boring Puzzles and Memorizing Competition, there is zero room for entertainment.

This season has been really good lol. I'm shocked, I didn't expect some of these people to have the personalities that they have

Who surprised you?


This season has been really good lol. I'm shocked, I didn't expect some of these people to have the personalities that they have

Who surprised you?

Sarah, the BB23 clique 

New pfp for the legend 

This season is amazing, idc what ratings are this show should run forever 

Watching now and Sarah really trashing King Leo? Unforgettable!!

Does anyone else hate this algorithm shit? I'd prefer it if they fuhcking pulled straws.

YEESH.  Was hoping for the Derek/Cayla win.  I like Cinco/Azah so im bummed to see them go. Cool elimination. I dont enjoy leos schtick but its working for him to get screentim I guess.  I love this show/season too much.

everyone but ben on this show is great casting 

and danny. has danny said anything on the show besides mention his wife? 

Enzo and David were waste of spots.

I think Danny picked up that producers and some viewers like his shtick.


everyone but ben on this show is great casting 

and danny. has danny said anything on the show besides mention his wife? 

Enzo and David were waste of spots.

I think Danny picked up that producers and some viewers like his shtick.


Let's wait before we call anyone a waste of a spot. Still lots of season left.

This is one of the worst eliminations I've ever seen. 

The GORLS are fighting. Preview of next episode Sarah ranting about Tyson. Tyson throwing shots at her on Twitter now!

Lemme go rewatch winners at war

Yeah the preview was good

I haven't seen Survivor Tocantins in a long time but I think both Tyson and Coach were antagonistic towards Sierra who even though she didn't win and did not outlast Coach she did get to outlast Tyson despite being the next one voted out.  True or false?

I haven't seen Survivor Tocantins in a long time but I think both Tyson and Coach were antagonistic towards Sierra who even though she didn't win and did not outlast Coach she did get to outlast Tyson despite being the next one voted out.  True or false?

didn't everyone hate sierra?
