The Challenge: USA - Season 2 Spoilers Discussion

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12 big brother people I think the alternates are gonna be all big brother.

allowing your contestants to go unsupervised at the airport and letting them take full cast pictures  but sending cease and desist letters over threads on Vevmo.



Alyssa and Chanelle the only eye candy for women? 


does Jonna look like your wife?

Anyone else would prefer Amanda do 39 over this ? I don't know how she'll come across on the PBS kids station 

They'll probably hate her but nothing she isn't used to.

I can see Cayla, Alyssa BB24, Luis and Cinco being the alternates.


I'm surprised that Tory's personal *** bank isn't on to protect her, AND we won't get another of their forced storyline

So much recency bias! Where the hell are the senior citizens for Oldschooler to pipe down?! Smile


Anyone else would prefer Amanda do 39 over this ? I don't know how she'll come across on the PBS kids station 

They'll probably hate her but nothing she isn't used to.

Who is that in your avi ? He look kinda fine 

DID I LIE??? If I couldn't eat I would be so cranky and fail miserably on a physically demanding show. And no JUDGEMENT at all but if you're serious enough to participate in Ramadan then you probably shouldn't be competing on a show for the almighty demonic dollar bill while lying and betraying people. It doesn't make sense to me. 

no u have a point, idk how theyre doing this during ramadan, but hasnt fessy done a season before ramadan before? ig the producers include in contract no eating challenges up until that point

you think the producers give a damn about religious sensitivities? Amaya was Jewish and had to go bobbing for pork. There's vegetarians/vegans who have to somehow consume meat/insects/whatever... if they don't wanna do it, they just go home/into elimination 

disagree. While I wish they would go back to punishing people for not eating, now that tori spoke up about the vegan food in her clause, theyre fake woke and made all the food vegan. Even though they didnt care about Nehemiah and Kellyanne being vegans a few months before that. So I do see them catering to Fessy if they want to, probably allow him to sit out on an eating challenge without penalty smh. Or make it at night. But mind you, its only not eating during daylight hours, and eat one meal at sunset and another at dawn. So we may see a cranky fessy but probably not a hangry one. 

she'll come across the same she always is, she'll find a target and call them a loser and stick her tongue out and be satisfied

That is tyler lepley. He is an actor




Anyone else would prefer Amanda do 39 over this ? I don't know how she'll come across on the PBS kids station 

They'll probably hate her but nothing she isn't used to.

Who is that in your avi ? He look kinda fine 


If Fessy teams up with the CBS people and targets the flagship cast I might just Stan that man.

You do realized that they are leaving in two groups from two different airports? CBS and MTV they usually do that when it has to do with the theme. 

If Nany and KC only took a break so they wont have to go against each other

allowing your contestants to go unsupervised at the airport and letting them take full cast pictures  but sending cease and desist letters over threads on Vevmo.


and post pics of them getting covid tests. Yet not too long ago, they took someone off the cast for posting pics of a going away party. Smh

Lmaooo when are Old Schooler and KVM gonna realize they're the exact same person except one is in print and one is in cursive.

So much recency bias! Where the hell are the senior citizens for Oldschooler to pipe down?!

None. Not even a middle era schooler! THIS IS INSANITY!!! WE RIOT!

i wonder how laura from survivor (cieras mom) wouldve done in her prime. alot of ppl call her arguably  the best physical female competitor from survivor


allowing your contestants to go unsupervised at the airport and letting them take full cast pictures  but sending cease and desist letters over threads on Vevmo.


and post pics of them getting covid tests. Yet not too long ago, they took someone off the cast for posting pics of a going away party. Smh

which is like honestly who cares it's not even an effective marketing strategy to hide contestants on competition shows. They should be thankful they get free social media action pre shooting 

i wonder how laura from survivor (cieras mom) wouldve done in her prime. alot of ppl call her arguably  the best physical female competitor from survivor

Why did I think this was Cosmic Castaway at first?

People saying Hannah and Kyland are alts


i wonder how laura from survivor (cieras mom) wouldve done in her prime. alot of ppl call her arguably  the best physical female competitor from survivor

Why did I think this was Cosmic Castaway at first?

I literally had to double check the user as well lmaooooo

Both of the Alyssa's are friends I forgot about that 

People saying Hannah and Kyland are alts

i can't remember a single thing Hannah did on her Big Brother season 

so no Jay? if so thank god.

Danny thinks more Survivors are going to be added.

Word on the streets are saying Jesse or Cody from Cassidy survivor season are on this 

Luis was on the DX/Claire Amazing Race season...I think he'll be a likeable, fun presence without really being involved in the game too much or causing too much drama, kinda like Leo last season. Lotta Florida people on here.

Gamer just followed Natalie A. Smile

if they pair them up mtv and cbs, who do we absolute not want to pair up??

if they pair them up mtv and cbs, who do we absolute not want to pair up??

Jonna and Josh

Word on the streets are saying Jesse or Cody from Cassidy survivor season are on this 

Hope Cody cuts Jesse's throat ASAP.
