So maybe we get a guys day today/tomorrow and then a format change? Upside is it might make the likes of Tori and Bananas more vulnerable. Or am I being naive?
pretty much every single "weak" person or person bad at eliminations is gone so far, which makes me think their team decides who to vote in and not the other teams
I just know that every daily is just whoever has more people is going to win. I just hope that if it stays team's production pulls a war of the worlds 2 and the bigger the team the more they have to carry or whatever, because although I like Cory and Chris can't have Fessy and Tori winning.
I don't get why switching teams/partners is such a common format UGH it makes things boring! How are people supposed to have interesting gameplay/drama when teams are switching constantly??
So maybe we get a guys day today/tomorrow and then a format change? Upside is it might make the likes of Tori and Bananas more vulnerable. Or am I being naive?
if it is individual the cast will probs make bigger moves?
called it. Tori and Corys team keeps winning challenges i assume lol
cory and tori let's go!
Team Update for the Visual People
Not saying he's unattractive, but never got the hype about Cory being attractive. Could be just because I know he's been with Aneesa and Camila lol
Desi has to be one of the most attractive i have seen on this show
Need wes, torrid, gherkin, and miss thing out
She's certainly in my personal top 3 looks wise
Amber B Desi and Miss Bayleigh got that top three on LOCK
pretty much every single "weak" person or person bad at eliminations is gone so far, which makes me think their team decides who to vote in and not the other teams
shut up!
Really hope Alyssa L didnt lose to Alyssa S. Hope she lost to someome good
the bbsurvivor brigade is still holding strong
7 people eliminated and Survivor isn't one of them. I just hope this doesn't mean that they're all apart of the vacation alliance now.
I just know that every daily is just whoever has more people is going to win. I just hope that if it stays team's production pulls a war of the worlds 2 and the bigger the team the more they have to carry or whatever, because although I like Cory and Chris can't have Fessy and Tori winning.
lol well out of the guys there hes def my #1 looks wise
Key words STARTING teams
The teams are reminding me too much of SLA and I'm having PTSD
I do think even though the black team had the least amount of people I feel like they won a challenge or two like the sapphire cell did
Ah good ol Cor-oid, losing his cool and starting fights left and right.
Remember how on his RW finale he talked about how easy winning the challenge would be for him?
Good times, miss this guy
Here we go with the Tori, Bananas, Wes team that wins sigh. Show is so predictable
I don't get why switching teams/partners is such a common format UGH it makes things boring! How are people supposed to have interesting gameplay/drama when teams are switching constantly??
if Johnny Tori and Wes somehow win it together they should just cancel the show and never release it. If we don't see it, it doesn't count.
everyone from survivor is still in, slay!
only good thing about this season survivor not leaving early.
Oop she's going against the vacationers?
I'm getting such redemption island vibes from this where all the challenger "captains" just get to the end easily. Such a joke!