The Challenge: USA - Season 2 Spoilers Discussion

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From this point on stanning Tori ***s lol She most being doing something right if she stays making it to the end and these cast members allowing it


 i said the same a few days ago, all my effort gone to waste. She's simply elite and i have to support it 

I'm supporting your faves now

If Michele is the reason that Tori and the vacation alliance gets to the final I'll personally do whatever it takes to get her canceled 

Also I agree with 6-person finals. 8-person finals with purges or eliminations just seem pointless to me. If there's only going to be 6 at the end of the final then just keep it at 6 going into it 

Tori being on 38, world championship, cbs challenge and 39... whew those tori fans are lucky especially when she rarely leaves early.

fans have never managed to learn that the more hate a castmember gets and the more people rally and attempt to get them off the show, that increases the chance of them getting cast over and over again lol. all engagement is good engagement with reality tv. that's why when people started a petition to get amanda kicked off that basically solidified her place on the next season. and yeah amanda brought 100x better drama and storylines but from a production standpoint whoever's name gets searched more will be cast more, even if it's tori who has the same alliance every time.

So that means there have been 4 girls eliminated but only 2 guys eliminated?  

It would make sense promise 

you guys be hate watching her 24/7 stalk her socials and comment daily hate messages under her profiles it's embarrassing

Hope it's not Male vs female eliminations. Usually just strictly carnival games. 

If Michele is the reason that Tori and the vacation alliance gets to the final I'll personally do whatever it takes to get her canceled 

this is crazy lmao

Truth be told Tori doesn't even bother me anymore. Amber isn't coming back until a few years from now so I don't even have a valid reason to get at her because she isn't coming after my favs anymore 



randomly remembered that the Alyssas are both from Florida and Lopez mentioned that before either of them were on BB, they used to chat about wanting to be on and how cool it'd be for 2 Alyssas to be cast on the show

Didn't Lopez try and act like she didn't know her after the feed freaks tried to cancel everyone after week 1.

Yeah she did. And now they're basically bffs lol. 

LMAO yeah i remember her tweet that was like "woaaah we exchanged a couple of dms and that's it"


Screw Tyler's ugly self. We seriously lost the eye candy early in the game. Luis!

you seem obsessed over Tyler bringing him up nonstop lol

Only mentioned him because people won't shut up about him & are trying to convince me that he's attractive. He's not!  So I was trying to move along but ok. 

survivor occupies half of the f10 girls. they really could take over but we'll never be that lucky. why people can't recognize their power on the challenge and would rather suck up to vets is beyond me

hopefully tori has to go against one of these burly men in hall brawl

36 is the perfect amount of challengers for a cast. 2 people go home per episode, 14 episodes before the final, 8 people in the 2-part final. And I like the fourth place purge in the final. 16 episodes is the ideal length of a season. 12-14 episodes just makes it feel a little too short, 18-20 episodes a season is ridiculous.

If Michele is the reason that Tori and the vacation alliance gets to the final I'll personally do whatever it takes to get her canceled 

There's absolutely no reward for betraying the chosen ones. Blame production.

Y'all want 36 PERSON CASTS??? That is completely ridiculous

I don't think anyone of those girls besides desi could match tori in an elimination but they're probably working together/on the same team and are winning multiple dailies






Screw Tyler's ugly self. We seriously lost the eye candy early in the game. Luis!

you seem obsessed over Tyler bringing him up nonstop lol

Only mentioned him because people won't shut up about him & are trying to convince me that he's attractive. He's not!  So I was trying to move along but ok. 

he is attractive but we get it you have different taste. Let's move on

I don't think anyone of those girls besides desi could match tori in an elimination but they're probably working together/on the same team and are winning multiple dailies

What about michaela?

Y'all want 36 PERSON CASTS??? That is completely ridiculous

I would only like that amount of people if they did more purges 

Why do we still call it "the vacation" alliance for this season specifically at least.... bc it's literally only Tori for the girls and Fessy/Josh/John for guys and personally not worried ab the guys 


I don't think anyone of those girls besides desi could match tori in an elimination but they're probably working together/on the same team and are winning multiple dailies

What about michaela?

idk I think she'd hold her own in a solo elim without any weakass man holding her back

I don't think anyone of those girls besides desi could match tori in an elimination but they're probably working together/on the same team and are winning multiple dailies

eliminations nowadays tend to be puzzle heavy, so its possible to take her out.. then again, its also possible that she only gets physical eliminations (if she even sees one) because production favors her. 

Truth be told these eliminations have been wack I can't recall the last great elimination we got 

From this point on stanning Tori ***lol She most being doing something right if she stays making it to the end and these cast members allowing it

i-i agree...


Truth be told these eliminations have been wack I can't recall the last great elimination we got 


olivia/horacio vs ravyn/Johnny was bomb sorry

They did some good eliminations on SLA they need to go back to those. The more time passes the more I realize that really wasn't as terrible of a season as I thought 


Truth be told these eliminations have been wack I can't recall the last great elimination we got 


olivia/horacio vs ravyn/Johnny was bomb sorry

hmmm I guess it was cute I can see your point 

Y'all want 36 PERSON CASTS??? That is completely ridiculous

Right? After 3 weeks I'm ready to have a season wrap up. These seasons lasting 10+ weeks with 47 episodes...I'm TIRED 
