The Challenge: USA - A Civil War

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What gets me us David at this point it's probably thinking that he's such a beast for winning an elimination and now winning a challenge. What a loser

Is Enzo fr? Justine is one of the best cast members imo and I didn't even know her before this season. Breath of fresh air. Why are they bringing these 50 year olds on here with stupid algorithm. Imagine going home cause you were partnered with one of them. Ruining a good season for me tbh

Enzo isn't used to strategizing with black people 


Is Enzo fr? Justine is one of the best cast members imo and I didn't even know her before this season. Breath of fresh air. Why are they bringing these 50 year olds on here with stupid algorithm. Imagine going home cause you were partnered with one of them. Ruining a good season for me tbh

I like this format. It makes the game so complex but you won't see many power moves because it won't likely favor both people in the pair. Take a shot at Tyson? Losing Kyra isn't worth it for Desi

Well he stupid cause Justine and Azah brought the fire this season, but by his body language I actually feel that from him

This is a great time to take a shot at Tyson.

damn cinco said that dirty water made him seek for a good week or 2 after he got eliminated. pretty sure kyra is going thru the same thing rn /: that sucks cause she isnt even a bad competitor 


Is Enzo fr? Justine is one of the best cast members imo and I didn't even know her before this season. Breath of fresh air. Why are they bringing these 50 year olds on here with stupid algorithm. Imagine going home cause you were partnered with one of them. Ruining a good season for me tbh

I like this format. It makes the game so complex but you won't see many power moves because it won't likely favor both people in the pair. Take a shot at Tyson? Losing Kyra isn't worth it for Desi

It's only because the algorithm feels so fake. Like if it was completely random then fine I'd be fine with it, but it's the challenge and we all know they don't play fair so I'm not sure I like it.

damn cinco said that dirty water made him seek for a good week or 2 after he got eliminated. pretty sure kyra is going thru the same thing rn /: that sucks cause she isnt even a bad competitor 

Yeah I feel like they literally threw the cast in the dirtiest possible environments possible and gave no shits 

damn cinco said that dirty water made him seek for a good week or 2 after he got eliminated. pretty sure kyra is going thru the same thing rn /: that sucks cause she isnt even a bad competitor 

Are you watching his twitch? I didn't tune in this week. I was wondering if he threw shade at Cash for crying to Sarah at the start and the shot of her doing yoga lol

Oop is this the Da'Vonne Shaleen elimination??


damn cinco said that dirty water made him seek for a good week or 2 after he got eliminated. pretty sure kyra is going thru the same thing rn /: that sucks cause she isnt even a bad competitor 

Are you watching his twitch? I didn't tune in this week. I was wondering if he threw shade at Cash for crying to Sarah at the start and the shot of her doing yoga lol

no but i caught a snippet last week 

atp idc who goes in as long as justine survives 



Is Enzo fr? Justine is one of the best cast members imo and I didn't even know her before this season. Breath of fresh air. Why are they bringing these 50 year olds on here with stupid algorithm. Imagine going home cause you were partnered with one of them. Ruining a good season for me tbh

I like this format. It makes the game so complex but you won't see many power moves because it won't likely favor both people in the pair. Take a shot at Tyson? Losing Kyra isn't worth it for Desi

It's only because the algorithm feels so fake. Like if it was completely random then fine I'd be fine with it, but it's the challenge and we all know they don't play fair so I'm not sure I like it.

Understandable but they can only rig to a extent. Want your favorite girl to stick around? Pair her with Tyson. But it's no guarantee they win the challenge and maybe she'd get thrown in (due to Tyson) and lose. It's hard for them to predict the outcome. I think at most productive creates 1-2 pairs of their choice and randomizes the rest

Desi and David LAME

:/ for Shannon 

Bye Alyssa. You sent home somebody that would've have your back in the long run

I want to like Desi but she just doesn't provide on these shows :( 

Like make a MOVE!


If Kyra competed in this we'd get Deja Vu of Jonna lifting the tire in Rivals 1 elimination 

not yall wanting david and desi to ruin their games. this was the smartest move

Yeah, I didn't really understand Alyssa's comment. Like, baby you threw in a BB player so...

Oh Queen Justine about to get that 2-0 record

Oh Queen Justine about to get that 2-0 record



not yall wanting david and desi to ruin their games. this was the smartest move

They should be trying to get threats out... they're getting down to it

Wtf... this is so dumb

Oh.. the eliminations this season aren't it

inb4 I get a comment about "We DoNt AlWaYs NeED pHySicAL EliMs" yeah, we don't but they can be better than the ones this season

Damn it was close... Shannon and Derek flopped ;(

Queen Justine 2-0 I KNOW THAT'S RIGHT!
