The Challenge: USA - Alyssa Lopez

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Okay she won with that last line.

she is what the challenge needed

Alyssa used bone rush on Shan and it was super effective Smile



These shorter versions of The Challenge are tough because this might be Alyssa's last chance to be in power, so I get her wanting to make the move while she could. Obviously it was too early, but is it better to make it too early or not at all?

But she made a move on a guy that viewed her as his #1. Does she think Survivor and Love Island will look out for her more than Xavier would? He's been in love with her since BB he wasn't betraying her. 

If you think about it. Less BB players could mean Love Island and Survivor players will target each other before BB and TAR people. Maybe that's what she was thinking as well? 

you might be giving her too much credit. 

Alyssa used bone rush on Shan and it was super effective

Villainess Queen

Still waiting for that hype to live up to Smile

Still waiting for that hype to live up to

My 2nd favorite after Justine. <3

Confessional gangster. I don't see her talking any of this shit to anyone's face...

Confessional gangster. I don't see her talking any of this shit to anyone's face...

Confessional gangster. I don't see her talking any of this shit to anyone's face...

Queen's the final member left of her entire season she doesn't need too... she kinda already won


Confessional gangster. I don't see her talking any of this shit to anyone's face...

Queen's the final member left of her entire season she doesn't need too... she kinda already won

except for when people see it played back and then tear her *** up at the reunion

Shan will be giving it to her. Alyssa will be mute when she doesn't have confessionals/social media to hide behind Smile

Shan will be giving it to her. Alyssa will be mute when she doesn't have confessionals/social media to hide behind

will there even be a reunion lol... and if so will shan even be invited being that she left so early *giggles*


Shan will be giving it to her. Alyssa will be mute when she doesn't have confessionals/social media to hide behind

will there even be a reunion lol... and if so will shan even be invited being that she left so early *giggles*

Why would they leave the most entertaining person from the season at home? She's deserving of a spot over any of these BB flops minus maybe Kyland

Queen defied the odds 


Shan will be giving it to her. Alyssa will be mute when she doesn't have confessionals/social media to hide behind

will there even be a reunion lol... and if so will shan even be invited being that she left so early *giggles*

Yeah, Shan can stay home. I don't think it's entertaining when someone insults people as she does over a game. If she was witty about it, without hitting under the belt, another story. And how can you argue with someone who'll just insult you like that? No point, they would only get nastier, so better to just ignore them. And I liked Shan on the actual show... Alyssa has been fun this season. I love her confessionals, and she's been competing really well. Wouldn't mind seeing her in another season.

Shan is a disgusting human. Alyssa ate her up!

best challenge contestant of all time 

Shan gonna be all UP in Alyssa grill like Naomi did Cooke (if this gets a reunion)

Mi Mami 

Did brought anything? Or just another one you guys hype up for no reason?

she was good

Did brought anything? Or just another one you guys hype up for no reason?


I actually liked her. A bit of a confessional gangster but I'd put her on mtv with Shan hehe

Did brought anything? Or just another one you guys hype up for no reason?

she brought the brittni thorton energy.
