The Challenge: USA 2 - Monte Taylor

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Zach sucks more but they both suck

Def not Zach level but gave mysoginistic vibes nonetheless. No one is trying to pitch fork and cancel him we just observe how he moves and have an opinion. It's ok to see flaws in people you like not everything is black and white. 

King AF! ❤️

I'm glad I stayed out of this thread lmao. King nonetheless. 

No one is trying to pitch fork and cancel him 

lol umm ok.



how is he zach 2.0?

Don't listen to BB fans they are deranged sheep who are overly invested in a show and go psycho when their favs are targeted.

as someone who was deep into the bb fandom this is so true lmao, they are deranged and make even the most toxic challenge fans look sane.

that being saiddddd yeah monte was kind of a d1ck on the feeds and it makes sense not to be a fan

no more misogynistic than 90% of all of these cbs/mtv reality dudes though, he actually fits right in. the only reason he gets extra hate is because his was largely directed towards taylor 

People keep on bringing up sexism but that's not the reason why certain members of the black community had a problem with him. We had a problem with monte because we knew his issue with taylor was personal. We knew what it really was. He allowed the light skin/ Non black girls to talk to him crazy and never raised his voice at them but made sure to verbally attack taylor in the bathroom for hours. There is a certain way that black guys treat black women especially if  they are darker. I think this is someting that black women  understand because it happens in our community all the time. It's funny y'all are framing it as msyogyny. All those guys on reality tv have those sexist traits it's just we hated seeing a black brown skin man act weird towards another darker complexion woman.

Monte was boring AF in the house. The only interesting thing about him is that he started ******* taylor. Some of y'all are obsessed with black **** and have a fetish. If you are black it doesn't apply to you

I've been binging the season he was on for the first time and this guy is a MAJOR reason why the narrative of the house was anti Taylor. He fed and almost gave permission for the house's racism. But he deserves another chance and I don't understand the Zach comparison at all. 

Monte was boring AF in the house. The only interesting thing about him is that he started ******* taylor. Some of y'all are obsessed with black **** and have a fetish. If you are black it doesn't apply to you

Everyone on reality tv is boring these day so that's dumb. I thought he was a cool and nice guy and played a decent game. Just cause you are mad people like someone you don't doesn't mean you get to twist the narrative lol.

******** king

Why don't people like him? Seems pretty chill 

I'm just gonna say it, he's kind of fine

I'm just gonna say it, he's kind of fine

I swear lmao. I don't watch whatever show he came from, but the one pic I saw of him was like whatever. But he kinda fine af in motion oof....

Monte plays too weak for his size. Come on dude, show up!

Daily post about how I want to suck him off

he's kind of fine

Why everyone keep talking how big he is? He doesnt look big to me. Are yall referring to his height or weight?


or something else Smile

I'm just gonna say it, he's kind of fine

Somebody said Snider said he got into it with Bananas after that challenge that wasn't show 

I love him. Like I'm in love with him I feel...


Chris tried to punk him and failed...

jeremiah betta

I'm kinda growing to like him and Tyler's little duo thing, everybody is so mad at them and they don't gaf 

jeremiah betta

Needs a shot on challenge 41 in September...

he & tyler are two guys i forget did the challenge 
