more for us, and less for the miserable freaks on here *giggles*
Do you think you can bottom for him and survive the encounter?
lol? How are both of you the biggest bottoms and talk like this? I'm sure both of you are ran thru (love u girl but this is tea) and will be just fine.
more for us, and less for the miserable freaks on here *giggles*
Do you think you can bottom for him and survive the encounter?
lol? How are both of you the biggest bottoms and talk like this? I'm sure both of you are ran thru (love u girl but this is tea) and will be just fine.
Lol I'm vers darling I don't think I could take his tree trunk though. I've only bottomed for 2 relationships. Both guys were a solid 7. I would never be the same if Chris Underwood entered me. It might not fit. Why could you do it, Haus? Has anyone ever parked their big mac truck right in your little garage?
Puhleeze! Only reason Chris is even semi popular was that damn Edge of Extinction loophole which robbed the more deserving Rick Devens to a sure as snot final 3 spot/
lol? How are both of you the biggest bottoms and talk like this? I'm sure both of you are ran thru (love u girl but this is tea) and will be just fine.
Lol I'm vers darling
I don't think I could take his tree trunk though. I've only bottomed for 2 relationships. Both guys were a solid 7. I would never be the same if Chris Underwood entered me. It might not fit.
Why could you do it, Haus?
Has anyone ever parked their big mac truck right in your little garage?
Can we change the thread title to Chris Underwood & His Anaconda Please?
Let's get dirty bit
ches!Tyler called him a "sketchball". LOL. He does seem weirdly sketchy/untrustworthy.
Imagine being in Wes's spot with having Chris's legs wrapped around you, and feeling that tree trunk pressed against you
I thought this was my boo jenna4eva who wrote this
jenna4eva somewhere wet reading this
I like how committed he is to improving peoples' entrepreneurial skills.
I like him, he's a good addition imo
Mmm if it were me hopefully it's from behind and he inserts.
Lmao bestie
he has really impressed me this season! i hope hes on s40
Icon hello.
Sounds like he may be one and done
Whatever you say, daddy.
2/2 reality show wins and a 9 in ****? Not bad
Better rookie season than Horacio
honestly the most deserving winner amongst the males, i'm so glad he won
Well ******* deserved!
Puhleeze! Only reason Chris is even semi popular was that damn Edge of Extinction loophole which robbed the more deserving Rick Devens to a sure as snot final 3 spot/
I was pissed when he won Survivor so never liked him since. WELP I'm now a fan.
This is what happens when you have a 10 inch ****. You get stuff done!
Lol wow. Welcome back Jenna4Eva.