The challenge: Total Madness - Asaf Goren

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Should have been the AYTO4 regular and not Escort.

Should have been the AYTO4 regular and not Escort.

xander took his spot

xander took his spot

Asaf is funny and entertaining. Xander is not. They both just have long ugly hair.



Asaf is funny and entertaining. 

We were robbed of more of Asaf. Instead we get ugly *** fessy. They really hate us.

Forgettable AF

Not forgettable enough that you didn't take time on your Sat night to comment on him.

They shoulda given him another shot like they did jay

Missing him tremendously today.

Missing him tremendously always. 

Nany's gateway hookup that led her to KC...

How do you not cast this over Josh Martinez?

Not forgettable enough that you didn't take time on your Sat night to comment on him.

LOL how have I only just seen this? Oh yeah, because I don't care enough about his thread. Generally if there is a post at the top of Vevmo you view it, right? Y'know just to see what has being said.

You're a ******* card. The first person to be throwing out 'oh you did this and that' but also one of the first people to jump in every thread with their opinion. I've never really had anything 'against' you but I can see why people make their opinions. Very opinionated and got a lot to say for someone who's always so defensive when their character is called into play...

Rewatching season 4 of AYTO, they definitely need more Asaf. 

Theres a few more that I wish had been cast. Tori was the best choice (sorry but she was good on this season and a great Challenge fit)

I was so sure Morgan was going to crop up, and I know it would have been a disaster but Gio would have brought train wreck entertainment, same with John. 

And I REALLY wanted to see Kaylen

Rewatching season 4 of AYTO, they definitely need more Asaf. 

Theres a few more that I wish had been cast. Tori was the best choice (sorry but she was good on this season and a great Challenge fit)

I was so sure Morgan was going to crop up, and I know it would have been a disaster but Gio would have brought train wreck entertainment, same with John. 

And I REALLY wanted to see Kaylen

Very much a missed opportunity not bringing Gio and Kaylen on

Gio? Y'all really enjoy watching mentally ill people lose it on tv?

Gio? Y'all really enjoy watching mentally ill people lose it on tv?

I know I do 

Rewatching season 4 of AYTO, they definitely need more Asaf. 

Theres a few more that I wish had been cast. Tori was the best choice (sorry but she was good on this season and a great Challenge fit)

I was so sure Morgan was going to crop up, and I know it would have been a disaster but Gio would have brought train wreck entertainment, same with John. 

And I REALLY wanted to see Kaylen

John would've been chaos he deserved a call. The men really carried that tragic season Prosper, Gio, and John would've been very interesting on the show.

Gio? Y'all really enjoy watching mentally ill people lose it on tv?

No not at all. He had more entertainment and depth than just that though


Gio? Y'all really enjoy watching mentally ill people lose it on tv?

I know I do 


Gio? Y'all really enjoy watching mentally ill people lose it on tv?



Gio? Y'all really enjoy watching mentally ill people lose it on tv?

No not at all. He had more entertainment and depth than just that though

Nah that man had issues and was not well. I'm surprised we never saw Kaylen though. 

Double post 



Gio? Y'all really enjoy watching mentally ill people lose it on tv?

No not at all. He had more entertainment and depth than just that though

Nah that man had issues and was not well. I'm surprised we never saw Kaylen though. 

He's a boxer now, like every other failed reality tv male since 2015

Remember this legend

He was so funny. I'd love to see him on again but humor isn't their brand.

Is he ever coming back

Is he ever coming back

probably not at this point
