The Challenge: Spies, Lies and allies- Tori Deal

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The new female face of this show and there's nothing you idiots can do about it.

this new " female face of the show " can't even get at least 2nd place in a final. She also goes home early every other season... what the hell u talkin abt?

4 daily challenge wins in a row, 5 wins overral. The number 1 draft pick. Demolished meathead Jenny. Already been to 2 finals. Official challenge podcast co-host. Getting more camera time than all the other girls. I could go on and on.  The new female face of the show.

Production loves her so I can see them making a final fof her to win, like eat 50 hot dogs and roll down a mountain 

This one made me actually choke.



The new female face of this show and there's nothing you idiots can do about it.

this new " female face of the show " can't even get at least 2nd place in a final. She also goes home early every other season... what the hell u talkin abt?

4 daily challenge wins in a row, 5 wins overral. The number 1 draft pick. Demolished meathead Jenny. Already been to 2 finals. Official challenge podcast co-host. Getting more camera time than all the other girls. I could go on and on.  The new female face of the show.

She's jealous of Ashley who has won twice and she's lucky she got kicked off because she would have beat any of these girls in a final. Also Jenny has won a season. She also lost to Dee and Rogan in a final 

How she jealous of Ashley? Give me examples.

The new female face of this show and there's nothing you idiots can do about it.

record low viewership says otherwise.

How she jealous of Ashley? Give me examples.

I just said she has won before TWICE

The new female face of this show and there's nothing you idiots can do about it.

You are correct and that's why the ratings are rapidly dropping. Maybe one day they'll wake up and replace this cringe homophobic flop before it's too late.

Built like mrs potato head

A LARGE part of why this show has gone so far downhill, and yes i mean large as in this fat **** takes up half of my tv when i watch the show

why does amanda hate her?

why does amanda hate her?

She's annoying and terrible. Why doesn't everyone hate her is the question?

Didn't Mike C throw her down a flight of stairs? 

Didn't Mike C throw her down a flight of stairs? 

Can we give him a medal?


How she jealous of Ashley? Give me examples.

I just said she has won before TWICE


There's a difference between being jealous and acknowledging that someone's a threat in a final and thus trying to get them out before then. You're just reaching.

She's trying to defend Josh with the situation with Ashley but has old tweets using the F slur to describe gays?  Yea whatever trash. Also trying to use Tacha's Titans to show she's getting more traffic on her socials. I love that the Titans hate her like everyone should. She puts on a fake front because she thinks the fans will like her more. That's why I've never liked her just fake all around. Plus she's a homie hopper. 

Lol Tori Deal

why does amanda hate her?

I dont know but I remember how obsessed everyone was with her on here when she was on Dirty 30. Lol but why not hate her? She is a cheater and is super annoying, and above all fake. Amanda hates the fakes. She doesn't have good story lines and she acts entitled when she has bombed every season she was on.

Pretty much. She'll probably never be a champion. 

The stupidity of these vevmo accounts never seizes to amaze me.

The stupidity of these vevmo accounts never seizes to amaze me.

The lack of self-awarness here is hilarious.

She's trying to defend Josh with the situation with Ashley but has old tweets using the F slur to describe gays?  Yea whatever trash. Also trying to use Tacha's Titans to show she's getting more traffic on her socials. I love that the Titans hate her like everyone should. She puts on a fake front because she thinks the fans will like her more. That's why I've never liked her just fake all around. Plus she's a homie hopper. 

She is a terrible person when she used her friends and relationship for her benefit , but that's actually smart she deleted her Twitter because she doesn't make money out of the engagement on it. So if the Titans wanted to hate or troll her they had to leave comments or view her video on IG increasing her engagement = increasing the money she makes per ad.


She's trying to defend Josh with the situation with Ashley but has old tweets using the F slur to describe gays?  Yea whatever trash. Also trying to use Tacha's Titans to show she's getting more traffic on her socials. I love that the Titans hate her like everyone should. She puts on a fake front because she thinks the fans will like her more. That's why I've never liked her just fake all around. Plus she's a homie hopper. 

She is a terrible person when she used her friends and relationship for her benefit , but that's actually smart she deleted her Twitter because she doesn't make money out of the engagement on it. So if the Titans wanted to hate or troll her they had to leave comments or view her video on IG increasing her engagement = increasing the money she makes per ad.

id do it too

What is Titans? Omg I feel old

What is Titans? Omg I feel old

I think those are the Tacha fans.from Nigeria


What is Titans? Omg I feel old

I think those are the Tacha fans.from Nigeria


Oh, so like 3 people. 



What is Titans? Omg I feel old

I think those are the Tacha fans.from Nigeria


Oh, so like 3 people. 

a lot more than that



What is Titans? Omg I feel old

I think those are the Tacha fans.from Nigeria


Oh, so like 3 people. 

Considering she is the most followed person from this season on Instagram doubt there are only three



What is Titans? Omg I feel old

I think those are the Tacha fans.from Nigeria


Oh, so like 3 people. 

No those are probably Josh stans. She has a massive fanbase



What is Titans? Omg I feel old

I think those are the Tacha fans.from Nigeria


Oh, so like 3 people. 

lol ignorant 
