The Challenge: Spies , Lies and Allies - Corey Lay

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I dont even think hughie is that thirsty yikes

He's reading this thread right now for sure 





Disliking him tremendously today.






Disliking him tremendously today.







Disliking him tremendously today.

umm how did he age so bad?

12 Days of a Challenge Career

We don't ever have to see him again, hopefully they lose his number after this

May he never fit the theme of any future challenge ever again.

In the name of the challenge gods, Amen.

May he never fit the theme of any future challenge ever again.

In the name of the challenge gods, Amen.

Disliking him tremendously today.

Disliking him tremendously today.

Disliking him tremendously today.

He's the main example of reality TV getting in people's head; like you go to his Instagram and it seems like that's the only that exist he has a colection of photos with every reality tv people you can name: Aneesa, Zanatta, Tony, Kyland, Kendall.... but no real life people,  there's even a Sophia Pasquis photo and one with the Survivor MvsGenX first boot like come on

He's the main example of reality TV getting in people's head; like you go to his Instagram and it seems like that's the only that exist he has a colection of photos with every reality tv people you can name: Aneesa, Zanatta, Tony, Kyland, Kendall.... but no real life people,  there's even a Sophia Pasquis photo and one with the Survivor MvsGenX first boot like come on

Nothing wrong with that? Some people like to keep their lives private, maybe he uses it for rtv purposes. I still dislike him tho.


He's the main example of reality TV getting in people's head; like you go to his Instagram and it seems like that's the only that exist he has a colection of photos with every reality tv people you can name: Aneesa, Zanatta, Tony, Kyland, Kendall.... but no real life people,  there's even a Sophia Pasquis photo and one with the Survivor MvsGenX first boot like come on

Nothing wrong with that? Some people like to keep their lives private, maybe he uses it for rtv purposes. I still dislike him tho.

You dont have to scroll much to find his before challenge photos and has a lot with real life people

idk maybe your rigtht and I'm just proyecting because I dislike him, but I get a weird tryhard energy from him like he wants to base his life around having been on realityTV, trying to build a name, like how he's on everyones post commenting and things like that,




Time to update LinkedIn.

Time to go back to Christmas shows!!

lolpwnt, that's what you get boo. Bye! Don't come back to the show.

for anyone who didn't know, Corey couldn't get cast on S38, so he played a season of The Challenge on Roblox

and still lost

LMAO I love the challenge Roblox I'm like 2-6 in eliminations 

Came in with a lot of support just to lose it all because of his annoying social media antics. Weirdo.

Came in with a lot of support just to lose it all because of his annoying social media antics. Weirdo.

for anyone who didn't know, Corey couldn't get cast on S38, so he played a season of The Challenge on Roblox

ain't no way

LMAO I love the challenge Roblox I'm like 2-6 in eliminations 


I hope he never gets on again for slandering the royal highness Emmy
