The Challenge: Season 41 - Eliminations spoilers discussions

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We are posting a matchup tomorrow or Sunday depending whenever I talked to to gamer lol


At least SLA has the excuse of being half rookies Jordan slid to a final untouched on a season full of VETS who know he's unbeatable in finals 

Yeah that was pretty unforgivable. Especially considering Cory had an opportunity to throw him into the first elimination 

he was too focused on targeting Tony who would've been a target sooner than later anyways Cory just has no brain cells in that head of his he will always be a stupid strategic player who will never win because he doesn't know how to take out his threats 

We are posting a matchup tomorrow or Sunday depending whenever I talked to to gamer lol

Can you ask your person what color are the jerseys this season ? I know this is minimal irrelevant information to some but can you ask please and thank you 

Cara Maria eliminated by Dee 

I think OS and entrepreneur were the only two weirdos that wanted the title (that could be changed) over a matchup 

(in jest <3)

Me and my Vevmo bestie were on the same page?! <3



me when I found out cara and britni used to share panties

me when I found out cara and britni used to share panties

That's more action than a desperate bottom such as yourself gets. 

 That's more action than a desperate bottom such as yourself gets. 

baby we vers over here 

baby we vers over here 

It's giving bottom. 

 It's giving bottom. 

paulie when he's s^ex touring in florida

Rogan O’Connor was eliminated by Justin Hinsley

girl we wanted bananas ender!

Rogan O’Connor was eliminated by Justin Hinsley

This being revealed the day after I said he's being underestimated is kinda funny. Good for Justin, taking out a champ in your first elimination is impressive 

BUT the cheerleader twink really beat the muscle god p^ornstar in hall brawl OMG! Smile


ok wow I underestimated Justin

ok wow I underestimated Justin

Off-topic but **** you dude 


ok wow I underestimated Justin

Off-topic but **** you dude 


He shut me right on up 

Time for Rogan to hang it up again how you get beat by that twink 

I dunno how yall surprised though when these elims have been carnival games lately... its obvious it wasn't a elim that had any contact involved

Ughhhhh it feels so good to have GOOD twink representation! 

All you homophobic idiots didn't put together that Justin is an athlete apparently. 

Is Justin's show any good? Maybe I'll watch it. 

Justin probably beat him in a game of High Card that ended with math problems. I'm not impressed till I know the elimination. I'm just annoyed Justin ruined the amazing bootlist. 

Is Justin's show any good? Maybe I'll watch it. 

For a documentary-series it's not terrible

Justin probably beat him in a game of High Card that ended with math problems. I'm not impressed till I know the elimination. I'm just annoyed Justin ruined the amazing bootlist. 

The only thing you know about Justin is that he's a homosexual and you're hating. Sounds about right. 

Nany is reheating these nachos 

He shut me right on up 
