The Challenge: Battle of The Eras- Season 40 - Spoilers Discussion

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no one can win every single mission its near impossible. Trust she's been vulnerable once or twice as has jordan. They are just stupid as always.

Or the men want to run a final with Jenny and women with Jordan, so why would the opposite gender target them?

Sure, but in that format they all usually switch off so no matter how bad/good someone is, they get paired with them at some point so to some degree it's even regardless of who is eliminated.

If I was in that position, I'd want to eliminate the person most similar to me and keep the person who has a strength I don't have so they can potentially help me out.

you switch around but ultimately you still want the best there. This is why i always think it's stupid when people want the guys to take out Tori. They're not gonna do that it's gonna take women outplaying her.

This is also why Michaela getting butt hurt about Cory not voting Tori in on USA2 made no sense and people were only hyping her because they like her and hate Tori lol

And then there's me who likes all three of them lmao

I don't very much like Tori she doesn't bother me that bad tho. I think Michaela was THE star of USA 2 and I think it's funny when people people lump that entire top 3 together as stars when she was hard carrying lol 

They need to make the last daily a swimming challenge. They need to put on their producer hats and actually make a good storyline for once. Michele will perform well. She's clearly the female underdog of this season. And her making a final after this season would be great to see. Plus, if she doesn't go into elimination, then we could potentially get a Tori vs Cara final elimination. They can make it a head banger. Cara has always wanted to go against Tori in hall brawl. They had beef going into the season, made up during the season, and could face off unexpectedly in the final elimination??? Hello TV!!

you speaking the truth baby

If Cara wins this (which she won't), I might actually eat my words. We'll see Wink

Wait did PR say that Aviv was eliminated in an actual elimination or a purge? Or do we not know yet?

Wait did PR say that Aviv was eliminated in an actual elimination or a purge? Or do we not know yet?

actual elim

The elimination was a pork eating contest 


Wait did PR say that Aviv was eliminated in an actual elimination or a purge? Or do we not know yet?

actual elim

whoever eliminated her was doing the lords work

As long as Derek didn't get last I'm sure they keep him around. This elimination screams Kyland vs Cory

They better do another purge bc it looks weird that they only did one... #JustMyOpinion

They better do another purge bc it looks weird that they only did one... #JustMyOpinion

yeah I feel like the purge they did do was just randomly thrown in there. A purge right before the final is classic too


97 degrees is crazy for people that aren't pros & didn't train for that sort of weather. I hope production has a good medical team on standby 

They could travel, but doubt it. Rachel is used to that South Florida heat. Jenny is not. Where does Vicki live?

Tori lived in FL but moved to NJ right before filming started. Living in the heat is diff from being active in it tho. I wish them the best 

I dont get it perfect opportunity to put jordan in the only one he beats in physical is derek let's be honest 

Granted he doesn't win the daily that is 

I dont get it perfect opportunity to put jordan in the only one he beats in physical is derek let's be honest 

Perfect opportunity for who? If it's the women deciding targets and they aren't competing against Jordan in a final anyway, who are you saying had the perfect opportunity?

They did not eat with this format.

They did not eat with this format.

In theory it might give us an epic final on both sides, though.

Seeing all the broclics who have already won already run a final together does not move me in the slightest 

I want new champs with fresh final line ups 


That's why Derek Kyland and Michele all need to make it past tonight so we can at least see fresh faces regardless if they flop or not 

Seeing all the broclics who have already won already run a final together does not move me in the slightest 

I want new champs with fresh final line ups 


Exactly like I'm not gagging at Cara/Jenny/Platano/Jordan running yet another final. I prefer a final of Aviv/Michele/Rachel & Cory/Derek/Kyland

That's why Derek Kyland and Michele all need to make it past tonight so we can at least see fresh faces regardless if they flop or not 

this part!!! I'm tired of the same people every season. Kyland and Michele definitely deserve it, idk about Derek but let the gay run a final! 


I dont get it perfect opportunity to put jordan in the only one he beats in physical is derek let's be honest 

Perfect opportunity for who? If it's the women deciding targets and they aren't competing against Jordan in a final anyway, who are you saying had the perfect opportunity?

they know this they just don't care lol it's always been this way. Guys decide what Girls make it to the end and the Girls decide what Guys make it to the end.

This is gonna be that way unless the theme dictates it's individual from beginning to end with no partner elements in the final 


Seeing all the broclics who have already won already run a final together does not move me in the slightest 

I want new champs with fresh final line ups 


Exactly like I'm not gagging at Cara/Jenny/Platano/Jordan running yet another final. I prefer a final of Aviv/Michele/Rachel & Cory/Derek/Kyland



That's why Derek Kyland and Michele all need to make it past tonight so we can at least see fresh faces regardless if they flop or not 

this part!!! I'm tired of the same people every season. Kyland and Michele definitely deserve it, idk about Derek but let the gay run a final! 

preach it 

so derek and jordan (and laurel) are the only people this season to not see an elimination. honestly that's really good compared to most other seasons

Michele just found out she made the final after surviving the purge this afternoon!! I'm so proud of her! She ate

Even if Michele doesn't make the final (I pray she makes it). With how big this cast was and how many people openly saying don't trust Michele , for her to make it to the final 5 is extremely impressive. She's doing her thing and if she makes that final I hope it has a long *** swim. 

I will be converting to lesbianism now that Aviv is gone. ISIS must go down (subliminal threat to T'ori).

Who has the most wins in a row? I know Derrick won 3 in a row.

Rumor has it Michele's chin is full of pure water, not unlike that of a camels hump. She will do fine in the final and take home that 4th place participation trophy fo sho!
