this is the longest tina has filmed a challenge ever. pre-all stars seasons were like 3-4 weeks, and she never lasted more than a month on all stars. she was gone for exactly a month this time <3
filming is only 1/3 done? yeah they're switching to individual eliminations soon, i'm guessing one more round left until final 20 then they'll be a switchup
we're 4.5 weeks into filming right now. we probably have one more double elim daily, and then we're prob going down to individual elims. i don't think we are getting a full 12 weeks, bc that would get us to May 31. and gamer/pr reported that the next spin-off films in May (prob in the last week of the month). so there's prob only 10 weeks of filming, bringing us to an end around May 17th - May 20th.
the crew getting no breaks i know they are tired as hell
this is the longest tina has filmed a challenge ever. pre-all stars seasons were like 3-4 weeks, and she never lasted more than a month on all stars. she was gone for exactly a month this time <3
filming is only 1/3 done? yeah they're switching to individual eliminations soon, i'm guessing one more round left until final 20 then they'll be a switchup
we're 4.5 weeks into filming right now. we probably have one more double elim daily, and then we're prob going down to individual elims. i don't think we are getting a full 12 weeks, bc that would get us to May 31. and gamer/pr reported that the next spin-off films in May (prob in the last week of the month). so there's prob only 10 weeks of filming, bringing us to an end around May 17th - May 20th.
the crew getting no breaks i know they are tired as hell
they just had a break from july - march, im sure they're happy to be back at work
Jordan is so obviously set up to win with who's left. We need a miracle
the crew getting no breaks i know they are tired as hell
Definitely a bummer but totally expected. I knew this would be a disaster when we heard it was teams.
they just had a break from july - march, im sure they're happy to be back at work
Mother Tressler letting Rachel know she's the last old hag left.
And when the vacation alliance takes over All Stars 5?
If this was 10 years ago and the other eras were surrounded by scrubs like Tyrie and Shauvon, the old school would have dominated lol.
Ryan Ksnooze making it this far zzzz
Theo, Josh, or Cory really about to win. I could cry. Happy curly top is still hanging in there too.
Lets go TA
You felt it deeper than the earthquake <3333333
Mother Tressler is accepting new disciples
My number ones oh this is sick
Any other time they like to change the format.
Now when I need it they act dumb?
Each day it seems more like a Tori, Olivia, Kaycee and Cara/Laurel final. Girls need to wake up until is too late.
At the end of day Tina handed Emily her first L.
Proud of her.
Jordan/Theo/Devin/Cory final 4
yall will delude your selves into think Theo is winning when can't do math
The Cory fans will do what they do every season is on.
People will say anybody but Devin.
Jordan will win
**** this season
Lmaooooo Cory and Jordan last longer again hahah
WC, but main show Double Agents.
Lets boycott and dream of better days in the AS5 thread.
Where the Darrell Stan at? If it ends up being Cory or Jordan who won lmaooo
I guess I'm team TART now.
We were having a good day enjoying as4 too lol
Imma smack the back of Darrell's head.
Ugh but you know theyre gonna **** up that one too because we cant have nice things :( the only positive is now we will get tina tweeting about AS4