The Challenge: Battle for a new champion - Spoilers Discussion

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Production better pray Colleen makes that final 4, she's the only non-monotone loser left to commentate.


Peacekeeper, what are your thoughts on Emanuel?

I am not really a fan of anyone left except for my faves.

Who? Berna & Boriah?



Peacekeeper, what are your thoughts on Emanuel?

I am not really a fan of anyone left except for my faves.

Who? Berna & Boriah?

Berna and Colleen.

how did colleen manage to make the final? i thought she was at the bottom

Started from the bottom now we here!!

Emanuel is not dynamic enough as a character to make me like or hate him. If he wins I'll personally be unmoved. A boring end to a boring season. 

Aka the Kaycee win


how did colleen manage to make the final? i thought she was at the bottom

Started from the bottom now we here!!

my stan card is activated. Idk what else to say

Moriah winning before Fessy would everything and more 

Fessy never winning would be everything.

Emanuel is not dynamic enough as a character to make me like or hate him. If he wins I'll personally be unmoved. A boring end to a boring season. 

Emanuel is not dynamic enough as a character to make me like or hate him. If he wins I'll personally be unmoved. A boring end to a boring season. 

the vets are going to treat whoever wins this like an ugly step child i just thought about that. 

Moriah winning before Fessy would everything and more 

That would lowkey be funny and you just convinced me to root for over Eman and Bertha.

the vets are going to treat whoever wins this like an ugly step child i just thought about that. 

I lowkey want Colleen to lose so she isn't targeted and ganged up in future seasons lol.

Not Colleen winning despite having all the penalties targeted towards her OMG?

I'm just really surprised by Colleen and Nurys. I knew Moriah and Jay would make it to the final. But those two, surpassed my expectations. Rooting for them, then Moriah. LET A WOMAN TAKE THIS HOME!!!!

I can't believe these girls got all those guys out lol

Some ppl on here asking for this girl for all stars. When you can tell she is a crack head and is far from clean

Eman, Berna and Jay were killing everything that lead to this final

Jay is the only hope for this season.

Some ppl on here asking for this girl for all stars. When you can tell she is a crack head and is far from clean

She would have Holly B soooo bothered! Bring them back NOW!

the vets are going to treat whoever wins this like an ugly step child i just thought about that. 

Jay is going to get his win before, Leroy, Tony, Nany, Cory, Nelson, Aneesa, Kailah, Jenna, Josh, Fessy, and Paulie. 


the vets are going to treat whoever wins this like an ugly step child i just thought about that. 

Jay is going to get his win before, Leroy, Tony, Nany, Cory, Nelson, Aneesa, Kailah, Jenna, Josh, Fessy, and Paulie. 

let's hope not and instead wish for the future that has Jay losing a final that has Colleen and Nurys in it. Can't wait 

lmaooooooooo olivia losing and james!? im excited to see these elim matchups because they really got all the big guys out. rooting for everyone except emanuel and collen



the vets are going to treat whoever wins this like an ugly step child i just thought about that. 

Jay is going to get his win before, Leroy, Tony, Nany, Cory, Nelson, Aneesa, Kailah, Jenna, Josh, Fessy, and Paulie. 

let's hope not and instead wish for the future that has Jay losing a final that has Colleen and Nurys in it. Can't wait 

with this final 6 I have to root for Jay, Moriah, and Colleen. But Jays gonna pull it off just because you're a hater lol 

Should be a pretty good final. They all have a real shot at winning (besides maybe Colleen but we also don't know much about her) 

I cant wait to know the elimination match ups 

lmaooooooooo olivia losing and james!? im excited to see these elim matchups because they really got all the big guys out. rooting for everyone except emanuel and collen

Unless it's a purge

When season 40 has Danny McCray, Sarah Lacina, Desi Williams, Chris Underwood, and Jay Starrett pull up I just know the vacation alliance gonna be scared.

When season 40 has Danny McCray, Sarah Lacina, Desi Williams, Chris Underwood, and Jay Starrett pull up I just know the vacation alliance gonna be scared.

they will end them REAL quick 

Desi is a Tory áśś kisser, we need Michaela.

why do yall think the season 39 winner will struggle on season 40? its not gonna be an all winners season, LOL 
