yall remember on the duel 2 when rachel convinced aneesa to call out tori because torinwas her biggest competition in a final lmaooo. im getting those vibes
As long as Kyland isn't acting like he wants to go into eliminations "bEcAuSe YoU hAvE tO bEaT tHe BeSt tO bE tHe BeSt" then I will be rooting for him this season. But based on Big Brother I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't even mad at being sent in so much
I wouldn't be shocked if James wins just because he's been speculated the least.
yall remember on the duel 2 when rachel convinced aneesa to call out tori because torinwas her biggest competition in a final lmaooo. im getting those vibes
Kyland, Nurys, or Berna will win.
i dont want a james win. idc if hes in minority, we need a black male winner.
Look at girls left? Like **** feminist with that lineup lol
As long as Kyland isn't acting like he wants to go into eliminations "bEcAuSe YoU hAvE tO bEaT tHe BeSt tO bE tHe BeSt" then I will be rooting for him this season. But based on Big Brother I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't even mad at being sent in so much
James would be the lamest winner.......talk about a wet ****
Absolutely, give us Natalie A.
The Mole Germany ❤️
lmaooooooo I thought you liked Olivia Pooh
And when it's Corey Lay?
no let's talk about it because i know they never stopped voting Kyland in so he has Ed or Horacio's head on his sword regardless.
This resume plus a win would actually make me ignore how trash this has all been. Game would have to recognize game
I have never liked that girl lol I have saying she is their next Tori
James and Emanuel would be the biggest meh out of everyone if they win
I wouldn't be opposed to it because he can body those old vets physically on 40.
I'd be a bit gagged if Corey did win.
A Black and Gay man winning? We've come a long way from Preston (no shade).
I just hate he seems to run his mouth so much.
only liked Nurys cause of Nelson and only liked Olivia because of who else was in the final last year they can leave and not come back.
olivia kaiser : the CHAMPION of the challenge 39
Well let's hope they don't rig that final for nose like they did Tori
Somebody grab me a golf ball I'll take her out the game
I can't believe they got my good sister Michele and my baby daddy Horacio. I need a cigarette
Oh I'm smiling from ear to ear with either outcome
I need to know these elimination matchups bc whoever took them out is about to win
I don't really care who wins as long as it's not Olivia James or Emanuel