The Challenge: Battle for a new champion - Spoilers Discussion

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I still rhimembha casuals hyping up ed as such a good personality and. breathe of fresh air for doing the absolute least like omg 

I liked Ed. He was just so fun and happy, the show has become so dark that I feel we need people to lighten it up. I can see why people find him intolerable. I'm worried he'll become like Nelson, Devon, and others who become caricatures of themselves and play their production given role too hard. Production loves ruining their own cast. I can see me hating him by mid-season, if I'm still around.

And I know a Nany stan isn't bashing someone for being boring and not athletic, she is an absolute eore who brings nothing but an entitled attitude but not in a fun way like Kina or Tori Hall. She's a weak miserable stain on the cast.

How I'm sleeping knowing that berna has survived the mercenary twist and emanuel ed or corey are out 

And I know a Nany stan isn't bashing someone for being boring and not athletic, she is an absolute eore who brings nothing but an entitled attitude but not in a fun way like Kina or Tori Hall. She's a weak miserable stain on the cast.

Didn't say anything about his athleticness , she's not a bore and Nany is iconic idc. If you wanna use me as an excuse to get the nany hate out of your system while she isn't on the season that's on you 

Didn't say anything about his athleticness , she's not a bore and Nany is iconic idc. If you wanna use me as an excuse to get the nany hate out of your system while she isn't on the season that's on you 

LOL, the post sounded more aggressive than intended. Nany was 100% an icon till the Agent era and she's not only been a bore but her presence is an absolute downer. I'm fine if you hate Ed but he has more personality in his pinky than she does in all 94 lbs of her.

I can sadly see Fessy's partner winning. (Idk her name)

The same girl Nany fhuked up twice in an elimination. Nah baby Kiss 2

I can see after that horn blow Zara already a mile ahead of everyone to the first checkpoint lol

Queen Nany Carmen Gonzalez Clark Kiss 2

Nurys and Moriah performed really well on the ROD mini final but i don't think they could get it done. I feel like a Horacio or Ed win is coming

Aw this made me sad. Lol

Its either Horacio, Ed and Zara will win

the one thing i've learned from this spoiler season, is that they could cast the worst possible cast members and people STILL want to talk about it. 

this show will NEVER end. maybe go to paramount+ but the engagement for these shows is impressive. same with all stars 

y tina tweeting bout 39. lmao wat if they really did send out ct & tina as the final mercs to pay homage to cutthroat. also wat if they do back up of me again. yikes

prediction for the rest of the season.

–Jay eliminated by Wes

–Ravyn eliminated by Colleen 

–Emanuel eliminated by Asaf 

–Ed, Berna, and Olivia purged


10th: Michele

9th: Corey Lay

8th: Colleen

7th: James

6th: Nurys

5th: Asaf

4th: Zara

3rd: Kyland

2nd: Moriah

1st: Horacio  

stopped reading at colleen eliminating ravyn. thats not even realistic LMAO.

now kyland call out emanuel!


Damn a bad update for a change 

Wes came in and got his lick back

idrc for him too much but i heard he was providing so this sucks..

Aww not Asaf. Sad

mercenary twist is over THANK GOD, time for these******* to start getting flung 


They need to send James in against Horacio and Nurys in against Olivia just for my entertainment.

I hope Asaf lost to mercenary so they lose some money LOL

I hope Asaf lost to mercenary so they lose some money LOL

I hope Asaf lost to mercenary so they lose some money LOL

he did

So they are down to 225K plus whatever money they've won in dailies. 
