The Challenge: Battle for a new champion - Spoilers Discussion

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If they were going to give the mercenaries eliminations they were good at, then we needed to see girls like Natalie A, Cooke, Mattie, etc. Def not folks like Jujuy. 

Just shows they don't understand how to create a season if they couldn't see the writing on the wall before filming even started

Big t vs Kaycee in a pole wrestle icb omggg

Just a reminder that Tory's best friends were Camilla and Dee, two women who were banned for being racist.

Pink who else are you expecting to come in as mercenaries since the vacationers have now came thru


Tori came back bragging about it  :x

that big roided up monster needs to worry about how she just got WASHED by three girls who have never run a final. bragging ab taking money out of a single mother's pocket, ***** you are SICK.

this close to being as nasty and vile as jenna4eva and oldschooler are in her personal threads

Just a reminder that Tory's best friends were Camilla and Dee, two women who were banned for being racist.

When was Tori friends with Camila?  Not on any season for sure. She wanted to kill her on XXX

Sucks Tori and Kaycee were wasted on two of the weakest girls on the cast

Sucks Tori and Kaycee were ever cast on reality tv

Who in that production room thought putting Big T in a pole wrestle against Kaycee and Melissa in a hall brawl against Tori would make good TV

Jordan vs Ciarran sounds like the only semi good elimination matchup we're gonna get this season 

Who in that production room thought putting Big T in a pole wrestle against Kaycee and Melissa in a hall brawl against Tori would make good TV

Have you watched the show in the past 3 years? They give zero crãps about making good tv.

I hope Melissa bit her

I'm guessing Jordan got something hammer related.


Cory - Snapping Point

Laurel - Balls In

Darrell - Pole Wrestle

Cara Maria - Looper? idk she could have a few of them 


I think they gave KC pole wrestle but I can be wrong about that

and I bet the audience was gagging too 

Not big t unfollowing corey oop--

Just a reminder that Tory's best friends were Camilla and Dee, two women who were banned for being racist.

Tori was not bffs with Dee lol stop making shit up 

JayChallenge said the Darrell is in Croatia. So i'm guessing one of Darrell/Bananas lost on saturday and the other is competing in tonight's elimination 

JayChallenge said the Darrell is in Croatia. So i'm guessing one of Darrell/Bananas lost on saturday and the other is competing in tonight's elimination 

lmaoooo Darrell was probably the one that lost 

Darrell legacy just going down the drain the more I see him 


JayChallenge said the Darrell is in Croatia. So i'm guessing one of Darrell/Bananas lost on saturday and the other is competing in tonight's elimination 

lmaoooo Darrell was probably the one that lost 

i agree bc on friday or saturday PR said bananas hadn't flown out yet 

Lol gamer would call Darrell a flop 


1. Chauncey (elim by James)

2. Jessica (elim by Big T)

3. Hughie (elim by ??)

[Double] 4. Jujuy (elim by Aneesa) & Ciarran (elim by Jordan)

5. Kaz (lost to Big T)

6. Callum (elim by Devin)

7. Big T (elim by Kaycee)

[Double] 8. Melissa (elim by Tori) & Darrell (lost to ??)

9. *films today* Bananas vs ?? 

And on second thought amber can stay home bc I don't think production give enough ***** about her to give her an elim she's guaranteed to win 

Darrell better not have came here and lost 

Hope Darrell takes out ed, emanuel or jay!!!

who yall think amber can beat if she came? Smile

who yall think amber can beat if she came?

anyone * giggles *

A hall brawl and pole wrestle against the mercenaries would've been tolerable to watch if those like Nose, Berna, and maybe Moriah were to done it. Michele against Laurel would be entertaining tho

is it a hot take that laurel would be so boring and predictable... give us jodi or even kiki instead
