The Challenge : Ride or Dies - Spoilers Discussion

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Oh Amber did a pole wrestle

And broke Veronica's hand? Iktr!


Oh Amber did a pole wrestle

And broke Veronica's hand? Iktr!

Actually, I think that was either Michele or Moriah.

The elimination names get worse every season. "You are in the zone" lmaoooo who thought that was a good name

wait who was it amber vs facing in pole wrestle?!!!

The elimination names get worse every season. "You are in the zone" lmaoooo who thought that was a good name

I would be fine with them just calling it the elimination round or the arena for the rest of the franchise if this is what we're gonna get.

Horacio vs Jordan

so there is a redemption house. No wonder it was 2 weeks between an elimination at one point lol

Horacio vs Jordan

how? Could that be why PR thought Horacio was eliminated

The elimination names get worse every season. "You are in the zone" lmaoooo who thought that was a good name

Same people who titled a show Spies, Lies, and Allies and whose life mention is to make Nam happen. You should always have the lowest expectations from them.

When was this special filmed?


Horacio vs Jordan

how? Could that be why PR thought Horacio was eliminated

^ yeah that's gotta be it. I guess it turns into single elims and somehow if you lose you're not fully out unless your partner is also out? I guess?

When was this special filmed?

im guessing on location? early in the game before the "heavy hitters" came in

how the hell did aneesa beat olivia

how the hell did aneesa beat olivia

Weight advantage.

lmaooo Turbo was really popping off before they even got in the house Lol

so was it that amber beat michele in pole wrestle or moriah beat amber in pole wrestle?

Horacio and olivia met each at 14 at the "clerb" ? What is that



Horacio vs Jordan

how? Could that be why PR thought Horacio was eliminated

^ yeah that's gotta be it. I guess it turns into single elims and somehow if you lose you're not fully out unless your partner is also out? I guess?

This was my theory during filming- something weird where you get a second chance if your ride or die stays in the game

so was it that amber beat michele in pole wrestle or moriah beat amber in pole wrestle?

That could also be Nurys.


When was this special filmed?

im guessing on location? early in the game before the "heavy hitters" came in

I think based off jordans haircut, it was after filming. 

oh Nam and Emmy are definetly getting the ghost edit LMAOOOO


so was it that amber beat michele in pole wrestle or moriah beat amber in pole wrestle?

That could also be Nurys.

Yall got me so confused now with all these names it could be especially since I missed the episode lol

Not Nam and Emmy got the ghost edit lmao

Just started I'm dying at Aneesa and Jordan trying to justify them being ride or dies with the those clips lol.

John really aged on his season off. Dang.



so was it that amber beat michele in pole wrestle or moriah beat amber in pole wrestle?

That could also be Nurys.

Yall got me so confused now with all these names it could be especially since I missed the episode lol

LMAO I'm pretty sure it's Nurys. Her back was turned that made it hard to tell

John really aged on his season off. Dang.

Pics? He's a 40 year old white man isnt it to be expected? Well nevermind bc CT looks good and hes older than him Smile

Looks like Amber vs. Nurys

Whew I guess amber elim Queen this season no? Smile

Horacio and Olivia been in a lot of eliminations 
