I hate that Tori's going to another final and will probably be winning this season since production hates casting any actual competition for her other than like Kaycee
Unfortunately I see them setting it up for a Tori win.. and as much as I can't stand her she is the real winner of S37.. just like Nelson is the real winner of Invasion and Zach won Vendettas.. and I can't stand Nelson now.
I would take any engaged or married couple over any of the stretches they are going to be making for Nany/Tori/Nelson/Josh/Kaycee/Devin having to watch Davonne/Jamar fake "relationship" was enough for me
No michaela... I hate everything. Cancel this show.
But on the bright side we'll get ******* emy again. ****!!!!
The dynamic, funny and/or dramatic, well-rounded castmembers never stick around long-term with this show. That metal-mouth mentally stunted smurf-haired ho along with Kasper knew what was good with their bothered, intimidated *****.
The Challenge fanbase deserves nothing more than the both of those peasants being the face of the show.
at least Emy is keeping her real teeth instead of getting ventriloquist veneers like Nany and Cory! And it's not cool to call someone mentally stunted because English is not their primary language... also the entire cast is mentally stunted why do you think they act like teenagers? I will always defend Emy!
if they put those 6 on the photo on next main, next szn would be fine
Day is amazing and is needed
Unfortunately I see them setting it up for a Tori win.. and as much as I can't stand her she is the real winner of S37.. just like Nelson is the real winner of Invasion and Zach won Vendettas.. and I can't stand Nelson now.
Minh actually was a good competitor on BBCan8. she won a strength / endurance comp against this guy: https://i.redd.it/shcxtoijtly41.jpg
i didnt know kaillah had that much clout with production that theyre willing to bring her boring *** bf on
If anybody else wants to join Hauserman and I on the Amba Martinez train BEFORE she controls the season, do it now.
Arent you supposed to be busy smelling Nelson's underwear?
I would take any engaged or married couple over any of the stretches they are going to be making for Nany/Tori/Nelson/Josh/Kaycee/Devin having to watch Davonne/Jamar fake "relationship" was enough for me
at least Emy is keeping her real teeth instead of getting ventriloquist veneers like Nany and Cory! And it's not cool to call someone mentally stunted because English is not their primary language... also the entire cast is mentally stunted why do you think they act like teenagers? I will always defend Emy!
Paulie's only selling point is he would target Bananas.
Facts friend
We love Amba!
They used their body weight to measure how much they'd have to hold up, lol. Of course Mihn beat that guy.
Yeah I highly doubt Darrell is doing this season if they start it in like 2 weeks
season a flop!!!!
Amber M, Priscilla Kelz are going to run circles around Josh and Tori *gigglees*
Omg she's so annoying on EOTB, her funny confessional shtick has weared off. Big eyeroll when she comes on.
Natalie Nunn making her iconic debut straight from wrapping baddies south a true icon
I would LIVE for Natalie Nunn on the challenge...she really did well on All Star Battle.
Lowkey she was the strongest girl in that
Natalie and her husband Jacob Payne would thrive on the challenge...
Natalie big *** ain't in no type of shape for this show anymore.
Jela & Rock (not Rocky) can come but it'll never happen. This show is way too soft now.
Hoping Fessy is banned this season. It's what he deserves more than anything.
Josh needs to stop praying the gay away and start praying to be athletic instead
Besides PeaceKeeper is there anyone on vevmo that actually thinks Josh is straight?
Amber M sucks.
I think he's fluid... ANYONE who gives him enough attention has a shot
Natalie nunn competed in all stars battle a decade ago... she's swollen like a blimp now...